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Posts posted by Longestpants

  1. Although I'm torn between the SPAD XIII and the F-4 Phantom, I'd have to say the SPAD.


    Lots of firepower, efficient, fast, maneuverable, and sexy. What's not to love?


    EDIT: After much consideration, close seconds include:


    F-106 Delta Dart


    F-4 Phantom II


    Supermarine Spitfire


    F-14 Tomcat


    Curtiss JN-4 Jenny



  2. And that is about the most ridiculous attitude - What happens here is a company misses 80% of the simulation market in sales.

    DX10 is unreliable and medial at best in what it offers over DX9. A multi engined DX9/DX10 is what some devs use, and many have not and will not migrate to DX10 because the market is not ready.


    If a simulation is released with DX10 as the only platform. Dont expect every simmer to run out and buy it. The graphics are always a nice touch but not what keep us enthralled in a sim. There is still in no existence a truly beautiful DX9 Military Sim that utilizes what DX9 can do, what you do by saying only DX10 is alienate a large group of people, those of which who would be your primary market.


    Event hough some of us are DX10 capable, many of us still refuse to use Vista, many have given it a shot and have seen absolutely no reason to migrate from XP and DX9.


    Learn your market before you choose the graphics platform, DX10 only for any title = Suicide in terms of profitable margin.


    Well said.

  3. One one very-late night car trip, I once saw a hair-thin line of white streak across the sky three or four times withing the space of about two seconds. It could not have been lightning, as it was a clear night; I remember looking at Orion's Belt. However, I may just have been hallucinating.

  4. I think this is as good a time as any to respond to the locked thread over at your site Don, since I'm obviously quoted in that article.


    Class. I agree. Its all about that. Ask anyone what that means and you'll be surprised to find out that to have it means respecting the wishes of people when it comes to things that should be under their control. In regards to things that should be under my control, it seems I don't have the right to according to some of you. That is the main reason I removed my files. It had nothing to do with me going payware. Dave, although you pretend to not know why I pulled everything, even though we spoke to this very subject at length on the phone, you still offered up my stuff to someone else when you knew how I felt. Not much class at all. Although there is someone who does understand this basic bit of manners and its The Wrench. A testament to being from California, no doubt. Probably the only moderator who will not take instigate a flame fest, pour gas on the fire, take the last punch and lock a thread.


    You all seem to think I'm punishing everyone by removing my files. Odd behavior since when all the drama surrounding my files blew up in a major s**t storm, not one person stood up and backed me publicly. Not one. Everyone looked at the soap opera and watched the destruction happen. Now you're wondering why the files were pulled? Odd. It was obvious people wanted my things when they were removed but not enough to try and keep them when they were freely available.


    Besides like someone else said before, "your files are not even needed, anyone can make them in a heartbeat"...well? I agree. My ego isn't so large that I assume that what I made is the ultimate rendering of an object. Lots of heartbeats have gone by since then. Lots of new very artistic talent has come and gone since then...and yet nobody has stepped up and taken the time, research, effort to learn techniques, buy software and replace my un-needed objects. That is the greatest disturbance to the force. Not enough people willing to roll up their sleeves and do as Maj. Lee suggests - get to work.


    So yes, I'm a lost cause, Don. A casualty of this community's war on basic common decency, respect for other peoples work and wishes. Want to see how any of you stand up? Hit the search button go look at how ANY infraction to the Mirage Factory's files are handled - a quick slap on the hand to the offender and a community reminder to respect the wishes...blah blah blah. Witness countless people do the same to your files and watch as the tumbleweeds roll by...........


    Words fail me.


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