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Everything posted by lindr2

  1. Weapons Pack for MiG-23/27



    Weapons Pack for MiG-23/27 (Upgated 13.08.2009) {Update: BVP-50-60 texture bug fixed.} Readme update 14.08.2009: PTB-800 can be download HERE http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6976 This pack contents New weapons, ini entries, data.ini, loadout tweaks for MiG-23-27 planes series. Pack will be used for some my new mods. New data ini, loadout.ini's required, because specific stations codes used for some weapons. Notes: - Kh-66 can used on MiG-23S only, Mig-23MS can't use Kh-66 and Kh-23 - in RL Mig-23 palnes can use only 2 R-23(24)R or R-23(24)T on glove stations, R & T can't be used on same time because, need CU change on Radar (used CU N1 for R, or CU N2 for T). - CM dispensers used since 1982-83, can be mounted on all 23's - MLD has no ECM on RL, ECM pod was build, not for tests only. - Early 23's used Dlta control pod (need for use Kh-23) on wing, but since MF,ML used Delta-2NG pod on fusellage station. To install - open weapondata.ini - remove weapons: R-3R,R-13M,R-60M,R-23R,R-23T,R-24R,R-24T,Kh-23**,Kh-25**,Kh-27PS, if exist. - copy weapons for weapons folder. - click 'Merge' use MiG-23_27_weapons.ini Weapons list: R-3R Atoll-B {Updated INI} R-13M Atoll-C {Model by Krizis} R-13M1 Atoll-E {Model by Krizis} R-60 Aphid {Model by Krizis} R-60K Aphid {Model by Krizis} R-60M Aphid {Model by Krizis} R-60MK Aphid {Model by Krizis} R-73 Archer {Model by Krizis} R-73E Archer {Model by Krizis} R-73M Archer {Model by Krizis} R-73M2 Archer {Model by Krizis} R-73ME Archer {Model by Krizis} R-23R Apex-A {Model by Krizis} R-23T Apex-B {Model by Krizis} R-24R Apex-C {Updated LOD,Model by Krizis} R-24T Apex-D {Updated LOD,Model by Krizis} R-24MR Apex-E {Updated LOD,Model by Krizis} Kh-66 Grom Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-23 Grom Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-23L Grom Laser Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-23M Grom Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-23D-25 Grom Anti-Radiation Missile Kh-25R Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-25L Laser Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-25MR Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-25ML Laser Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-25MT TV Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-25MTP IR Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-25MA AR Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-25MS GPS Guided Missile Kh-25P Anti-Radiation Missile {New LOD} Kh-25MP Anti-Radiation Missile {New LOD} Kh-25MPU Anti-Radiation Missile {New LOD} Kh-27PS Anti-Radiation Missile {New LOD} BVP-50-60 CM Dispenser Metel SAM Finder Pod L066 V'yuga SAM Finder Pod L066-2 V'yuga SAM Finder Pod Delta Control Pod Delta-NG2 CGR Control Pod
  2. Version


    MiG-31B(BS) Mig-31 update Model & skin- Veltro2K Sound by Spillone104 Cockpit by Erwin_Hans (F-8IIM-Early-96 cockpit) [repainted in blue color for Hystorical accuracy] Radar Screen by Veltro2K changes between MiG-31B(1990) & Mig-31(1981): - New powerful R-33S missile - 4 wing pylons for R-40TD, R-60M - Refueling capable (new B only) - New Zaslon-A Radar I re-calculated Engine tables. some other values changed. Use F-8IIM early cockpit like very compatible (see photos ), it can alse used for MiG-31 & Mig-31B(BS) Updated ini & cockpit for MiG-31 are included, added R-40 pod. This items needs for using R-40 missiles on MiG-31, will replace R-33 number 2, in this cause. MiG-31 have only 2 wing pylons for weapons (2 R-40TD or 4 R-60), outer wing pylons only for FT. (Source: MiG site) Mig-31BS is MiG-31 updated to MIG-31B standart. All russian MIG-31 updated to MiG-31B standart in 1990-1999. Difference between B & BS is refueling option. About weapons: plane used PTB-2500 ft, R-33S from my weapons pack, but i include updated ini for this + R-33S ini. To many R-33 versions exist in CA site, include one of this, sorry i forget who is autor, so sorry for this. I include my weapons in this pack. Alternative Russian A-A missiles ini included. (added more variants R-73, R-60,R-27 Export only & non export for expl & some others) Export Only versions (Reducted accuracy) - R-27R1 - R-27T1 - R-73E - R-73ME - R-60K - R-60MK Internal use versions (For USSR/Russia & WP) R-27R, R-27T, R-73, R-73M, R-73M2, R-74, R-60, R-60M P.S. MIG-31M & BM data.ini small fix (detect section) must be: MUST BE: [DetectSystem] Reference Name=S-800Zaslon-M RadarType=AIR_INTERCEPT RangeUnit=KM & [DetectSystem] Reference Name=S-800Zaslon-BM RadarType=AIR_INTERCEPT RangeUnit=KM in otherwise Wingman can't launch AHM's
  3. Su-24 Pack



    Su-24 Pack for Veltro2K Su-24M Versions on pack Su-24, Su-24M, Su-24M2, Su-24MK, Su-24MR, Su-24MP [soviet], Su-24MP[ukraine] Su-24 FT & Pods included: - OFAB-500U 500-kg Bomb [with parachute] - BetAB-500U Penetrator [with parachute] - OFZAB-500 M62 500-kg Bomb - ZB-500RT Napalm Tank - PBK-500U SPBE-K GPS Homing Cluster Bomb - updated skin & lod - SPPU-6, SPPU-6-1 Gun Pods {new GUNDATA.ini needs, included} with 0, -10, -22, -45 deg barrels positions [included in my weapons packs] - R-55 Alkali-C, R-60 Aphid-A, R-60K Aphid-A, R-60M Aphid-C, R-60MK Aphid-B by Krizis - ELINT Pod, KS-418 ECM Pod, MKS-410 (MKS-818) ECM Pod, SPE-14 ECM Pod - ECM pods - L080, L081 Fantasmagoria SAM Finder Pods - APK-9E Targeting Pod for Kh-59 Using - by Erwin Hans - Efir-1MRecon Pod, Tangage Recon Pod - PTB-2000 Drop Tank, PTB-3000 Drop Tank - included in weapon packs other weapons, like Kh-59 Family, KAB family , RBK-500 coolection presens on my weapons packs Model by Veltro2K, Camo skin by Veltro2K, Grey Skin by Tunderchief; installation - copy plane foilders to aircraft folder; - copy camofalge, get & blue skins from Su-34 skin folder to su-24, Su-24M, Su-24M2, Su-24MR, Su-24MP; - install weapons; - copy Gundata.ini to Objects folder; - Copy Sounds Note: Su-24 Fencer A needs on 3D work on nose, relased like beta. Su-24 Export: Su-24MK export ~80 planes < 6% from ALL PRODUTED {more 1200 planes all variants, include Su-24 - 480 planes, Su-24M - 770 planes [include Su-24MR -130 planes, Su-24MP 12 planes] } Algeria - 10 Su-24MK in 1989 + 22 Su-24MK/MR 2002 contract {but REAL 1 Su-24MK in 2004, 4 Su-24MR in 2005, 4 Su-24MK2 in 2006} Syria – 20 Su-24MK in 1989 Libya – 6 Su-24MK in 1989 Iraq – 24 Su-24MK in 1987 Iran – 12 Su-24MK in 1991 {former Iraqi} + 12 Su-24MK in 2000 {Iraqi?}.
  4. I created some small known iranian weapons AIM-23 Sejil (A-A Hawk), GBU-67/9A Qadr, GBU-78A Ghassed based on GBU-15. note: AIM-23 used sams.bmp texture from weapon pack http://rapidshare.com/files/147779792/AIM-..._IRAN_.rar.html
  5. Version


    MiG-23K What if... Readme Carrier based MiG-23, design project 1977, can be realised in 1980 MiG-23K was proposed in 1977 for Project 1153 Aircraft Carrier Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104 This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2 To Install: - unpack Archive in temporary folder - copy MiG-23K folders to Aicraft folder. - copy Sounds to sound folder - copy 2 test mission to Mission folder Plane specifications: Mig-23K: - Max G: 8.5 - Radar N003 (1978) - ASP-17 gunsight - MiG-23K can use R-24,R-23,R-13M,R-3S,R-60, Kh-23, Kh-23M missiles - Max Loadout 2000Kg - R-100-300 Engine (From 23-15 Project) - TP-26M Heat seeker MiG-23K features: - new canopy - arrested hook - avdanced HUD - improved flaps & slats - folded fin under tail removed - Increased Tail - refueling probe
  6. big weapon pack WIP

