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Everything posted by N.Forsythe

  1. sweet if it is online id like to join
  2. what the one with the flares lighting up the ground what munishion did u use
  3. u should make this online then post a AAR that be sweet
  4. ah hello someone reply tell me if thay can do it
  5. any one need a lomac pilot for online play i fly the F-14A ,F/A-18A/C ,A-10 ,F-15 ,SU-33 ,SU-27 ,MiG-29 ,MiG-25 ,and SU-30
  6. i may git on the 159th i don't know yet it may be a long shot
  7. 159th didn't have any open slots for pilot does anyone else have a squad pleaes e-mail me @ Nickforsythe@yahoo.com or post a reply
  8. yah thank u but do u got any more strike planes than the SU-35t?only one thing i don't have a mic im got to git one soon ps: i got all aircraft mod
  9. some one should make a F/A-22 for lomac
  10. F/A-22

    so it will hapen sometime on one game that u can fight the aircraft and play online
  11. oh the russian Su25t but y not just say su25t y do u got to git profesional and say what the russians call it
  12. yah i think someone could go and change the Nato panels to the f15/a10 panel and add new loadscreens to all new aircraft and later make new panels for the nato and russian planes
  13. y don't i have it whene i place a aircraft an try to slect it ?!?! did thay take it off lomac:fc
  14. F/A-22

    cool i don't care when lomac gits the f-22 but i just want the f-22 sometime befor 2008 or 2009 ps my callsign is reaper
  15. F22.jpg

    alsome right
  16. F22.jpg

    From the album Sweet plane pics

  17. f-14_90.jpg

    sweet right
  18. f-14_90.jpg

    From the album Sweet plane pics

  19. th_a-grim_reaper2.gif

    whick reaper should i put on my planes man someone made a su-35t for me sweet i might still make a su-33 and a f-15
  20. th_1086.gif

    which reaper should i put on my planes
  21. th_1086.gif

    From the album Sweet plane pics

  22. th_grimreaperbrown.jpg

    which reaper should i put on my planes

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