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Everything posted by N.Forsythe

  1. Sweet plane pics

    F-14 F-15 F-22 etr
  2. F/A-22

    reply if u find a f-22 ether on a lomac verion or mod
  3. u should make online i bet alot of people will play it online then read the AAR i know i will that will be cool
  4. pleace someone reply tell me it can or can't be done "Please, can someone tell me if this mod can be done or not?"
  5. i don't know how to set sides on the airfield try seting a retern route Also someone that know how to make programes like loman an lope should make a programe to make and mod countries that whould be so alsome
  6. F/A-22

    what r u talking about its the F/A-22 F/A means Fighter/Attacker
  7. on lomac:fc all aircraft mod how do i fold the wings of the F-14A back??
  8. that whould be cool if someone made a tanker pod for the S-3 so Nato can be carrier based as it whould be in the beggeing of a war
  9. man the f-14 is alsome its as good as the su33 if not beter plus i took 8 MiG-27's on and lived with 2 missle hits to the left side of the fuselog
  10. F/A-22

    man that sucks i hope thay will have it in black shark or the next one
  11. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=3002 this is the mod i am useing
  12. RF-13 madcat

    http://www.rf-13.com this is a sweet squadron if someone has it post the new webpage
  13. ty i allway stoped the mission to re-are
  14. i ues the all aircraft mod for lomac but all that does is let u fly the aircraft i dusn't really change them the ai aircraft probly are ragdalled and the ai muniulats them and the mod give them the su-33 or su-27 fight dinamics ,but ill try to reinstull the mod
  15. please make a mod for the F-14 wings
  16. cool but i don't wan't to pay $1000 dallers for photoshop is thare a less expensive way

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