    планирую собрать все свое {и не только} в большой пак, вот примерный список: Weapon list: FAB-250 M46 250-kg Bomb {Model by Krizis} FAB-500 M54 500-kg Bomb {Model by Krizis} FAB-500 M62 500-kg Bomb {Model by Krizis} FAB-5000 5000-kg Bomb OFAB-100-120 100-kg Bomb {Model by Krizis} OFAB-250-270 250-kg Bomb {Model by Krizis} OFAB-500U 500-kg Bomb BETAB-150DS Runway Cratering Bomb BetAB-500U Penetrator BRAB-200DS Penetrator Bomb BRAB-220 Armor Piercing Bomb mod.1930 BRAB-250 Armor Piercing Bomb BRAB-500 Armor Piercing Bomb mod.1930 BRAB-500 Armor Piercing Bomb BRAB-1000 Armor Piercing Bomb mod.1930 BRAB-1000 Armor Piercing Bomb VB-1 Azon VB-2 Azon VB-3 RAzon VB-4 RAzon VB-13 (ASM-A-1)Tarzon ASM-2 Bat Glide Bomb SNAB-3000 Krab Heat Guided Bomb UB-2F Chaika Radio Guided Bomb UB-2F-2 Chaika-2 Heat Guided Bomb UB-5F Condor Radio Guided Bomb KAB-1500TK TV Command Guided Bomb KAB-1500TK-K TV Guided Bomb (Cluster) KAB-1500KR TV Guided Bomb KAB-1500KR-OD KAB-1500KR-PR TV Guided Bomb (Penetrator) GBU-67 GBU-67/9A Qadr GBU-78A Ghassed KAB-250S GPS Guided Bomb KAB-500S GPS Homing Bomb KAB-1500S GPS Guided Bomb FAB-500 M62 MPK Smart Bomb PBK-500U SPBE-K GPS Homing Cluster Bomb KAB-250L Laser Guided Bomb KAB-1500LG Laser Guided Bomb Retard-750 Laser Guided Bomb Retard-1000 Laser Guided Bomb Retard-2000 Laser Guided Bomb Mk 20 Rockeye II Cluster Bomb{Model by Krizis} RBK-500 PTAB-1M Cluster Bomb RBK-500 AO-2.5RTM Cluster Bomb RBK-500 SPBE-D Cluster Bomb RBK-500U SPBE Cluster Bomb RBK-500U OAB-2.5RT Cluster Bomb RBK-500U BETAB-M Cluster Bomb RBK-500U OFAB-50UD Cluster Bomb RBK-500U PTAB Cluster Bomb OFZAB-500 M62 500-kg Bomb ZAB-250 Incendiary Bomb ZB-500RT Napalm Tank ODAB-500PM Air Explosive Bomb ODAB-500PMV Air Explosive Bomb KhB-250 Chemical Bomb KhB-2000 Chemical Bomb Mk4 1KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 3.5KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 8KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 14KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 21KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 22KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 31KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 6KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 16KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 55KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 60KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 100KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 120KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 8KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 26KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 80KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 154KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 160KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 8KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 19KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 22KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 30KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 31KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 61KT Nuclear Bomb Mk8 25KT Nuclear Bomb Mk8 30KT Nuclear Bomb Mk11 25KT Nuclear Bomb Mk11 30KT Nuclear Bomb Mk12 12KT Nuclear Bomb Mk12 14KT Nuclear Bomb Mk14 5MT Nuclear Bomb Mk14 7MT Nuclear Bomb Mk15 1.6MT Nuclear Bomb Mk15 3.9MT Nuclear Bomb Mk17 10MT Nuclear Bomb Mk17 15MT Nuclear Bomb Mk18 500KT Nuclear Bomb Mk28 70KT Nuclear Bomb Mk28 1.1MT Nuclear Bomb Mk36 9MT Nuclear Bomb Mk36 10MT Nuclear Bomb Mk39 3MT Nuclear Bomb Mk39 4MT Nuclear Bomb Mk41 25MT Nuclear Bomb Mk53 9MT Nuclear Bomb AN-11 Nuclear Bomb {New LOD} AN-22 Nuclear Bomb AN-22 Nuclear Bomb (Parachute) RN-40 30KT Nuclear Bomb RN-202 Ivan 58MT Nuclear Bomb RAT-52 Torpedo Yu-2 Torpedo RAMT-1400A Schuka RAMT-1400B Schuka GAM-63 Rascal W-5 GAM-63 Rascal W-27 AGM-28 Hound Dog Mod.1 AGM-28 Hound Dog Mod.2 AGM-123 Skipper 2 AGM-129 ACM Blue Steel BGM-71D Tow-2 Anti-Tank Missile BGM-71E Tow-2A Anti-Tank Missile BGM-71F Tow-2B Anti-Tank Missile AS-15TT Anti-ship Missile Marte Mk.2A Anti-ship Missile Marte Mk.2B Anti-ship Missile AC-3G/PARS-3 Trigat LR Gabriel Mk3 A/S Nimrod Missile Spike-ER AT Missile MP-1000 Guided Missile {New LOD} AS-25K-RC Guided Missile AS-25K-IR Guided Missile AS-25K-TV Guided Missile AS-25K-LS Guided Missile Hsiung Feng 2 RB04 Anty-Ship Missile RB05 Command Guided Missile ZT-3 Swift Anti-Tank Missile ZT-35 Swift Anti-Tank Missile ZT-6-TV Mokopa Anti-Tank Missile ZT-6-IR Mokopa Anti-Tank Missile ZT-6-L Mokopa Anti-Tank Missile Type 80 ASM-1 Type 91 ASM-1C Type 93 ASM-2 10Kh Flying Bomb 16Kh Priboy Flying Bomb 3M-14AE Club Cruise Missile 3M-54AE Club Anti-Ship Cruise Missile 3M-54AE1 Club Anti-Ship Cruise Missile Kh-15 Land Attack Kh-15P ARM Kh-15S ASM Kh-20 Kometa Nuclear Cruise Missile Kh-20M Kometa Nuclear Cruise Missile Kh-23 Grom Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-23L Grom Laser Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-23M Grom Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-23D-25 Grom Anti-Radiation Missile Kh-25R Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-25L Laser Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-25MR Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-25ML Laser Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-25MT TV Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-25MTP IR Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-25MA AR Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-25MS GPS Guided Missile Kh-25P Anti-Radiation Missile {New LOD} Kh-25MP Anti-Radiation Missile {New LOD} Kh-25MPU Anti-Radiation Missile {New LOD} Kh-27PS Anti-Radiation Missile {New LOD} Kh-29L Laser Guided Missile {Model by Krizis} Kh-29ML Laser Guided Missile {Model by Krizis} Kh-29T TV Guided Missile {Model by Krizis} Kh-29TE TV Guided Missile {Model by Krizis} Kh-29TD IR Guided Missile {Model by Krizis} Kh-29TM TV Guided Missile {Model by Krizis} Kh-55 Granat Cruise Missile Kh-55SM Granat Cruise Missile Kh-555 Granat Cruise Missile Kh-59 Ovod Kh-59M Ovod Kh-59M Ovod (Cluster Warhead) Kh-59M2 Ovod Kh-59MK Ovod (ASM) Kh-59MK2 Ovod (Land Attack) Kh-61 Yahont Kh-66 Grom Guided Missile {New LOD} Kh-101 Granat Cruise Missile Kh-102 Granat Cruise Missile 9M14M Malyutka AT Missile 9M14P Malyutka-P AT Missile 9M14-2 Malyutka-2 AT Missile 9M14-2F Malyutka-2 AT Missile 9M14-2M Malyutka-2 AT Missile 9M114 Sturm AT Missile (Heat) 9M114F Sturm AT Missile (HE) 9M114M Sturm AT Missile (Heat) 9M114MF Sturm AT Missile (HE) 9M120 Ataka AT Missile (Heat) 9M120F Ataka AT Missile (HE) 9M120M Ataka AT Missile (Heat) 9M127 Vikhr AT Missile 9M127M Vikhr-M AT Missile 9M133 Kornet AT Missile Hermes-A Missile S-24BME IR Guided Missile S-25-IRS 340mm Rocket (IRS Guided) S-25-TV 340mm Rocket (TV Guided) S-25L 340mm Rocket (Laser Guided) S-25LD 340mm Rocket (Laser Guided) Grom-2 Guided Missile HAL Brahmos AGM-379/20 Zoobin Sagheb Laser Guided Missile Farj-e-Darya Anti-ship Missile (Heat) Farj-e-Darya Anti-ship Missile (HE) Kosar Anti Ship Missile Kosar 3 Anti Ship Missile Nasr Anti Ship Missile Noor Anti-ship Missile Sattar-1 Laser Guided Missile Sattar-2 Laser Guided Missile Sattar-3 Laser Guided Missile Sattar-4 Laser Guided Missile Yasser Laser Guided Missile Toophan 2 Anti-Tank Missile TRS-82 82mm Rocket TRS-85 85mm Rocket TRS-132 132mm Rocket S-8KOM 82mm Rocket (HEAT) {Model by Krizis} S-8B 82mm Rocket (Penetration) {Model by Krizis} S-8BM 82mm Rocket (Penetration) {Model by Krizis} S-8C 82mm Rocket (Smoke) {Model by Krizis} S-8CM 82mm Rocket (Smoke) {Model by Krizis} S-8D 82mm Rocket (FAE) {Model by Krizis} S-8DF 82mm Rocket (FAE) {Model by Krizis} S-8DM 82mm Rocket (FAE) {Model by Krizis} S-8O 82mm Rocket (Illumenation) {Model by Krizis} S-8OM 82mm Rocket (Illumenation) {Model by Krizis} S-8P 82mm Rocket (Chaff) {Model by Krizis} S-8PM 82mm Rocket (Chaff) {Model by Krizis} S-8S 82mm Rocket (Arrows) {Model by Krizis} S-8T 82mm Rocket (Tandem AT) {Model by Krizis} S-8OFP1 82mm Rocket (Penetrator+) {Model by Krizis} S-8OFP2 82mm Rocket (HE+) {Model by Krizis} S-8KOR1 82mm Rocket (LGR) {Model by Krizis} S-25-O 340mm Rocket (Frag) S-25-OF 340mm Rocket (Frag/HE) S-25-OFM 340mm Rocket (Frag/HE) 135mm M/70 Rocket (HE) 135mm M/70 Rocket (AP) 135 mm M/70 Rocket Pod (HE) 135 mm M/70 Rocket Pod (AP) B-374 Rocket Pod B-408/3 Rocket Pod UB-8M1 RP (HEAT) {Model by Krizis} UB-8M1 RP (HE) {Model by Krizis} UB-8M1 RP (HE){M}{Model by Krizis} UB-8M1 RP (Smoke) {Model by Krizis} UB-8M1 RP (Smoke){M} {Model by Krizis} UB-8M1 RP (FAE) {Model by Krizis} UB-8M1 RP (FAE++) {Model by Krizis} UB-8M1 RP (FAE+) {Model by Krizis} UB-8M1 RP (Illumination) {Model by Krizis} UB-8M1 RP (Flare+chute) {Model by Krizis} UB-8M1 RP (Chaff) {Model by Krizis} UB-8M1 RP (Chaff) {M} UB-8M1 RP (Arrows) {Model by Krizis} UB-8M1 RP (Tandem AT) {Model by Krizis} UB-8M1 RP (Penetrator+) {Model by Krizis} UB-8M1 RP (HE+) {Model by Krizis} UB-8M1 RP (LGR) {Model by Krizis} B-8V20 RP (HEAT) {Model by Krizis} B-8V20 RP (HE) {Model by Krizis} B-8V20 RP (HE){M}{Model by Krizis} B-8V20 RP (Smoke) {Model by Krizis} B-8V20 RP (Smoke){M}{Model by Krizis} B-8V20 RP (FAE) {Model by Krizis} B-8V20 RP (FAE+) {Model by Krizis} B-8V20 RP (FAE++) {Model by Krizis} B-8V20 RP (Illumination) {Model by Krizis} B-8V20 RP (Flare+chute){Model by Krizis} B-8V20 RP (Chaff) {Model by Krizis} B-8V20 RP (Chaff){M {Model by Krizis} B-8V20 RP (Arrows) {Model by Krizis} B-8V20 RP (Tandem AT) {Model by Krizis} B-8V20 RP (Penetrator+) {Model by Krizis} B-8V20 RP (HE+) {Model by Krizis} B-8V20 RP (LGR) {Model by Krizis} S-25-O 340mm Rocket Launcher (Frag) S-25-OF 340mm Rocket Launcher (HE/Frag) S-25-OFM 340mm Rocket Launcher (HE/Frag) S-25L 340mm Rocket Launcher (LGR) S-25LD 340mm Rocket Launcher (LGR) 9M114 Sturm Rack (HEAT) 2x 9M114F Sturm Rack (HE) 2x 9M114M Sturm Rack (HEAT) 2x 9M114MF Sturm Rack (HE) 2x 9M120 Ataka Rack (HEAT) 2x 9M120F Ataka Rack (HE) 2x 9M114 Sturm Rack (HEAT) 4x 9M114F Sturm Rack (HE) 4x 9M114M Sturm Rack (HEAT) 4x 9M114MF Sturm Rack (HE) 4x 9M120 Ataka Rack (HEAT) 4x 9M120F Ataka Rack (HE) 4x 9M120M Ataka Rack (HEAT) 4x 9M114 Sturm Rack (HEAT) 8x 9M114F Sturm Rack (HE) 8x 9M114M Sturm Rack (HEAT) 8x 9M114MF Sturm Rack (HE) 8x 9M120 Ataka Rack (HEAT) 8x 9M120F Ataka Rack (HE) 8x 9M120M Ataka Rack (HEAT) 8x GP-9 Gun Pod GUV-8700 (9A669) Gun Pod GUV-8700 (9A669) Gun Pod (GSHG 2x) GUV-8700 (9A800) Gun Pod SPPU-6 Gun Pod SPPU-6-1 Gun Pod SPPU-6 Gun Pod (-10 Deg) SPPU-6-1 Gun Pod (-10 Deg) SPPU-6 Gun Pod (-22 Deg) SPPU-6-1 Gun Pod (-22 Deg) SPPU-6 Gun Pod (-45 Deg) SPPU-6-1 Gun Pod (-45 Deg) Matra R.510 (TV Guided) Matra R.511 (Radar Guided) AC-3G/PARS-3 Trigat LR (AA) Tien Chien 2 V3E A-Darter 9M220O Ataka AT Missile (Frag A-A) RS-2US Alkali-B{Model by Krizis} R-88 (K-8M-8,K-88) R-13M Atoll-C {Model by Krizis} R-13M1 Atoll-E {Model by Krizis} R-55 Alkali-C {Model by Krizis} R-60 Aphid {Model by Krizis} R-60K Aphid {Model by Krizis} R-60M Aphid {Model by Krizis} R-60MK Aphid {Model by Krizis} R-73 Archer {Model by Krizis} R-73E Archer {Model by Krizis} R-73M Archer {Model by Krizis} R-73M2 Archer {Model by Krizis} R-73ME Archer {Model by Krizis} R-74 Archer {Model by Krizis} 9M39V Igla-V R-98R Anab-C {Updated LOD} R-98T Anab-C {Updated LOD} R-98MR Anab-C {Updated LOD} R-98MT Anab-C {Updated LOD} R-9 (K-9) R-4R R-4T R-40RD Acrid-C R-40TD Acrid-C R-40RD-1 Acrid-E R-40TD-1 Acrid-F R-23R Apex-A {Model by Krizis} R-23T Apex-B {Model by Krizis} R-24R Apex-C {Updated LOD,Model by Krizis} R-24T Apex-D {Updated LOD,Model by Krizis} R-24MR Apex-E {Updated LOD,Model by Krizis} R-33 Amos {Model by Krizis} R-33S Amos {Model by Krizis} R-33E Amos {Model by Krizis} R-37 Arrow R-77 Adder {Model by Krizis} R-77M Adder R-77P Adder (ARM) {Model by Krizis} R-77T Adder R-77M-PD Adder R-77P-PD (ARM) R-77T-PD Adder HAL Astra BVRAAM AIM-23 Sejil V-300-205 Berkut (SA-1) V-300-207A Berkut (SA-1) V-300-215 Berkut (SA-1) 5V17 Berkut (SA-1) 5V18 Berkut (SA-1) 5YA25 Berkut (SA-1) 5YA25M Berkut (SA-1) 5YA24 Berkut (SA-1) 44N6 Berkut (SA-1) 3M8 Krug (SA-4) 3M8M Krug (SA-4) 3M8M1 Krug (SA-4) 3M8M3 Krug (SA-4) 3M9 Kub/Kvadrat (SA-6A) {Model by Krizis} 3M9M1 Kub-M1/Kvadrat (SA-6B) {Model by Krizis} 3M9M3 Kub-M3/Kvadrat (SA-6B) {Model by Krizis} 3M9M4 Kub-M4/Kvadrat (SA-6B) {Model by Krizis} 5V55K Grumble (SA-10A) {Model by Krizis} 5V55KD Grumble (SA-10A) {Model by Krizis} 5V55R Grumble (SA-10A) {Model by Krizis} 5V55S Grumble (SA-10A) {Model by Krizis} 5V55R Fort SA(N)-6A {Model by Krizis} 48N6 Grumble (SA-10B) {Model by Krizis} 48N6 Grumble SA(N)-6B {Model by Krizis} 9M38 Buk (SA-11) 9M38 Uragan SA(N)-7 9M38M1 Buk M1 (SA-11) 9M317 Buk M1-2 (SA-17) 9M317M Buk M1-2 (SA-17) 9M317 Shtil-1 SA(N)-7 9M313 Igla-1 (SA-16) 9M39 Igla-1M (SA-18) 9M42 Igla-S (SA-24) R-77-ZRK Adder (SAM) V-611 Shtorm (SA-N-3) {Model by Krizis} MBD3-U6-68 Multiple Ejector Rack {Model by Krizis} Spike-ER Launch Pod Trigat Launch Pod Swift Launch Pod TOW-2 Launch Pod 9M121 Vikhr Rack 6x 9K121 Vikhr Rack 8x Trigat Launch Pod AA 9M39 Igla-V Rack 4x 9M220 Ataka Rack (AA) 8x 9M133 Launch Pod Hermes Launch Pod Erijammer 200 ECM pod Erijammer A110 ECM pod ELINT Pod KS-418 ECM Pod MKS-410 (MKS-818) ECM Pod MSP-418K ECM Pod SPE-14 ECM Pod Projector Laser Designator TIS-33 Laser Designator BOX9 (KB) CM Dispenser BVP-50-60 CM Dispenser Efir-1MRecon Pod Tangage Recon Pod Metel SAM Finder Pod L066 V'yuga SAM Finder Pod L066-2 V'yuga SAM Finder Pod L080 Fantasmagoria SAM Finder Pod L081 Fantasmagoria SAM Finder Pod L086 V'yuga SAM Finder Pod Delta Control Pod Delta-NG2 CGR Control Pod APK-9E Targeting Pod {Model by Erwin Hans} R-40 Control Pod PTB-450-ltr Drop Tank Camo PTB-1150 Drop Tank PTB-1500 Drop Tank PTB-2000 Drop Tank PTB-2500 Drop Tank PTB-3000 Drop Tank PTB-5500 Drop Tank F-7M Pylon F-7MP Pylon F-7P Pylon J-7IIM Pylon Kh-28 Pylon Mig-29 Pylon Tu-16 Pylon Notes: - B-8V20 Family used for Helicopters only. - Spike-ER use SpecificStationCode=Spike ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for EC_Tiger included - AC-3G/PARS-3,AC-3G/PARS-3 Trigat LR (AA) use SpecificStationCode=TRIGAT ****_UHT_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for EC_Tiger_UHT included - Kh-66 use SpecificStationCode=Kh-66, New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for MIG-21Bis,SM,S,PFM,MF,SMT included - 9M114,F,M,MF,9M120,M,9M220O use SpecificStationCode=9K113, New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for Mi-24,25,35 included - Kh-20,20M use SpecificStationCode=K-20, New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for Tu-95K,KM included - Kh-55,55SM,555,65,101,102 use SpecificStationCode=Obzor, New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for Tu-95MS-6,16 included - R-55,R-88 use SpecificStationCode=R-55, New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for Su-9,Su-24 included - 9M39V,9M39 use SpecificStationCode=Igla, New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for Mi-24,25,35 included - R-8MR,R-8MT,R-98R,R-98T,R-9 use SpecificStationCode=Oryol, New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for Su-11,Su-15A,Yak-28, included - R-98MR,R-98MT use SpecificStationCode=Taifun, New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for Su-15 included - R-4R,R-4T,R-4MR,R-4MT use SpecificStationCode=Smerch, New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for Tu-128, Tu-128M included - R-40RD,TD,RD-1,TD-1 use SpecificStationCode=Sapfir-25, New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for MiG-25PD,MiG-31,MiG-31B,MiG-31M included - R-23R,T, R-24R,T,MR,R-25 use SpecificStationCode=Sapfir-23, New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for MiG-23M,MF,ML,MLA,MLD,P included - R-33,33S,R-40 Control Pod use SpecificStationCode=Zaslon, New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for MiG-31,MiG-31B included - R-37 use SpecificStationCode=Zaslon-M, New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for MiG-31M included - BVP-50-60 use SpecificStationCode=MiG-23 New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for MiG-23M,MF,ML,MLA,P included INI only WORK (Addiotional versions + ini update) for Stock/Bunnyap: AGM-12D Bullpup-B Guided Missile (Nuclear) {new} BGM-71B TOW{INI edit} BGM-71C Improved TOW {new} RB75 Maverick{INI edit} RB75T Maverick {new} RB12 Penguin 3{INI edit} KS-1 Kometa Cruise Missile{INI edit} KS-1M Kometa Cruise Missile {new} K-10S Kipper Guided Missile {INI edit} K-10SN Kipper Guided Missile {new} K-10SD Kipper Guided Missile {new} K-10SDV Kipper Guided Missile (Nuclear) {new} KSR-2 Kelt Cruise Missile{INI edit} KSR-2M Kelt Cruise Missile {new} KSR-2MS Kelt Cruise Missile (Nuclear) {new} KSR-5 Kingfish Cruise Missile {INI edit} KSR-5S Kingfish Cruise Missile (Nuclear) {new} KSR-5P Kingfish Cruise Missile {INI edit} KSR-5PS Kingfish Cruise Missile (Nuclear) {new} KSR-5N Kingfish Cruise Missile {INI edit} KSR-11 Kelt Anti-Radiation Missile {INI edit} KSR-11S Kelt Anti-Radiation Missile (Nuclear) {New} Kh-22 Burya Cruise Missile {INI edit} Kh-22PSI Burya Nuclear Cruise Missile {INI edit} Kh-22P Burya Cruise Missile {INI edit} Kh-22M Burya Cruise Missile {new} Kh-22MA Burya Nuclear Cruise Missile{INI edit} Kh-22MP Burya Cruise Missile {new} Kh-22N Burya Cruise Missile {INI edit} Kh-22NA Burya Nuclear Cruise Missile {new} Kh-22NP Burya Cruise Missile {new} Kh-28S Nachodka Anti-Radiation Missile {new} Kh-58S Kilter Anti-Radiation Missile {new} 9M11 Falanga AT Missile {new} 9M17 Falanga-M AT Missile {new} 9M17P Falanga-P AT Missile{INI edit} 9M17M Falanga-M AT Missile {new} 9M17M2 Falanga-M2 AT Missile (FAE) {new} S-13KOR 132mm Rocket (LGR) {new} S-13KOR-T 132mm Rocket AT (LGR) {new} S-13KOR-OD 132mm Rocket FAE (LGR) {new} S-13B 132mm Rocket (Penetration){INI edit} S-13OF 132mm Rocket (AP/AM){INI edit} S-13T 132mm Rocket (Tandem Warhead){INI edit} S-13D 132mm Rocket (FAE){INI edit} S-13DF 132mm Rocket (FAE){INI edit} S-13ALC 132mm Rocket (Chaff) {new} S-13OFS-1 132mm Rocket (AP/AM) {new} S-13OFS-2 132mm Rocket (AP/AM) {new} UB-13L RP (Chaff) {new} UB-13L RP (AP/AM) {new} UB-13L RP (AP/AM)-2 {new} GP-9 Gun Pod (PFM) {new} Tien Chien 1 {new} RB98 IRIS-T {new} RB99 AMRAAM {new} AA-20 RCG A-A Missile {new} AA-25 RCG A-A Missile {new} V-750 Dvina (SA-2A) {new} V-750V Dvina (SA-2A) {new} V-750VN Dvina (SA-2B){INI edit} V-753 Volkhov-M SA(N)-2 {new} V-755 Volkhov (SA-2C){INI edit} V-760 Volkhov (SA-2C) {new} V-750SM Volkhov (SA-2D) {new} V-755-1 Volkhov (SA-2E) {new} V-759 Volkhov (SA-2F){INI edit} V-760V Volkhov (SA-2F) {new} V-755M Volkhov (SA-2G) {new} 5YA23 Volga-2A (SA-2H) {new} V-600P Neva (SA-3){INI edit} V-600 Volna SA(N)-1A {new} V-601P Neva-M/Pechora (SA-3) {new} V-601 Volna-M SA(N)-1B {new} V-600PD/PK Neva-M1/Pechora-M (SA-3) {new} V-601D Pechora 2A (SA-3) {new} V-860P Angara (SA-5A){INI edit} V-860PV Vega(SA-5B) {new} V-870 Biriusa (SA-5B) {new} V-880 Vega-M (SA-5B) {new} V-880E Vega-E (SA-5B) {new} V-880M Dubna-D (SA-5C) {new} V-880MN Dubna-D (SA-5C) {new} 9M32 Strela-2 (SA-7){INI edit} 9M32M Strela-2M (SA-7) {new} 9M33 Osa/Romb (SA-8){INI edit} 9M33M Osa-M SA(N)-4A {new} 9M33M2 Osa-AK (SA-8B) {new} 9M33M3 Osa-AKM (SA-8C) {new} 9M33MA Osa-MA SA(N)-4B {new} 9M31 Strela-1 SA-9{INI edit} 9M31M Strela-1M (SA-9B){INI edit} 9M36 Strela-3 (SA-14) HongQi-2 {new} HongQi-2A {new} HongQi-2B {new} For KAB-500Kr: KAB-500KR TV Guided Bomb {INI edit} KAB-500KR-K TV Guided Bomb (Cluster) {new} KAB-500KR-OD TV Guided Bomb (FAE) {new} KAB-500R IR Guided Bomb {new} For KAB-500L/1500L: KAB-500L Laser Guided Bomb {INI edit} KAB-500L-K Laser Guided Bomb (Cluster) {new} KAB-500L-OD Laser Guided Bomb (FAE) {new} KAB-1500L Laser Guided Bomb {INI edit} KAB-1500L-F Laser Guided Bomb (Anty-Runway) {new} KAB-1500L-OD Laser Guided Bomb (FAE) {new} KAB-1500L-PR Laser Guided Bomb (Penetrator) {new} S-5 Rocket 1 from ORO-57: S-5 57mm GP Rocket {INI edit} S-5M 57mm Rocket {new} S-5MO 57mm Rocket {new} S-5K 57mm Rocket {new} S-5KO 57mm Rocket {new} S-5K1 57mm Rocket {new} S-5KP 57mm Rocket {new} S-5KPB 57mm Rocket {new} S-5S 57mm Rocket {new} S-5SB 57mm Rocket {new} S-5O 57mm Rocket {new} S-5O1 57mm Rocket {new} S-5P 57mm Rocket {new} S-5KOR 57mm Rocket (LGR) {new} UB-16-57U (HEAT) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UMP (HEAT) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UV (HEAT) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UMP (AT) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UV (AT) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UMP (HEAT-FRAG) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UV (HEAT-FRAG) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UMP (HEAT-H.FRAG) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UV (HEAT-H.FRAG) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UMP (HEAT-H.FRAG)-B Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UV (HEAT-H.FRAG)-B Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UMP (FRAG) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UV (FRAG) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57U (Lum Flare) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UMP (Lum Flare) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UV (Lum Flare) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UMP (Flare with chute) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UV (Flare with chute) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57U (Chaff) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UMP (Chaff) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UV (Chaff) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UMP (Arrows) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UV (Arrows) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UMP (Arrows)-B Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UV (Arrows)-B Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UMP (LGR) Rocket Pod {new} UB-16-57UV (LGR) Rocket Pod {new} UB-32-57 (HEAT) Rocket Pod {new} UB-32A-24 (HEAT) Rocket Pod {new} UB-32-57 (AT) Rocket Pod {new} UB-32A-24 (AT) Rocket Pod {new} UB-32-57 (HEAT-FRAG) Rocket Pod {new} UB-32A-24 (HEAT-FRAG) Rocket Pod {new} UB-32-57 (HEAT-H.FRAG) Rocket Pod {new} UB-32A-24 (HEAT-H.FRAG) Rocket Pod {new} UB-32-57 (HEAT-H.FRAG)-B Rocket Pod {new} UB-32A-24 (HEAT-H.FRAG)-B Rocket Pod {new} UB-32-57 (FRAG) Rocket Pod {new} UB-32A-24 (FRAG) Rocket Pod {new} UB-32-57 (Lum Flare) Rocket Pod {new} UB-32A-24 (Lum Flare) Rocket Pod {new} UB-32-57 (Flare with chute) Rocket Pod {new} UB-32A-24 (Flare with chute) Rocket Pod {new} UB-32-57 (Chaff) Rocket Pod {new} UB-32A-24 (Chaff) Rocket Pod {new} UB-32-57 (Arrows) Rocket Pod {new} UB-32A-24 (Arrows) Rocket Pod {new} UB-32-57 (Arrows)-B Rocket Pod {new} UB-32A-24 (Arrows)-B Rocket Pod {new} UB-32-57 (LGR) Rocket Pod {new} UB-32A-24 (LGR) Rocket Pod {new} For: MiG-21UM Training Gunpod: A-12.7 Gunpod {new} For MIM-14: MIM-14 Nike Hercules (M-22) MIM-14 Nike Hercules (M-23) MIM-14 Nike Hercules (M-97) MIM-14 Nike Hercules (T-45) For PAC-2: MIM-104A Patriot {new} MIM-104B Patriot {new} MIM-104C (PAC-2) {INI Edit} MIM-104D Patriot {new} MIM-104E Patriot {new} For Bloodhound Missile: Bloodhound MkI {new} Bloodhound MkII {INI Edit} For Roland: MIM-115 Roland {new} Roland-2 missile {new} Roland-3 missile {new} For Blowpipe Missile: Javelin Missile {new} Starburst Missile {new} For Rapier: Rapier Mk.I {INI Edit} Rapier Mk.IIA {new} Rapier Mk.IIB {new} Rapier-2000 {new} Rapier Laserfire {new} For SA-13: 9M37 Strela 10 (SA-13) {INI edit} 9M37M Strela 10M (SA-13B) {new} 9M333 Strela 10M3 (SA-13D) {new} For SA-15 Tor: 9M330 Tor (SA-15) {INI edit} 9M330-2 SA(N)-9 Kinzhal/Klinok {new} 9M331 Tor-1M (SA-15B) {new} For SA-19: 9M311 Tunguska (SA-19) {INI edit} 9M311M Tunguska-M (SA-19) {new} 9M311-1 Kortik/Kashtan SA(N)-11 {new} For SA-20 48N62 Gargoyle (SA-20A) {new} 48N63 Gargoyle (SA-20B) {new} - UB-16-57UV,UB-32A-24 used for Helicopters only - R-40R,R-40T use SpecificStationCode=Smerch-A, New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for MiG-25P,PD(E) included - KS-1,M use SpecificStationCode=KS, New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for Tu-4,Tu-16KS included - K-10S,SN,SD,SDV, use SpecificStationCode=K-10, New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for Tu-16K-10,K-10-26 included - KSR-2,2M,2MS,KSR-11 use SpecificStationCode=KSR-2, New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for Tu-16KSR-2,KSR-2-5-11 included - KSR-5,2M,2MS use SpecificStationCode=K-26, New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for Tu-16KSR-10-26,KSR-2-5-11 included - Kh-22,PSI,P,M,MA,MP,N,NA,NP use SpecificStationCode=K-22, New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for Tu-22K,KD, Tu-95K-22 included - A-12.7 Gunpod use SpecificStationCode=21U, New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for MiG-21U,US,UM included - GP-9-2 use SpecificStationCode=GP-9, New ****_data.ini, ****_loadout.ini for MiG-21PFM,SPS included
  7. Weapon Pack (Part 3)



