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Everything posted by Mig_eater

  1. Craig... Couldn't have put it better myself.
  2. I can understand how the Bucc could take your fancy, but I really think if you'd ever seen a TSR-2 in flight (which I haven't!) you would never go back. It was really way ahead of its time, and to be honest it was destroyed by wise American businessmen so they wouldn't lose the Aussie '111 contract. The TSR-2 was actually in many ways far superior to the F-111 and it has been suggested would have far surpassed even the B-1 had it been fully developed. Just siting a little story about its thrust - I know when they were testing the reheat (with gear down!) the Lightning chase plane couldn't keep up... and if you know anything about the Lightning, you know that's something. Anyway, this is probably off topic but basically, can't wait for the Bucc! (carrier ops too!?) - Alex
  3. Buccaneer is an amazing aircraft (RAF should have had TSR-2 though!) can't wait to fly it. Sr-71 will be amazing... will the MiG-25s be clever enough to catch it or will the AI fly too low? - Alex
  4. Excellent looking aircraft, thanks for this - make sure you give column5 a heads up for NF3!
  5. OK, So my only third party aircraft that I have at the moment is the Vulcan, but its really causing me problems for one major reason and one minor. The first is that the loadout constantly changes! I had it stock and it didn't have any stock loadout. Then I edited the nation and the bomb bay characteristics and it did what I wanted... but now, without modding ANYTHING but the skins its giving me only 250lbers! Strange... I think maybe that whole aircraft needs an update for the new patch - its a real favourite of mine so it would be a shame to cast it to the oblivion that is the past. The minor problem is the textures. I can only get decent resolution textures with the Vulcan (and they're still poorer than usual) if I use 'unlimited' in the graphics options, which often causes me to get a complete lock up, or at best bad framerates. If anyone has any ideas i'd really appreciate them as I really love this aircraft and would love to fly it in the much better environment thats been created since the patch. - Alex
  6. X Ray and HiHo, your skins are great but i'm having trouble using them with the new patch because for some reason the resolution drops right down. I don't know the cause of the problem but was looking to use other skins to see if the problem was there too. Would be great if you guys could update your skins as they're absolutely awesome. I love 607 that you made X Ray - right on the money. - Alex
  7. Why wouldn't I be interested?? Thanks C5, but I really am sure that before the patch the textures weren't bad at all. This isn't in any way a complaint to the modder by the way, I appreciate ALL the work done for this sim.
  8. Perhaps its purely my imagination that the textures improve with the unlimited option on, as the files aren't bigger than 512kb. At any rate the Vulcan textures are really blurred and unpleasant with the new patch (and the files themselves look great) so I don't understand why thats happening. - Alex
  9. There were several Cold War aircraft that could use unprepared strips, Jaguars, Viggens and as far as I recall ALL Russian fighters were designed to take off and land on unprepared strips. The MiG-29 actually has its nose wheel behind its air intakes purely so if its on a muddy road, mud doesn't get kicked into the air intakes (furthermore it has auxiliary air intakes on top when its gear is down - the front ones close up!) The actual point to this post however is to say, it would be great to have some other aircraft on the highway airfields, BUT I kind of felt up til now the Harrier was almost superfluous in this sim (and its one of my favourite aircraft) so i'd really love it if there were some dedicated woodland clearings, for example, that *needed* VTOL to operate from. Would be great in campaigns to have them really close to advancing troops. Would there be a way to move these bases as the campaign progressed? - or perhaps for troops to capture them. Looking forward to this, hope I can get it tonight. - Alex
  10. I asked if something like this existed the other day on SimHQ and now it does! Superb, can't wait to get my hands on it. Does the Harrier campaign work with the latest patch? Can someone paste a link to it? Thanks so much. - Alex
  11. NF3

    Hi again, Just another quick (and probably already thought of suggestion) - EE Canberras, will they be featured? - Alex
  12. I echo the comments above about better communication with other squadrons etc, but also, just more immersion: Buzzing airbases with more than one squadron based there, taxying aircraft and generally more detailed bases would be awesome. Single mission carrier ops would also be quite cool... and not that i've mentioned it before or anything, but more RAF stuff!! Seriously though, I am more than happy with the sim as is, TK and the modders (each one) should be proud! - Alex
  13. NF3

    Really looking forward to this mod, any updates? Regarding the Vulcan (I understand you can't include it) will there be heavy bomber squadrons (eg b-52) that could easily be replaced with the Vulcan? Probably a surprise, since i'm mainly interested in the RAF stuff, but what about some Swedish stuff? Viggens, Drakens and Tunnans would be a great addition - though whether they would have got involved (politically speaking) is arguable... Also regarding what I mentioned earlier about Harriers operating from unprepared strips and even forest clearings - is this possible? Would add some excellent flavour. Is there a Tornado F-3 modded for this game? Would love some air combat in that aircraft... - Alex
  14. NF3

    Edit above: USMC Carriers (not Navy)
  15. NF3

    I totally echo the Bucc idea - would be great to get that aircraft in. Also, how about Harriers operating from unprepared strips and USN carriers?? - Alex
  16. NF3

    One other thing I always found a bit annoying was the Tornado HUD - due to lack of a bomb pipper I always found I couldn't do really accurate bombing (like I can in the Jag or Harrier), so I always found I never flew the Tornado - will you be fixing this? - Alex
  17. NF3

    That's a shame about the Vulcan, but never mind. As for the Sea Vixen's - they were based on the Ark Royal, downloadable here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1365 Thanks - Alex
  18. NF3

    I really enjoy NF1 and 2 but i'd (as has been said earlier) love some more RAF or RN aircraft - particularly the Sea Vixen from a carrier. Another aircraft i'd love to see included is the Vulcan. I also get a problem with the RAF Lightning where it automatically carries a sidewinder - a missile it never carried in reality - you might want to tweek that! Will there be busy, bustling airfields? Really looking forward to this one! - Alex
  19. File Name: RAF Jaguar Skins File Submitter: Mig_eater File Submitted: 25 May 2005 File Updated: 12 Feb 2007 File Category: Jaguar This is only my second attempt at skinning, so don't be too harsh! The grey Jaguar scheme is the one being used by the RAF today. The snow scheme was applied to a few Jaguars at Coltishall a few months ago when they went on an exercise to Norway. I hope you like them! Credit to Sony Tuckson for the original skins (i just reworked them, he did the difficult stuff). Click here to download this file
  20. RAF Jaguar Skins



    This is only my second attempt at skinning, so don't be too harsh! The grey Jaguar scheme is the one being used by the RAF today. The snow scheme was applied to a few Jaguars at Coltishall a few months ago when they went on an exercise to Norway. I hope you like them! Credit to Sony Tuckson for the original skins (i just reworked them, he did the difficult stuff).

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