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Everything posted by SFP1Ace

  1. I've got a feeling that's how it's gonna play out, Dave. Maybe I even read about it in some obscure post long tme ago over at TW forums, not sure though. Another thing - how many campaigns will we get? I think at least 2 - one for mid '70s and another one for early to mid '80s (hence the Tu-22M3).
  2. Well that doesn't stop Jason & 777 studios team from a great interaction over at RoF forums...........Communication between developers and the fanbase at it's finest, imho.
  3. Happy Birthday Erik

    Happy Birthday! Have a good one Erik!
  4. No problem, anyway this topic just shows how emotionally attached we are to TK's "sim lites" . All the screenshots posted so far indicate that SF2:NA has the potential to become the best SF title yet, imho. I mean, c'mon, you've just gotta love this expanded soviet bomber fleet folks! And the ASM missiles! E-2 Awacs? Not to mention the likely "under the hood" improvements...It's gonna be fun, fun fun! EDIT: And of course, the 'cat, lol. I wonder how it'll compare to the TMF offering.
  5. Maybe you're onto something...been a while since the last time I fiddled with radar parameters in avionics.ini... Thanks!
  6. Clickable 3d pit wouldn't fit SF series erm..."nature" well. I have DCS/BMS for that. As in my previous post. I'm not setting myself for an incredible disappointment, nope mate. A "slewable" radar antenna is something I would like in SF games, not something I expect TK to implement anytime soon, if at all. I just find it slightly annoying having to point my nose downward (and loose altitude) to be able to track and/or mantain lock on low flying MiG's (so I can launch those sparrows on'em). What "all this fluff"?
  7. 3) "slewable" radar dish (to improve intercepts of low flying bogeys) would float my boat. And the list goes on, but sure, this game doesn't need clickable full 3d pit to be fun
  8. All the gen 2 titles released so far should be called SF 1.5 , imho. SF2: NA will be a first proper SF2 title, actually a first proper NEW game from TW since 2008. Therefore I expect more new content (not talking fly-ables) than in the rehashes and expansions we've received so far (as enjoyable as they were/are). December or January - I guess we'll find out then.
  9. Hi Liam, i've just fired up a strike mission in the DLC MIIIC and I honestly haven't noticed any excessive pitching around Mach 1 IAS (SF2:Europe, November 2011 patch level) . Any chance you're using third party Flight Model?
  10. I don't thnik it'll work in real life

    It will take many years before we see a proper AI in games, unfortunately. For now, the visual eye-candy is the priority for mainstream game devs :/
  11. Nice! Good for what if near-future scenarios
  12. Hmm, strange, I can't notice the rain effect during inclement weather anymore...Can anyone confirm this? EDIT: Nope, it's still there, just barely noticable somehow than it used to be or my memory fails me
  13. File Name: SF2 BRIEFINGS RETROFIT MOD File Submitter: SFP1Ace File Submitted: 06 November 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Missions and Campaigns SF2 BRIEFINGS RETROFIT MOD 1.0 This small mod does exactly that - it retrofits the SF1/WoV/WoE series style missions briefings to the current Gen 2 SF2 series! INSTALLATION: Very easy. Unpack the archive somewhere safe and the copy the CONTENT of a GAME SPECIFIC folder to its's corresponding MOD directory. I.e. content of "To SF2_Europe mod folder" in most cases should end up in "c:\Username\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\" and so on. Enjoy the wind of nostalgia! ^_^ CREDITS: TK, CA & whoever made CatPack utility for Gen1 games Click here to download this file
  14. Yeah, I've noticed the wind values don't always correspond with custom settings. Perhaps it has something with TK restricting modability of clouds etc? Since I lack any coding skill, this is beyond me. BTW, you're welcome and thanks! EDIT: Oh, and you can create SITUATION description for 3d party terrains easily! Originally, WoI didn't have a proper IsraelME_briefing.ini file (well, it had, but it was a 1:1 copy of WoE one), so I just came up with 2 "original" sentences for SF2:Israel SITUATION description . It's all int the TerrainName_briefing.ini file!

    Version 1.0


    SF2 BRIEFINGS RETROFIT MOD 1.0 This small mod does exactly that - it retrofits the SF1/WoV/WoE series style missions briefings to the current Gen 2 SF2 series! INSTALLATION: Very easy. Unpack the archive somewhere safe and the copy the CONTENT of a GAME SPECIFIC folder to its's corresponding MOD directory. I.e. content of "To SF2_Europe mod folder" in most cases should end up in "c:\Username\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\" and so on. Enjoy the wind of nostalgia! ^_^ CREDITS: TK, CA & whoever made CatPack utility for Gen1 games
  16. Bingo! Here's the cookie (coming to a download section near you, soon)
  17. and, hopefully, we're not in a bad company
  18. Well, the only thing that comes to my mind then...If these Vipers are from the Mirage Factory pack then they're still wip, and their FM are subject to change/improvement. EDIT: Maybe one of the FM experts will chip in and help you with this FM issue. Good luck!
  19. I think you should fly third party F-16s on "normal" flight model.
  20. Great pilot, his skill saved lots of lives!
  21. Hi Res Desert Tiles

    Thanks, now all 4 stock terrains have their hires repaints!
  22. Good wishlist ;) I personally would like to see a: -LowBlow radar for SA-3 - Chieftain tank - F-84F pit Also needed for Europe & Middle East scenarios :)

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