    To Install: see Readme.txt Weapons list: Soviet Union / Russia: 3M-14AE Club Cruise Missile 3M-54AE Club Anti-Ship Cruise Missile 3M-54AE1 Club Anti-Ship Cruise Missile 10Kh - V1 based Land Attack Missile 16Kh Priboy V1 based Land Attack Missile 2-engined Kh-59 Ovod (Updated) booster added (with remove animation) Kh-59M Ovod (Updated) booster added (with remove animation) Kh-59M2 Ovod - new TV seeker & fins Kh-59M Ovod (Cluster Warhead) (Updated) booster added (with remove animation) Kh-59MK Ovod (ASM) (Updated) some LOD fix's Kh-59MK2 Ovod (Land Attack) new version of MK UB-2F Chaika Radio Guided Bomb - FritzX based RC Bomb UB-2F-2 Chaika-2 Heat Guided Bomb - Heat Guided Bomb UB-5F Condor Radio Guided Bomb - FritzX based RC Bomb KAB-250L Laser Guided Bomb KAB-250S GPS Guided Bomb KAB-1500LG Laser Guided Bomb - new Gyro stabilized seeker KAB-1500TK TV Command Guided Bomb (Updated) - added release animation KAB-1500S GPS Guided Bomb - added release animation R-77M Adder R-77P Adder (ARM) R-77T Adder R-77M-PD Adder R-77P-PD (ARM) R-77T-PD Adder R-77-ZRK Adder (SAM) RAT-52 Torpedo (Updated) - added release animation RAMT-1400A Schuka - RAT-52 'Big Sister' RC version RAMT-1400B Schuka - RAT-52 'Big Sister' Active Radar version RN-40 30KT Nuclear Bomb RN-202 Ivan 58MT Nuclear Bomb Kh-555 Granat - Kh-55SM with HE warhead S-8OFP1 82mm Rocket (Penetrator) UB-8M1 Rocket Pod (Penetrator) S-8OFP2 82mm Rocket (HE) UB-8M1 Rocket Pod (HE) S-8OKOR1 82mm Rocket (Laser Guided) UB-8M1 Rocket Pod (LGR) - Note: ATR class weapon! S-13KOR 132mm Rocket (Laser Guided) S-13KOR-T 132mm Rocket AT (Laser Guided) S-13KOR-OD 132mm Rocket FAE (Laser Guided) S-13 LGR Launch Pod - Note: ATR class weapon! S-24BME IR Guided Missile S-25-O 340mm Rocket (Frag) - Note: Use NEW DATA! S-25-OF 340mm Rocket (Frag/HE) - Note: Use NEW DATA! S-25-OFM 340mm Rocket (Frag/HE) S-25-IRS 340mm Rocket (IRS Guided) S-25L 340mm Rocket (Laser Guided) S-25LD 340mm Rocket (Laser Guided) S-25-TV 340mm Rocket (TV Guided) S-25-OF 340mm Rocket Launcher (HE/Frag) Note: Use NEW DATA! S-25-O 340mm Rocket Launcher (Frag) Note: Use NEW DATA! S-25-OFM 340mm Rocket Launcher (HE/Frag) S-25 LGR Launch Pod - Note: GP class weapon S-25TV_POD - Note: GP class weapon PLAB-250-120 Bomb (Anti Submarine) - use in Russian Naval Aviation RBK-500 PTAB Cluster Bomb - AT - 352 Bomblets Note: Use NEW DATA! RBK-500 PTAB-1M Cluster Bomb - AT - 268 Bomblets RBK-500 AO-2.5RTM Cluster Bomb - AT/AP - 108 Bomblets RBK-500 SPBE-D Cluster Bomb - AT - 15 Bomblets RBK-500U OAB-2.5RT Cluster Bomb - AT/AP - 126 Bomblets RBK-500U BETAB-M Cluster Bomb - Anty-Runway - 10 Bomblets RBK-500U OFAB-50UD Cluster Bomb - AP/AT - 10 Bomblets RBK-500U PTAB Cluster Bomb - AT - 352 Bomblets RBK-500U SPBE Cluster Bomb - AT - 15 Bomblets PBK-500U SPBE-K GPS Homing Cluster Bomb - AT - 15 Bomblets Tu-16 Pylon - Note: GP class weapon China: Yu-2 Torpedo (Updated) - added release animation Iran: AGM-379/20 Zoobin AIM-23 Sejil - AA version of RIM-23 Farj-e-Darya (Heat) - TV version of Italian Marte Mk.2 Farj-e-Darya (HE) - TV version of Italian Marte Mk.2 GBU-67/9A - US GBU-8 based GBU-78A - US GBU-15 based Kosar Anti Ship Missile - C701 based Kosar 3 Anti Ship Missile - C703? based IRAN Kh-55 - Ukranian Kh-55 with HE warhead Nasr Anti Ship Missile - C706? based Retard-750 Laser Guided Bomb Retard-1000 Laser Guided Bomb Retard-2000 Laser Guided Bomb Sattar-1 Laser Guided Missile - AIM-54 Based Sattar-2 Laser Guided Missile - AIM-54 Based Sattar-3 Laser Guided Missile - AIM-54 Based Sattar-4 Laser Guided Missile - AIM-54 Based TIS-33 Laser Designator - Chinese origin? Toophan 2 Anti-Tank Missile - Updated Tow Yasser Laser Guided Missile - RIM-23 body + M117 Warhead IRAN TOW Launch Pod Argentina: AS-25K-RC Guided Missile AS-25K-IR Guided Missile AS-25K-TV Guided Missile AS-25K-LS Guided Missile MP-1000 Guided Missile France: AS-15TT Anti-ship Missile Italy: Marte Mk.2A Anti-ship Missile Marte Mk.2B Anti-ship Missile US: ASM-2 Bat Glide Bomb Mk4 1KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 3.5KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 8KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 14KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 21KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 22KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 31KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 6KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 16KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 55KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 60KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 100KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 120KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 8KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 26KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 80KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 154KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 160KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 8KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 19KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 22KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 30KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 31KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 61KT Nuclear Bomb Mk8 25KT Nuclear Bomb Mk8 30KT Nuclear Bomb Mk11 25KT Nuclear Bomb Mk11 30KT Nuclear Bomb Mk12 12KT Nuclear Bomb Mk12 14KT Nuclear Bomb Mk14 5MT Nuclear Bomb Mk14 7MT Nuclear Bomb Mk15 1.6MT Nuclear Bomb Mk15 3.9MT Nuclear Bomb Mk17 10MT Nuclear Bomb Mk17 15MT Nuclear Bomb Mk18 500KT Nuclear Bomb Mk28 70KT Nuclear Bomb Mk28 1.1MT Nuclear Bomb Mk36 9MT Nuclear Bomb Mk36 10MT Nuclear Bomb Mk39 3MT Nuclear Bomb Mk39 4MT Nuclear Bomb Mk41 25MT Nuclear Bomb Mk53 9MT Nuclear Bomb BGM-71D Tow-2A Anti-Tank Missile BGM-71F Tow-2B Anti-Tank Missile
  8. Version 1.0


