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Posts posted by Longestpants

  1. He was taking the piss dude. Although, judging by some of the other comments there, I do find some odd pride in knowing that, despite being a relatively small nation, our percentage of tards to total population is still way up there in the global rankings. We have to be in the top 5 at least!


    Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Oi! Oi! Oi! :tongue:


    I sometimes wonder where the US stands on there. :D


    God, I can't decide whether the blinding stupidity on that comment board makes we want to weep with frustration, or go on a bloody rampage.

  2. If it's a Japenese body, then I couldn't care less. That generation's culture during the war was an absolute disgrace. Read the Knights of Bushido if you don't believe me. Thankfully, Japanese generations since have been alot more civilised.


    Frankly, this skeleton now serves a purpose, it supports an assortment of life and is now part of a rich ecosystem in one of the few areas in the world where biodiverstiy is relatively untainted by human greed. Let it stay, and let us not forget that it now supports our existence on this planet.


    In my opinion, what this man needs is a punch to the skull.


    Dead bodies fertilise the ground, nothing more.

    Respect should be saved for the living.

    Dead people should live on in our memories.

    Hanging in a tree for over 60 years is one of the most natural ways to give your body back to the earth


    Okay guys, which is it?


    *ssholes or retards?


    Both? I think it's both.

  3. I'm sorry, really I'm sorry.... but I just HAVE TO weigh in here.


    Shame on ANYONE who wants to "wish his cockpit away".




    Yes, it's a visual impediment. They actually were. Some far worse than others.


    Yes, it blocks your view. They actually DID.


    Yes, it makes the game more challenging. In the real event, it was the reason some of the pilots were KILLED.


    For the sake of all that's decent, edit out your Toggle Cockpit command from your init files and never assign it to your commands again. While yer at it, get rid of the chase view, too (when flying). I have yet to hear of any pilot EVER who could levitate in back of his aircraft and enjoy a better view. Learn how to bank your plane to get a better view... and gain an appreciation for the challenges pilots had to face to fly and fight in the time before raised bubble cockpits.


    This is a game, not historical simulation. Besides, you don't get to issue Dictum on other people's personal taste that you are not privy to. It's not something people get to do.


    EDIT: two people beat me to it.



    Hmmm. I first see this news, I get excited. After all, Red Baron - despite being 18 years old - is still the best damn World War 1 game around. But then I start asking myself questions. Like, aren't Sierra dead? Wasn't the whole point of the original Red Baron the fact is was steeped in historical accuracy? Why is this now an arcade shooter for the PlayStation Network where 17 bullets cause a battleship to explode?

  5. That's really annoying! I think that trend started with Oblivion (or with another style in The Sims)...

    As a positive counterpart i would call Operation Flashpoint and Armed Assault - new units, maps and missions (even a newgame mode in ArA) with free patches!


    Oh, man. Oblivion. :haha: Remember the VIP shuttle for "Elite members" only?


    F**k. That was Hellgate. :blush:


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