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Everything posted by Bravo2009

  1. Oh, it's all in there, the old humps, the EC-130 Radar, ALL OF IT!!!! ASAT's, MOAB's, and lions and tigers and bears oh my!
  2. Warren, Ok I just finished breaking down TMF's WOI weapon pack, Bunyap's weapon pack, Lindr's weapon pack (have even included the latest Pre Release 4 pack), all of FastCargo's stuff, the Argentinian pack that was recently released, and probably all other weapon packs and individual weapons here on combatace. I now have 53 INI's that I need to combine to make the one WeaponData file. Actually scratch that I will make several WeaponData's. 1. Will have everything I have, including Nazi Germany stuff, Japanese empire stuff, inert weapons, etc 2. No Nazi, Japanese Empire, or inert weapons It's going to be a long busy Veterans day going through all the packs making sure the attachment types are correct. Once I am done I will post what I have. Would send it to you but I need your email. George
  3. Yeah, the SAM stuff is a lot of fun. You can't just use ALT-N to skip to the mission objective during SEAD missions otherwise you are dead within seconds. With all the SAM stuff now in the game you really have to use the terrain to your advantage, pop up, let the radar light up, and fire off your ARM. It's fun times. I noticed that in your installer you included more than just the weapons folder and some ground objects. What packs are those effects and flight folder from?
  4. Yeah, I can do that Warren. So would you want to do this as a public release? Would you mind doing a release like I was saying, two WeaponData files, one with or without the training weapons? Wrench The, USAFMTL, FastCargo, anyone, what would you guys think of something like that?
  5. Looks good Warren. The folder is nice and clean. One suggestion I'd have for you is to reorganize the Weapon Data. The way I did mine was to put in Unguided Bombs first, then Guided Bombs, then the Air to Ground Missiles, then Rocket Pods, then Air to Air Missiles, followed by Gun Pods, Misc Stores (Decoys, ECM, Targeting Pods), Fuel Tanks, then SAMs. I also placed the Weapon Racks close enough to the weapons that will actually be using them so that, say for example, the Brimstone will use it's launcher rather than the LAU-88. I have a total of 23 INI's I work with to compile my one WeaponData file, they are as follows: Chinese Air to Air Decoy ECM Foreign AirToAir Foreign AirToGround Foreign Dumb Bombs Foreign Guided Bombs Fuel Tanks Gun Pods Japan Rockets Soviet AirToAir Soviet AirToGround Soviet Dumb Bombs Soviet Guided Bombs Soviet Rockets Soviet SAM Targeting and Recon US AirToAir US AirToGround US Dumb Bombs US Guided Bombs US SAM
  6. CH and Saitek