    Yak-28I for SFP1 Readme Yak-28I 'Initsiativa' (Initiative) (1962) Model based on Yak-28B model by Pasko, sound by Spiloone 104 A4-E Cockpit repaint by Wrench red5202 pilot by The Trooper plane required Yak-28 Bombs pack, please install it before http://combatace.com/files/file/11863-yak-28-family-bombs-pack-for-sfp1/ To Install: - unpack Archive in temporary folder - copy Yak-28I folder to Aicraft folder. - copy Sounds to Sound folder - copy pilots to Aicraft folder - copy Fuel tanks & MER to Weapons folder - open weaponeditor & merge weapondata.ini with Yak-28FT_and_Racks.ini (Weapon racks KD3-226-250 & KD3-226-500 has ini only section, they need for 6 FAB-250 / 4 FAB-500 loadout) Plane specifications: Yak-28I: - Engine R-11AF2-300 - GSh-23 gun - max flight distance 2100 km - Mach limit 1.84 - 'Initsiativa-2' Radar - Bombs loadout - 6 FAB-250 type bombs (1620 kg max) or - 4 Fab-500 type bombs (2120 kg max) or 1 FAB-1500 or 1 FAB-3000 type bombs (3200 kg max) Yak-28I features: - animated canopy - animated air intake cone - animated nozzles - drag chute Yak-28I production: (223 planes 1962~66) Yak-28I used in Afganistan campaign (1980-82) 149-th GvBAP (Khanabad Airfield, Uzbekistan) 4 feb 1980 one plane crashed near Karshi.
  9. Version


