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Everything posted by Bongodriver

  1. Man you got that right, I thought it was Christmass when Sundowner agreed to do the skins, and don't they just look the nuts.
  2. I get the impression this thread is a day late.
  3. well donations will always be welcome , but it's deffinately free
  4. Happy Birthday to USAFMTL

    Happy Birthday, hope you enjoy the present I sent you
  5. Sorry guys more screens. going through trials for night ops
  6. Ok, Tough Guy

    I've done 7g, it's 9 I would find a challenge, you can do 7g easy in most purpouse built aerobatic machines, I did it in a Yak 52 sustained through a loop, my cheeks and bottom lip were sitting in my lap
  7. Hi Sparko, Might I ask what you are modelling?
  8. Yup the MFD's change modes, basically set up to change on selection of A/A, A/G or NAV modes. I won't make promises but I think I am at a stage with just a little tidying up it is more or less ready as beta.
  9. My guess is that you are joking, I hope
  10. Ok some shots of the german and austrian markings, remember these are still WIP I am still trying to get decal placements right.
  11. Ok heres a little preview to inspire our Spanish and Italian brothers. First is from ALA 11 Spanish Air Force And Stormo 4 Italian Air Force German and Austrian to come
  12. IR Bombs?

    I'm a bit lost on the logic there , surely the defensiveness or offensiveness of a weapon is on how you use it, do they have defensive bullets for their guns?, after all aren't Nuke's some sort of deffensive weapon on the basis of Mutually Assured Destruction.
  13. Yup!, the fuel probe is fully animated and is also in the cockpit lod and is a linked animation, so is the canopy opening ( the screens are from WOI with the DS terrain ) DS is great terrain for testing, frame rates are super.
  14. More shots. notice anything new?
  15. V nice Nicky, like the Choooons
  16. MFD usage

    It has to be done in the actual model, not an .ini entry im affraid
  17. what do I need to watch the videos? I dont seem to be getting aything
  18. Nope, the sound is all stock, I might have used sound from an add on F-15
  19. seems to be working now
  20. I'm getting the impression that youtube is having a problem
  21. Very bizarre, I just been watching it and now I cant, I get the same message?????
  22. Heres a vid of my Typhoon

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