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Everything posted by Bravo2009

  1. EF-2000

    Can anyone get the METEOR to work? yes I know it came with the Gripen, but I still can't get it to work. I've added it to the Weapondata.ini and did the WeaponEditor dance and nada :(
  2. EF-2000

    Great stuff, but the avionics file for WOE and such is missing in the RAR file.
  3. Emperor : Now witness the firepower of this fully ARMED and OPERATIONAL battle station!
  4. The packs didn't include the SabreEngine file or the Pilot files, where can I get them??? :(
  5. The more times I see the Vautur the more I fall in love with it. It has a beauty all its own that is unique.
  6. Finally posted some photos from the Cuban Air museum

    Very cool pictures, I dream of the day that I can visit Cuba and bring back some cigars :)
  7. Now will the Maverick fire while still on the ground ;) Sorry, sorry, can't leave the Iron Eagle references alone.
  8. I've always thought that Extreme Deep Invader would be a better name for a porn rather than for a UCAV. "Extreme Deep Invader, starring Wrench, The, and a circus midget"
  9. But daddy I want an Oompa Loompa now! I thought the E/I was updated when the F-15K was released???
  10. Where is the Hades bomb??? Did you make a Doug Masters figure??? :P CHHHHHAAAAAAAPPPPPPYYYYY
  11. You mean to tell me there is other stuff other than pretty pictures on this forum????
  12. NF-104A

    Yeager-"Hey Ridley." Ridley-"Yeah" Yeager-"You got any Beeman's?" Ridley-"I might have me a stick" Yeager-"Well loan me some would you, I'll pay you back later" Ridley-"Fair enough" Yeager-"I think I see a plane over here with my name on it" Ridley-"Now you talkin"
  13. Wow, only 200 flight hours a year! Now is that factoring ACM into the figure? Anyone know how those numbers are calculated?
  14. You wrote this and all I was thinking was The History Channel's DOGFIGHTS show, the special they had on the Israeli Air Force.
  15. Dang dude, my old 486 Packard Hell box (Anyone remember them?) had more ram then that I get paid in a few minutes so I shall order my WOI then :)
  16. Does it include the Hades bomb now??? :P
  17. Whats Your Favorite Airplane Movie

    I liked the first Airplane movie, Lloyd Bridges and Robert Stack were classic!!! William Shatner annoyed the hell out of me in Part II
  18. And here I thought the demon lived out there somewhere around Mach 1, silly me. BTW, anyone here have any Beamon's, if you do, loan me some, I'll pay you back later.
  19. Absolutely beautiful!!! The Vigi holds a special place, imagine that baby as a missiler
  20. So what does this weapons pack do??? Is it upgraded textures/models???
  21. Pffft, Dell, who cares. Now if Sony backed Porn then we'd have serious competition. As I recall Sony has spurned the porn industry again while HD-DVD is embracing porn. LONG LIVE HI-DEF PORN!!!
  22. So what's going on here...

    Did you get an incentive ride for a promotion or Airman of the Year?
  23. yeah, I remember on Column5's site he used to have modern American pilot skins.

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