    Su-7, Su-7B, Su-7BKL Early (Stock Su-7BM Mod) Installation: copy planes to Aircraft forder , copy Soviet silver skin to all su-7 folders, copy weapons to weapons folder, add ini to weapondata.ini Model: 3rdwire Cockpit: Boopidoos Su-7BM http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6159 SPS-141-1I Model & Textures Ravenclaw_007 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6975 Engine: AL-7 from Jet Sounds Collection 2 by Spillone104 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5910 Su-7 History: Su-7 (1957) Fighter, 4 pylons, 1000 Kg Max Loadout - small bombs, RP , AL-7F-1-50 Engine, 2 PTB-600 (600lt FT) on fuselage 132 planes Su-7B (1961) Fighter Bomber, 4 pylons, 2000 Kg Max Loadout - Bombs, RP ,Nuclear Boms AL-7F-1-100U Engine, 2 PTB-600 (600lt FT) on fuselage, added onwing FC 344 planes Su-7BM (1962) Fighter Bomber, 6 pylons, 2500 Kg Max Loadout - Bombs, RP, Nuclear Bombs AL-7F-1-200 Engine, 4 PTB-600 (600lt FT) on fuselage & wings, extended onwing FC, ECM pod Siren'-1I (since 1964) Exported to WP countries. 291 planes Su-7BKL Early (1965) Fighter Bomber, 6 pylons, 2500 Kg Max Loadout - Bombs ,RP, Nuclear Bombs AL-7F-1-200 Engine, 4 PTB-600 (600lt FT) on fuselage & wings, extended fuselage FC, ECM pod Siren'-1I Exported to WP countries. 194 planes Su-7BKL Late (1969) Fighter Bomber, 8 pylons, 3000 Kg Max Loadout - Bombs, RP, Nuclear Bombs AL-7F-1-200 Engine, 4 PTB-600,950 (600lt,950lt FT) on fuselage & wings, ECM pod Siren'-1I Exported to WP countries. 80 planes Su-7BMK (1966) Fighter Bomber, 6-8 pylons, 3000 Kg Max Loadout - Bombs, RP , AL-7F-1-200 Engine, 4 PTB-600 (600lt FT) on fuselage & wings EXPORT ONLY VERSION of Su-7BKL Exported to NON-WP countries. 441 planes Last Su-7BKL maked in 1972, last Su-7BMK - in 1971 SPS-141 Siren'-1 has 3 versions: I - 5W power, used on Su-7, Yak-28, F - 20W power , used on Su-17, D - 100W Power Freq. memory for some Tu's Siren' based on U-2 ECM pod, captured undamaged in 1960. Install my weapon pack for more get Su-7 weapons, include taktical nuke bomb. P.S. Need PTB-950 & BKL Late drawings....
  10. http://rapidshare.com/files/250434153/Kh-66-23-25.rar final beta. Max files included.
  11. File Name: J-35 Draken pack (A,B,BS,D,FS,J,OE,F.35) File Submitter: lindr2 File Submitted: 05 January 2009 File Category: Saab Aircraft J-35 Draken pack (A,B,BS,D,FS,J,OE,F.35) final Beta (need pylons work for J-35j & F.35 & 135mm & 75mm RP models) Used items: Model: J35F Draken Addon v1.1 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=236 Skins: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...amp;showcat=159 by Hoarmurath Reference link: http://w1.465.telia.com/~u46506466/English/Start.htm J-35 history (from internet) J 35A Fighter version, total production: 90. The J 35As were delivered between 1959-1961. The tail section was lengthened after the 66th aircraft to house a new afterburner for additional thrust. This forced the installation of a retractable tail-wheel. The two versions were nicknamed Adam kort (Adam short) and Adam lang (Adam long). J 35B Fighter version, built and delivered between 1962–1963, total production: 73. This variant had improved radar and gun sights, and was also fully integrated into the Swedish STRIL 60 system; a combat guidance and air surveillance system. J 35D Fighter version, delivered between 1963-1964, total production: 120. The aircraft had a new and more powerful Rolls-Royce Avon 300 (RM 6C), which could deliver 77.3 kN thrust when using its afterburner. This was also the fastest Draken version, and capable of accelerating until out of fuel. It was also the last Draken to carry two cannon. J 35F Fighter version, delivered between 1965 and 1972, total production: 230. This variant had improved electronics and avionics, e.g. integrated radar, aim and missile systems. The aircraft's main armament where IR and SARH versions of the Hughes Falcon missile originally intended for the J 35D , but one of the cannon was removed to give space for more avionics. The J 35F2 was a J 35F, produced with a Hughes Aircraft Company N71 infra red sensor, a so-called IR seeker. This was a change in the production line from the no 35501 airframe. J 35J In 1985 the Swedish government decided to modify 54 J 35F2's to J 35J standard. In 1987 12 more modifications where ordered. Between 1987 and 1991, the aircraft were given a longer lifespan, more modern electronics, a modernized cannon, an additional 2 sidewinder pylons under the air intakes and increased fuel capacity. The final operative J 35J flew for the last time in 1999. Saab 35BS Used J 35Bs sold to Finland. Saab 35FS Used J 35Fs sold to Finland. Saab 35OE In the mid 1980s, Saab purchased back 24 J 35D aircraft from the Swedish Air Force and converted them into the J 35O version (also called J 35OE in English literature). These were later exported to Austria. Click here to download this file
  12. File Name: Soviet Bombs Pack File Submitter: lindr2 File Submitted: 08 January 2011 File Updated: 08 January 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Weapons Soviet Bombs pack for SF2. README I'm glad to present to you my Soviet Bombs pack. This project took over a year of hard work and involved consulting extracts from the original manuals and the employees of FSUE "Bazalt". The pack covers bomb designs starting with 1927 when the first Soviet bombs were created based on pre-Revolution models. The complete list is provided at the bottom of the readme. I can provide anyone with the source files of the models and textures (*.max and *.psd formats) for their use on the following conditions: - you may freely use the sources to create non-Soviet variants of the bombs (designs from China or WP countries) - you may freely use them to create non-Soviet bombs and other weapons - if you want to improve a particular entry in the pack, you must get in touch with me fist - if you want to make a Soviet bomb omitted from the pack, you must contact me first too INSTALLATION - Unpack to a temporary folder - Copy flies from Weapons folder to Objects\Weapons in your mod folder - Copy flies from Effects folder to Effects in your mod folder Notes 1) Despite the popular belief bomb names such as FAB-250, 500 etc do not mean that the bomb weight is exactly 250, 500 etc kg. The bomb types are in fact more strictly regulated in terms of size than weight. According to 1941 standards a FAB-250 had to have a diameter of 325 mm, length of no more than 1500 mm, but could weigh 220-280 kg. Further examples: FAB-250 M46 - 220 kg FAB-500 M46 - 428 kg FAB-250 M54 - 236 kg FAB-500 M54 - 473 kg FAB-250 M62 - 227 kg FAB-500 M62 - 497kg In case of significant difference between a bomb's real and nominal weight, the name reflects this FOTAB-250-215 (weighs 216 kg) FAB-1500-2600TS (2584 kg) 2) Since the weight of some bombs exceeds the nominal one those bombs may be unavailable if a plane's pylons are set up for a precise load limit in data.ini. For example FAB-3000 M54 weighs 3067 kg FAB-9000 M54 weighs 9407 kg As a result Tu-16 with LoadLimit=9000 can't carry 3 FAB-300 M54 or 1 FAB-9000 M54, thus to make planes fully compatible with this pack it is advisable to alter pylon load limits as following LoadLimit=100 -> LoadLimit=125 LoadLimit=250 -> LoadLimit=275 LoadLimit=500 -> LoadLimit=535 LoadLimit=1000 -> LoadLimit=1100 LoadLimit=1500 -> LoadLimit=1600 LoadLimit=2000 -> LoadLimit=2150 LoadLimit=3000 -> LoadLimit=3100 LoadLimit=5000 -> LoadLimit=5250 LoadLimit=6000 -> LoadLimit=6200 LoadLimit=9000 -> LoadLimit=9500 3) If you were using MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2 by 331Killerbee http://combatace.com...hop-ii-for-sf2/ - delete folders listed here since these are the older versions of the bombs included in this pack and the new versions use different folder names BRAB-220_1930 BRAB-250 BRAB-500 BRAB-500_1930 BRAB-1000 BRAB-1000_1930 FAB5000 RBK-500 OAB 2.5RT ZAB-250 - overwrite folders with the same name since they contain updated versions of the same weapons 4) Cluster bombs have a minimal release altitude, provided in the list. Figures have been verified and are considered historically accurate. 5) Do not edit bombs of FOTAB, DAB, NOSAB, DOSAB, SAB, ODAB, AGITAB types using the Weapon Editor, since it will erase the effect description in the data file upon saving. Those bombs are also marked with *. 6) Flare bombs have 2 different effects - cluster flare bombs detonate on the ground and create multiple light sources - single flare bombs create a slowly descending flare in the air. Minimal release altitide is provided in the list. 7) Chemical bombs and propaganda leaflet dispensers deal no damage 8) Cluster bomb PBK-500 MBD generates multiple smoke sources which can cause a significant fps drop. 9) Day time signal bombs and some practice bombs have a coloured smoke effect. 10) Night time signal bombs and some practice bombs a colured flame effect. 11) Cluster mine dispensers are implemented the following way: - The dispenser opens up and scatters the elements in an area. - 20 seconds later the elements detonate The ordnance is designed to be dropped in front of enemy ground formations on the move. 12) Model pivot point is almost universally located at the intersection of the bomb axis with the veritcal line drawn from the suspension lug of the bomb (front lug if there are several). As the result the pivot point hardly ever matches the geometrical centre of the model. The reasons for that adjustment are - Most Soviet bombs' centre of gravity is located at thats point (and the front suspension lug is the main one). - Many Soviet bombs, such as the entire M-54 family have extruding fins. - Many bomb racks (such as BDZ-57MT) have cutouts for the fins, which require precise bomb positioning. 13) Bomb colors - The regulations introduced back in 1912 stated that bombs must be painted navy gray. - In real life bombs were all shades of gray, bluish gray, light blue, greenish blue depending on the paint used and the storage conditions. - In the war time bombs were not painted, which is reflected in brownish textures imitating rust. - To underline the variety of bombs in the pack, signal and illumination bombs are gived blue shades, photography flares and cluster bombs are bluish-green, incendiaries are gray etc. 14) Bomb markings - before the '60s VVS used short names ("500" instead of "FAB-500") and colour rings to mark bomb types - starting with the '60s and the '70s full names without colour markings were used - sometimes different bombs of the same model can have different marknigs (some short, some full) - I placed the full names on the post-war bombs and the short ones on the earlier models (written in black paint) - I used authentic tables of drop rate (written in white paint) whenever it was possible 15) Thermostable (Thermoresistant) bombs were designed to be carried on MiG-25 and can withstand prolonged heating in high-speed flight. They can be dropped from any altitude up to 25 000 m. FAB-500 M62T and FAB-250 M62T do not differ much from the basic model. 16) The bombs in the pack have identical drag chutes. In real life different bombs have different chute designs. Probably this issue will be amended later. 17) Captured German bombs were metioned in the documents of FSUE "Bazalt" from 1941 to 1945. Since originally they used a different suspension mechanism, I have redesigned their suspension to make it compatible with the Soviet hardpoints. THANKS FOR TRANSLATION, Gr.Viper ! weight (Kg), minimal release altitude(m) _________________________________________________ Leaflet* : AGB-100-30 (30kg, 500m) AGITAB-250-85 (93.5kg, 500m) AGITAB-500-300 (312kg, 500m) RBK-250 Agit (127kg, 500m) _________________________________________________ Fragmentary: WWII bombs AG-2 (2.09kg) (air dropped grenade) AO-2,5-2 (2.09kg) AO-2,5-3 (3.1kg) AO-2,5SCh (2.84kg) AO-8 (8kg) AO-8m3 (7.29kg) AO-8m4 (7.02kg) AO-8m5 (7.4kg) AO-8m6 (6.53kg) AO-8m6Bis (6.9kg) AO-8m6SCh (6.67kg) AO-10-6.5SCh (6.4kg) AO-10-6.5ST (6.62kg) AO-10SCh (9.53kg) post WWII bombs AO-10SCh M52 (9.53kg) WWII bombs AO-15 (13.3kg) AO-20m1 (20.86kg) AO-20m2 (16.4kg) AO-20m3 (21kg) AO-20m4 (17.3kg) AO-20Tr (20.86kg) AO-25-20 (24.06kg) AO-25M (23.3kg) AO-25MSCh (25kg) AO-25m1 (23.6kg) AO-25m1bis (26.44kg) AO-25m2 (25.2kg) AO-25m13 (23.95kg) AO-25SL (25.57kg) AO-25-35m13 (34.8kg) post WWII bombs AO-25SL M46 (25.57kg) AO-50-100Sch (94kg) AO-50-100Sl (95kg) post WWII bombs AO-25-30 (30.75kg) AO-25-33 (33kg) AO-50-100M (96kg) _________________________________________________ Fragmentary-Chemical*: AOKh-8 (6.67kg) AOKh-10 (6.22kg) AOKh-15 (14.12kg) _________________________________________________ KMGU Blocks (KMGU has 8 block, made by drawings, ODS,AS has parashutes, no new KMGU canister, old lod fits ok) BKF AO-2,5RT (AP) (46kg) BKF AO-2,5RTM (AP) (46kg) BKF AS (Smoke)* (41kg) BKF ODS-35 (FAE)* (36kg) BKF PFM-1S (Mines)* (39kg) BKF POM-1S (Mines)* (42kg) BKF POM-2 (Mines)* (74kg) BKF PTAB-2,5 (AT) (41kg) BKF PTAB-1M (AT) (49kg) BKF PTM-1 (Mines)* (39kg) _________________________________________________ Armor piercing: WWII bombs BRAB-220 (238kg) BRAB-200DS (213kg) BrAB-250 M43 (255kg) BrAB-500 M38 (531kg) BrAB-500 M43 (510kg) BrAB-500DS (503kg) BrAB-800DS (791kg) BrAB-1000 M38 (1046kg) BrAB-1000 M43 (1012kg) Post WWII BRAB-220M (244kg) BRAB-500M (525kg) BRAB-500M55 (517kg) BRAB-1000M (1017kg) BRAB-1500M55 (1551kg) _________________________________________________ Penetrator: WWII Bombs BETAB-150DS (163kg) BETAB-170DS (170kg) BETAB-450DS (498kg) BETAB-750DS (766kg) Post WWII BETAB-500 (475kg) BETAB-500Sh (424kg) BETAB-500ShP (380kg) BETAB-500U (510kg) _________________________________________________ Smoke*: M27 Bombs AD-10 (10kg) WWII Bombs DAB-25-30F (30kg) DAB-100-80F (85kg) GAB-100D (100kg) (Navy, retarded) PostWWII DAB-100-90FM (92kg) DAB-500 (435kg) _________________________________________________ Day marking* : DOSAB-100-70b (72kg) (White) DOSAB-100-80ch (80kg) (Black) DOSAB-100-80k (80kg) (Red) DOSAB-100-80z (82kg) (Green) DOSAB-100-85zh (87kg) (Yellow) M62 termostable, LD DOSAB-100Tb (120kg) (White) DOSAB-100Tch (120kg) (Black) DOSAB-100Tk (120kg) (Red) _________________________________________________ GP: M27 Family AF-16 (16.7kg) AF-32 (32.8kg) AF-82 (82.7kg) M31 Family FAB-50Sv (49.67kg) FAB-100Sv (113kg) FAB-250Sv (247kg) FAB-500Sv (502kg) FAB-1000Sv (1020kg) FAB-2000Sv (2135kg) converted art. projective FAB-50m2 (42kg) FAB-50m3 (40.7kg) FAB-50m4 (43.72kg) FAB-50m5 (42kg) FAB-50m6 (44.58kg) FAB-50m7 (48.8kg) FAB-50m9 (42kg) FAB-70m1 (83kg) FAB-70m2 (75kg) WWII bombs FAB-50SCh (65.4kg) FAB-50SL (65.55kg) FAB-50ShG (49.67kg) FAB-50TsK (61kg) FAB-50TR (45kg) FAB-100-85NG (82kg) FAB-100M (104kg) FAB-100N (94kg) FAB-100SCh (117kg) FAB-100SL (121kg) FAB-100TsK (99kg) FAB-100TsKN (101kg) FAB-100TsL (114kg) FAB-250-200NG (200kg) FAB-250M (229kg) FAB-250N (228kg) FAB-250TsK (249kg) FAB-250TsKN (271kg) FAB-250SCh (240kg) FAB-250 M43 (226kg) FAB-250 M44 (250kg) FAB-250 TsK M44 (245kg) MAB-250 (Anty bridge) (283kg) FAB-500-300 (300kg) FAB-500M (514kg) FAB-500 M43 (476kg) FAB-500 M44 (477kg) FAB-1000 M43 (1077kg) FAB-1000 M44 (891kg) FAB-2000 M43 (2066kg) FAB-2000 M44 (1926kg) FAB-5000 M43 (5080kg) very rare ~ 50 bombs M46 Bombs FAB-250 M46 (220kg) (model by Krizis) FAB-500 M46 (428kg) FAB-500 M46TU (480kg) (retarded) FAB-1500 M46 (1479kg) FAB-3000 M46 (2983kg) M47, M48, M50 Bombs FAB-250 M44/48 (250kg) FAB-250 TsK M44/50 (245kg) FAB-500 M43/47 (476kg) FAB-500 M44/48 (477kg) FAB-1000 M43/47 (1077kg) FAB-1000 M44/48 (891kg) FAB-2000 M43/47 (2066kg) M54 Bombs FAB-250 M54 (236kg) FAB-250 M54TU (270kg) (retarded) FAB-500 M54 (473kg) (model by Krizis) FAB-500 M54TU (510kg) (retarded) FAB-1500 M54 (1550kg) FAB-1500-1640 M54-MS (1640kg) FAB-3000 M54 (3067kg) FAB-3000 M54-TGA (3189kg) FAB-5000 M54 (5247kg) FAB-9000 M54 (9407kg) M57 Bombs FAB-250-230 (230kg) M62 Bombs, LD FAB-250 M62 (227kg) FAB-500 M62 (497kg) (model by Krizis) M69 Termostable bombs, LD (MiG-25RB) FAB-250 M62T (227kg) FAB-500 M62T (497kg) FAB-500T (477kg) FAB-500TA (477kg) FAB-1500T (1513kg) _________________________________________________ GP-Penetrator FAB-250TS (260kg) FAB-500TS (509kg) FAB-1500-2600TS (2584kg) _________________________________________________ "Assault" {low level attack}Bombs (with chute) FAB-500Sh (515kg) FAB-500ShL (513kg) FAB-500ShN (513kg) FAB-1500Sh (1500kg) _________________________________________________ German GP bombs (modernized for use by soviet planes) FAB-250Tr ( SC-250 ) FAB-250Tr ( SD-250 ) FAB-500Tr ( SC-500 ) FAB-500Tr ( SD-500 ) FAB-1000Tr ( SC-1000 ) FAB-1000Tr ( PC-1000 ) FAB-1400Tr ( PC-1400 ) FAB-1700Tr ( SD-1700 ) FAB-1800Tr ( SC-1800 ) _________________________________________________ Fotoflash*: FOTAB-25-14 (14kg, 2000m) FOTAB-50-35 (35kg, 2000m) FOTAB-50-67 (67kg, 2000m) FOTAB-100-60 (60kg, 2000m) (Chute) FOTAB-100-80 (88kg, 2000m) FOTAB-250-215 (216kg, 2000m) Termostable, LD FOTAB-100-140 (141kg, 2000m) FOTAB-250T (275kg, 2000m) _________________________________________________ Frag-GP-Incendiary: FOZAB-500 (435kg) OFZAB-500 M62 (500kg) _________________________________________________ GP-Incendiary: FZAB-250 (254kg) FZAB-500 (493kg) FZAB-500M (497kg) M62 _________________________________________________ Chemical*: M27 Bombs Akh-8 (10kg) WWII Bombs KhAB-25 (27.5kg) KrAB-25 (34.5kg) KhAB-100 (100kg) KhAB-200 (174kg) KhAB-500 (300kg) Post WWII M46 KhAB-100-80S M46 (80kg) KhAB-250-150S M46 (150kg) KhAB-500-280S M46 (280kg) KhAB-1500-960S M46 (963kg) BAS-100 (100kg) BAS-250-230 (233kg) BAS-250 M62L (230kg) (LD) _________________________________________________ Night marker*: NOSAB-100-70B (72kg) (white) NOSAB-100-80K (80kg) (red) NOSAB-100-80Z (82kg) (Green) NOSAB-100-85Zh (87kg) (Yellow) M62 termostable, LD NOSAB-100TMk (115kg) (red) NOSAB-100TMZ (115kg) (Green) NOSAB-100TMZh (115kg) (Yellow) _________________________________________________ FAE*: ODAB-500 (392kg) (Chute) ODAB-500P (466kg) (Chute) ODAB-500PM (520kg) (Chute) ODAB-500PMV (525kg) (Chute) _________________________________________________ FRAG-GP: WWII bombs OFAB-100 Ver.1 (120.5kg) OFAB-100 Ver.2 (114kg) Post WWII OFAB-100M (121kg) OFAB-100NV (121kg) OFAB-100NV-TU (131kg) (retarded) OFAB-100-120 (123kg) (Model by Krizis) OFAB-100-120TU (136kg) (retarded) OFAB-100-125TU (128kg) OFAB-250-270 (266kg) (Model by Krizis) OFAB-250-270TU (300kg) (retarded) Assault Bombs OFAB-250Sh (270kg) (retarded) OFAB-250ShL (266kg) (retarded) OFAB-250ShN (275kg) (retarded) OFAB-500U (515kg) (retarded) Termostable OFAB-100T (121kg) (retarded) OFAB-250T (239kg) _________________________________________________ Navy Marker*: OMAB-25-8N (9.2kg) (Night,chute) OMAB-25-12D (11.3kg) (Day) _________________________________________________ Practical*: WWII Bombs P-7 (7.65kg) P-25M2 (25kg) P-40 (43kg) P-50SCh (65kg) P-100-70 (71kg) P-100Sch (103kg) P-100TsL (106kg) P-250 (247kg) Post WWII bombs P-50 (54kg) P-50-75D (75kg) P-50-75N (75kg) Assault Bombs P-50Sh (49kg) Termostable Bombs P-50T (50kg) Anti-Submarine Bombs UPLAB-50 (45kg) _________________________________________________ Anti-submarine: PLAB-50 (50kg) PLAB-100 (100kg) MPLAB-100 (89kg) MPLAB-100S (87kg) PLAB-250-120 (123kg) PLAB-500-380 Ver.1 (369kg) PLAB-500-380 Ver.2 (383kg) (Chute) PLAB-500-380 Ver.3 (385kg) (Disk) _________________________________________________ "Color-Marker rockets" (no engine, bombs as fact)*: PR-8TsO-K (9kg) (Red) PR-8TsO-Z (9kg) (Green) _________________________________________________ Anti-tanks PTAB-2,5-1,5 (1.37kg) PTAB-10-2,5 (2.38kg) _________________________________________________ Cluster bombs: WWII Bombs RRAB-1 (1000kg, 400m) RRAB-2 (500kg, 400m) RRAB-3 (250kg, 400m) ZAB-100-65TSh (67kg, 200m) (100 inc balls) ZAB-500-300TSh (295kg, 300m) (780 inc balls) Post WWII PROSAB-100-70 (70kg, 300m) PROSAB-100 M52 (108kg, 300m) PROSAB-250 M52 (263kg, 500m) RBK-100 AO-1 (AP) (95kg, 400m) RBK-100 PLAB-10K (125kg, 100m) (Anty-Submarine) RBK-250-170 MA-3 (Mines)(161kg, 500m) RBK-250 AO-1 (AP) (193kg, 500m) RBK-250 AO-2,5-2 (AP) (179kg, 500m) RBK-250 AO-2,5SCh (AP) (167kg, 500m) RBK-250 AO-10-6,5ST (AP)(126kg, 500m) RBK-250 AO-10SCh (AP) (130kg, 500m) RBK-250 PTAB-2,5 (AT) (129kg, 500m) RBK-250 PTAB-2,5-1,5 (AT)(95kg, 500m) RBK-250 PTAB-2,5M (AT) (248kg, 200m) RBK-250 AZh-2 (inc) (114kg, 500m) RBK-250 ZAB-2,5T (inc) (128kg, 500m) RBK-250 ZAB-2,5 (inc) (194kg, 250m) RBK-250 ZAB-2,5M (inc) (195kg, 250m) RBK-250-275 AO-1Sch(AP) (273kg, 400m) RBK-500-225 PTAB-2,5 (AT)(225kg, 500m) RBK-500-255 PTAB-10-5 (AT)(255kg, 500m) RBK-500-375 AO-10 (AP) (375kg, 500m) RBK-500 AO-2,5RT (AP) (402kg, 400m) RBK-500 AO-2,5RTM (AP) (504kg, 200m) RBK-500 BETAB (BETAB-20)(450kg, 100m) (Penetrator) RBK-500 MDB (Smoke)* (245kg, 300m) RBK-500 PTAB-1 (AT) (427kg, 300m) RBK-500 PTAB-1M (AT) (427kg, 300m) RBK-500 ShOAB-0,5 (AP) (334kg, 300m) RBK-500 ShOAB-0,5M (AP) (395kg, 300m) RBK-500 SPBE-D (AT) (504kg, 400m) RBK-500 SPBE-K (AT) (450kg, 400m) RBK-500 ZAB-2,5 (inc) (499kg, 300m) RBK-500 ZAB-2,5SM (inc) (435kg, 300m) RBK-500U BetAB-M (480kg, 100m) (Penetrator, Chute) RBK-500U OAB-2,5RT (AP) (500kg, 100m) (Chute) RBK-500U OFAB-50UD (AP) (520kg, 100m) (Chute) RBK-500U PTAB (AT) (520kg, 100m) (Chute) RBS-100 AO-25-30 (107kg, 100m) (bombs pack, 3 bombs) RBS-100 AO-25-33 (111kg, 100m) (bombs pack, 3 bombs) OFAB-500ShR (509kg, 100m) (retarded,3 charges) _________________________________________________ Incendiary: WWII Bombs ZAB-1-E (1.5kg) ZAB-2,5T (2.45kg) ZAB-10TG (10.9kg) ZAB-25ZhG (22.6kg) ZAB-50FP (49kg) ZAB-50TG (45.9kg) ZAB-100-50ZhG (51kg) ZAB-100M (100kg) ZAB-100Sv (94kg) ZAB-100TsK (94kg) ZAB-250-200ZhG (204kg) Post WWII ZAB-100-105 (107kg) ZAB-100-115 (113kg) ZAB-250-200 (202kg) ZAB-250-130V (132kg) (chute) ZAB-500-350 (350kg) ZAB-500-350R (353kg) ZAB-500-400 (410kg) ZAB-500Sh (428kg) ZAB-500V (378kg) _________________________________________________ Napalm tanks: WWII ZAB-100-40P (44kg) Post WWII ZB-250Sh (115kg) ZB-250ShM (115kg) ZB-360 (355kg) ZB-500 (374kg) ZB-500AS (315kg) ZB-500GD (343kg) ZB-500RT (434kg, 100m) (3 charges) ZB-500Sh (275kg) ZB-500ShM (317kg) _________________________________________________ Flare*: WWII bombs SAB-3 (4kg, 2000m) SAB-3M (4kg, 2000m) SAB-5 (6.5kg, 2000m) SAB-15 (14.3kg, 2000m) SAB-25 (23.9kg, 2000m) SAB-50-15 (14.8kg, 2000m) SAB-50-28 (28kg, 2000m) SAB-100-55 (55kg, 2000m) SAB-100-75 (82kg, 2000m) Post WWII SAB-3M M47 (4kg, 2000m) SAB-100-55 M47 (55kg, 2000m) SAB-100-90 (90kg, 2000m) SAB-100MN (106kg, 2000m) SAB-100MP (105kg, 2000m) SAB-250-180MF (175kg, 2000m) SAB-250-200 (201kg, 2000m) SAB-500-350 (353kg, 2000m) SAB-500-350R (353kg, 2000m) Termostable SAB-250T (215kg, 2000m) Click here to download this file
  13. File Name: Su-35 (Su-27M) File Submitter: lindr2 File Submitted: 24 Jan 2009 File Category: Modern Soviet Aircraft and Variants Su-35 (Su-27M) plane (first fight in 1988, small serie in service since 1992, renamed to Su-35 at 1990-92) Based of MarcFighters Su-27 & Canards pack by FastCargo Hangar screen by Ezpiki. I also made Su-33, Su-37 at same way. Changes: - added canards (like fake pilot) - re-maded HUD (based on original Su-27 manual) - added GM mode - Engine table changed - Fuel capacity corrected -10250 kg for Su-35 (9400 kg for Su-27) - realistic weapon loadout - no internal ECM, using L005 or L203 pods - special pylon for APK-9E (need use Kh-59M family missiles ) or Progress pod (need for Kh-31) - comming later - realistic radar ranges. - FT PTB-2000, exist in my weapon pack on pylons 3 & 4 - sound be Spillone104 - Su-35 pylon numbers (real) 7 5 3 11 9 1 2 10 12 4 6 8 ECM pods link http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7075 data ini for ECM [WeaponData2345] TypeName=L005 FullName=L005 Sorbtsiya ECM Pod ModelName=33ecm Mass=100.000000 Diameter=0.000000 Length=2.800000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType=SOVIET SpecificStationCode= NationName=SOVIET StartYear=1982 EndYear=2020 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=70 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1992 ExportEndYear=2020 ExportAvailability=2 WeaponDataType=4 StoreType=0 JammerStrength=80.000000 MinFreq=0.000000 MaxFreq=0.000000 [WeaponData2346] TypeName=L203 FullName=Gardenia ECM Pod ModelName=33ecm Mass=60.000000 Diameter=0.348000 Length=4.300000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType=WP,SOVIET,CHINA SpecificStationCode= NationName=Soviet StartYear=1982 EndYear=2020 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=110 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=4 StoreType=0 JammerStrength=70.000000 MinFreq=0.000000 MaxFreq=0.000000 Click here to download this file
  14. Version