    I miss the old Suncom Technology HOTAS...... I used to have one, lasted years, then one day it died on me :(
  7. You are a maching Lindr. Great stuff as always! George
  8. Oh I can share, if the demand for inert weapons is big enough I reckon I can make two weapondata files, one with and one without the inert weapons, which wouldn't be hard. Oh check your PM box by the way Warren, I just shot you something. George
  9. I took all of the inert stuff out because I don't ever use the inert munitions.
  10. Oh you horrible tease you. That is beautiful. Also love the B-47 with the RATO
  11. I can send you the 25 weapon INI's I have if you want? along with the combined WeaponData.INI if you want that as well. It has FastCargo's weapons, Lindr's packs up until 3. Waiting for WeaponPack 4 to be finalized as that is constantly being tweeked. TMF's WOI weapon pack, and Bunyaps (heavily edited, doing what you did, taking out nation specific stuff and the inert weapons). PM me your email addy if you want that stuff.
  12. I get distracted easily. I've been doing research on which nations use which weapons. I am also working on the Avionics.ini and Data.ini of every single A/C I have installed which numbers 350+. That and real world stuff pops up. Family, work, etc. Like I said though WR, if you need some help let me know, I've got, I'd say, one legal notepad full of weapons with what nations use them.
  13. Are you able to get the Spanish skins to show up? Mine is just a blank C-15
  14. I can test it out as well, I have been and still working on a weapons pack right now that is much cleaner. Now I don't have all of my weapons set to NATO/WP as not all "Allied" nations use the same weapons, IE IRIS-T on a US Navy F/A-18???
  15. Thanks again for the help FastCargo. I have seen photos for the JSOW on a rack, but thinking back I think they were from when they were being cleared on the BRU-57. I tried to make it more like your GBU-39's but the JSOW dropped like a rock, did not guide. Oh well. Thanks again for everything.
  16. Ahhh, roger that. Did you ever test out your JSOW's as EOGR's? I'm wondering if there would be a flight characteristic change.
  17. Holy s**te that's a beautiful skin Eric. Truly wonderful job.
  18. Hello all, I was looking for an old website that explained the Guidance systems for the various weapons, specifically bombs and AGM's. Basically since last night I have been trying to get the BRU-57 Smart Rack to function in WOI but to no avail. I have changed it's parameters around to allow for carriage of the AGM-154 JSOW and the GBU-38 500lb JDAM. There are 2 BRU-57's, I believe they came from Bunyap's pack. One of the BRU-57's is set up as 2BR (BOMB, LGB) and the other BRU-57 is set up as TLR. The GBU-38 and the AGM-154 are set up with a guidance of GPS Homing. The length of the JSOW is set to 4m, I set the max limit on the BRU-57 to 4.1, with a max weight each of 480kg for each weapon. I've been trying testing this on the FA-18F. I have set the pylons to a max diameter of 1.9m and have included the 2BR and TLR code to it but it still will not load more than 1 weapon per pylon per side. Thanks for anyhelp [LeftInnerWingStation] //SUU-63 Pylon SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=17 StationGroupID=2 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-1.981,-1.656,-0.620 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-1.0,0.0 DiameterLimit=1.90 LoadLimit=2400 AllowedWeaponClass=FT,TER,MER,RP,LGB,CBU,SAHM,ARM,EOGB,CGR,EOGR,BOMB,TLR,LP,2BR AttachmentType=USN ModelNodeName=LeftPyl PylonMass=123.8 PylonDragArea=0.03 FuelTankName=FA18EF_Tank480 [WeaponData236] TypeName=BRU57 FullName=BRU-57 Dual Smart Rack ModelName=BRU57 Mass=50.000000 Diameter=0.000000 Length=0.000000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType=USAF,USN SpecificStationCode= NationName=USAF StartYear=2002 EndYear=2040 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=25 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=6 WeaponsRackType=2BR NumWeapons=2 LoadLimit=480.000000 LengthLimit=4.100000 MaxFuelAmount=0.000000 Attachment01Position=-0.320000,0.000000,-0.138000 Attachment01Angle=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 Attachment02Position=0.320000,0.000000,-0.138000 Attachment02Angle=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 [WeaponData237] TypeName=BRU57_1 FullName=BRU-57 Dual Smart Rack ModelName=BRU57 Mass=50.000000 Diameter=0.000000 Length=0.000000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType=USAF,USN SpecificStationCode= NationName=USAF StartYear=2002 EndYear=2040 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=25 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=6 WeaponsRackType=TLR NumWeapons=2 LoadLimit=480.000000 LengthLimit=4.100000 MaxFuelAmount=0.000000 Attachment01Position=-0.320000,0.000000,-0.138000 Attachment01Angle=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 Attachment02Position=0.320000,0.000000,-0.138000 Attachment02Angle=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 [WeaponData230] TypeName=AGM-154A JSOW FullName=AGM-154A JSOW (Cluster) ModelName=JSOW Mass=475.000000 Diameter=0.330000 Length=4.000000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.120000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.462000 AttachmentType=USN SpecificStationCode= NationName=USN StartYear=1999 EndYear=2040 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=24 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=0 RailLaunched=FALSE Retarded=FALSE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=FALSE EffectClassName=ClusterBombEffects DragAreaMultiplier=1.000000 WarheadType=8 Explosives=58.509998 FusingDistance=50.000000 ClusterBomblets=145 ClusterDispersion=1.000000 GuidanceType=8 Accuracy=95 MaxTurnRate=2.000000 MaxLaunchG=3.000000 LockonChance=95 LaunchReliability=95 ArmingTime=2.000000 SeekerFOV=90.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=90.000000 SeekerTrackRate=20.000000 SeekerRange=75000.000000 ReleaseAnimationID=1 ReleaseAnimationTime=2.000000 ReleaseAnimationDelay=0.500000 EODisplayFlags=0 CEP=0.000000
  19. Did you ever find a fix for the Skins not showing up? Has me stumped. But then I'm just tired, have been spending the last couple of weeks making a new WeaponsData.ini, and now I am going through all of the Avionics.INI to ensure the Ground_Map is GM in the A/C with Avionics70 and adjusting all of the hardpoints on all 350+ a/c I currently have in the game.......
  20. What is this exactly??? Is it like the MiG-21 Lancer????
  21. Yup, for the past week I have been working on creating a custom weapons pack. Bunyap's is just filled with unnecessary "junk" such as the inert weapons, captive missiles, etc. Does one really need that? I seperated all the weapons in to approximately 20-25 separate INI's such as Air to Air, Air to Ground, Dumb Bombs, Guided Bombs etc, and those were further broken down to US, Soviet/Russian, and Foreign. And then I added the weapons from WOI, then stuff from Bunyap, then I added the weapons that have been released individually, then I added anything included with A/C that wasn't already in a weapons pack. It has taken me a long time but it works, and as new things are released it is easier for me to plug it in to the appropriate file, then merging my many INI's. This also has the advantage of making the loadout screen a bit more manageable as weapons are always separated appropriately.
  22. "Hands Across Mother Earth" Time, oooooh Marcelo, release the Wobbly Goblin please, oh purdy puhlease.....
  23. Actually I've noticed on the AH-1W sometimes the rotors stop, and sometimes they don't. It is hit and miss. AI seems to always work, but when I fly the bird then the rotors stop.....
  24. BLUE ANGELS down 1 plane

    This isn't the first time this has happened in the Blue Angels. I remember when the Marine Aviator in the squadron was fired for having a relationship with a junior on the team. I think this was in the late 90's early 2000's
  25. Ya see, Iron Hand's my thing.......

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