    Yak-28B, BI, I, L, R, PP (Monty_CZ's Yak-28 Brewer. INI Mod) Installation: copy planes to Aircraft forder , copy skins to all Yak-28 folders, add FT ini to weapondata.ini, copy Fishbed-C.wav to sounds folder, copy BMP&TGA to each Yak-28 folders, add Soviet recon cameras data to weapondata.ini (optional) . Model: Monty_CZ's Yak-28 Brewer. Engine: Fishbed-C from Soviet Sounds by howling1 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1284 Changes from original plane: added ECM & CM in correct places, added real range radars, FT maked removable (but no jettison), Radar removed from L & PP modifications, fuel capacity, speed, celling, engine thrust tuned, for nuclear bombs created separated weapon st, you can use my RN-40 bomb, and some others minor changes... see Yak-28 history bottom of this page. [WeaponDataXXXX] TypeName=Yak-28B_FT FullName=Yak-28B Fuel Tank ModelName= Mass=800.000000 Diameter=0.500000 Length=2.000000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.000000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.000000 AttachmentType= SpecificStationCode= NationName= StartYear=0 EndYear=0 Availability=0 BaseQuantity=0 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=5 MaxFuelAmount=739.500000 Asymmetrical=FALSE Yak-28 History: Yak-28, Bomber in small production 1959 5 planes, Engines 2xR-11AF-300 (3900 | 5750 KG/sec), Guns 1xHR-23 50 Rounds, Bombs 100-3000KG (3000KG max loadout) Yak-28B, Bomber in small production 1959-1961 37 planes, Ground Radar 'RBP-3' Engines 2xR-11AF-300 (3900 | 5750 KG/sec), Guns 1xHR-23 50 Rounds, Bombs 100-3000KG (3000KG max loadout) Yak-28L, Bomber in mass production 1962-1964 111 planes, Navigation system 'Lotos', 'Avtomat-2I' CM, Engines 2xR-11AF-300 (3900 | 5750 KG/sec), Guns 1xGSH-23YA 100 Rounds, Bombs 100-3000KG (3000KG max loadout) Yak-28BI, Recon plane in mass production 1963-1964 50 planes, Ground Radar 'Initsiativa-2' Side view radar 'Bulat', 'Avtomat-2I' CM, ECM Siren'-1I (SPS-141(143)) Engines 2xR-11AF2-300 (3900 | 6100 KG/sec), Guns 1xGSH-23YA 100 Rounds Yak-28I, Bomber in mass production 1964-1967 223 planes, Ground Radar 'Initsiativa-2' , 'Avtomat-2I' CM, ECM Siren'-1I (SPS-141(143)) Engines 2xR-11AF2-300 (3900 | 6100 KG/sec), Guns 1xGSH-23YA 100 Rounds, Bombs 100-3000KG (3000KG max loadout) Yak-28R, Recon plane in mass production 1965-1970 183 planes, Ground Radar 'Initsiativa-3' Side view radar 'Romb-4', 'Avtomat-2I' CM, ECM Siren'-1I (SPS-141(143)) Engines 2xR-11AF2-300 (3900 | 6100 KG/sec), Guns 1xGSH-23YA 100 Rounds ECM pod Siren-1I Yak-28PP, ECM plane in mass production 1967-1971 84 planes, Buket & Fasol,Siren-1I' ECM, 'Avtomat-2I' CM Engines 2xR-11AF2-300 (3900 | 6100 KG/sec), Guns 1xGSH-23YA 100 Rounds
  15. File Name: Yak-28RR (SF2) File Submitter: lindr2 File Submitted: 28 August 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft Yak-28RR for SF2 Readme Yak-28RR 'Radiotsionnoy Razvedki' {Radiation Recon} plane (1967) Model based on Yak-28B model by Pasko, sound by Spiloone 104 A4-E Cockpit repaint by Wrench red5202 pilot by The Trooper To Install: - unpack Archive in temporary folder - copy Yak-28RR folder to Aircraft folder. - copy Sounds to Sound folder - copy pilots to Pilots folder - copy Fuel tanks & Air sampling pod to Weapons folder Plane specifications: Yak-28RR: - Engine R-11AF-300 - GSh-23 gun - max flight distance 2400 km - Mach limit 1.8 - two RR8311-100 air sampling pods (also used on An-12RR, An-26RR ect) Yak-28RR features: - animated canopy - animated air intake cone - animated nozzles - drag chute Yak-28RR production: ~10 planes (converted from Yak-28L) Click here to download this file
  16. File Name: Yak-28RR (SFP1) File Submitter: lindr2 File Submitted: 28 August 2011 File Category: Soviet Union/Russian Aircraft Yak-28RR for SFP1 Readme Yak-28RR 'Radiotsionnoy Razvedki' {Radiation Recon} plane (1967) Model based on Yak-28B model by Pasko, sound by Spiloone 104 A4-E Cockpit repaint by Wrench red5202 pilot by The Trooper To Install: - unpack Archive in temporary folder - copy Yak-28RR folder to Aicraft folder. - copy Sounds to Sound folder - copy pilots to Aicraft folder - copy Fuel tanks Weapons folder - open weaponeditor & merge weapondata.ini with Yak-28FT_pods.ini Plane specifications: Yak-28RR: - Engine R-11AF-300 - GSh-23 gun - max flight distance 2400 km - Mach limit 1.8 - two RR8311-100 air sampling pods (also used on An-12RR, An-26RR ect) Yak-28RR features: - animated canopy - animated air intake cone - animated nozzles - drag chute Yak-28RR production: ~10 planes (converted from Yak-28L) Click here to download this file
  17. File Name: Yak-28U (SF2) File Submitter: lindr2 File Submitted: 20 August 2011 File Updated: 23 August 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft Yak-28U for SF2 Readme Yak-28U Trainer (1962) Model based on Yak-28B model by Pasko, sound by Spiloone 104 A4-B Cockpit repaint by Wrench red5202 pilot by The Trooper To Install: - unpack Archive in temporary folder - copy Yak-28U folder to Aircraft folder. - copy Sounds to Sound folder - copy pilots to Pilots folder - copy Fuel tanks to Weapons folder Plane specifications: Yak-28U: - Engine R-11AF-300 - max flight distance 2200 km - Mach limit 1.8 - additional FT (disposed inside bombbay) Yak-28U features: - animated canopy - animated air intake cone - animated nozzles - drag chute Yak-28U production: (187 planes 1961-68) Click here to download this file
  18. I made new cabins for an MiG-23S and UB, I will publish new versions for SF2 later, as to 23BN and 27, would like to make new cabins for them before, I know a some modders undertook converting of the current version in SF2.
  19. Yak-28RR (SF2)

    Version 1.0


    Yak-28RR for SF2 Readme Yak-28RR 'Radiotsionnoy Razvedki' {Radiation Recon} plane (1967) Model based on Yak-28B model by Pasko, sound by Spiloone 104 A4-E Cockpit repaint by Wrench red5202 pilot by The Trooper To Install: - unpack Archive in temporary folder - copy Yak-28RR folder to Aircraft folder. - copy Sounds to Sound folder - copy pilots to Pilots folder - copy Fuel tanks & Air sampling pod to Weapons folder Plane specifications: Yak-28RR: - Engine R-11AF-300 - GSh-23 gun - max flight distance 2400 km - Mach limit 1.8 - two RR8311-100 air sampling pods (also used on An-12RR, An-26RR ect) Yak-28RR features: - animated canopy - animated air intake cone - animated nozzles - drag chute Yak-28RR production: ~10 planes (converted from Yak-28L)
  20. Version 1.0


    Yak-28RR for SFP1 Readme Yak-28RR 'Radiotsionnoy Razvedki' {Radiation Recon} plane (1967) Model based on Yak-28B model by Pasko, sound by Spiloone 104 A4-E Cockpit repaint by Wrench red5202 pilot by The Trooper To Install: - unpack Archive in temporary folder - copy Yak-28RR folder to Aicraft folder. - copy Sounds to Sound folder - copy pilots to Aicraft folder - copy Fuel tanks Weapons folder - open weaponeditor & merge weapondata.ini with Yak-28FT_pods.ini Plane specifications: Yak-28RR: - Engine R-11AF-300 - GSh-23 gun - max flight distance 2400 km - Mach limit 1.8 - two RR8311-100 air sampling pods (also used on An-12RR, An-26RR ect) Yak-28RR features: - animated canopy - animated air intake cone - animated nozzles - drag chute Yak-28RR production: ~10 planes (converted from Yak-28L)
  21. small bug found in Yak-28U_data.ini [AircraftData] DestroyedModel=Yak-28_Destroyed.LOD -> DestroyedModel=Yak-28U_Destroyed.LOD PS fixed, file re-upload
  22. File Name: Yak-28U (SFP1) File Submitter: lindr2 File Submitted: 20 August 2011 File Category: Soviet Union/Russian Aircraft Yak-28U for SFP1 Readme Yak-28U Trainer (1962) Model based on Yak-28B model by Pasko, sound by Spiloone 104 A4-E Cockpit repaint by Wrench red5202 pilot by The Trooper To Install: - unpack Archive in temporary folder - copy Yak-28U folder to Aircraft folder. - copy Sounds to Sound folder - copy pilots to Aircraft folder - open weaponeditor & merge weapondata.ini with Yak-28UFT.ini Plane specifications: Yak-28U: - Engine R-11AF-300 - max flight distance 2400 km - Mach limit 1.8 - additional FT (disposed inside bombbay) Yak-28U features: - animated canopy - animated air intake cone - animated nozzles - drag chute Yak-28U production: (187 planes 1961-68) Click here to download this file
  23. Version 1.0


    Yak-28U for SFP1 Readme Yak-28U Trainer (1962) Model based on Yak-28B model by Pasko, sound by Spiloone 104 A4-E Cockpit repaint by Wrench red5202 pilot by The Trooper To Install: - unpack Archive in temporary folder - copy Yak-28U folder to Aircraft folder. - copy Sounds to Sound folder - copy pilots to Aircraft folder - open weaponeditor & merge weapondata.ini with Yak-28UFT.ini Plane specifications: Yak-28U: - Engine R-11AF-300 - max flight distance 2400 km - Mach limit 1.8 - additional FT (disposed inside bombbay) Yak-28U features: - animated canopy - animated air intake cone - animated nozzles - drag chute Yak-28U production: (187 planes 1961-68)

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