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Everything posted by Bravo2009

  1. 14,000 texts You Win $50K

    4000?!?!?! DAMN! I don't even come close to a thousand a month I think. I think this past month is the most, maybe 750, TOPS!
  2. It's stunning, especially in that last shot......
  3. Oh ok, it's beautiful. Great job.
  4. Where does one get that new AIM-9X skin????
  5. So who is going to be the first to re-create the B-1R and F-22A scene from Future Dogfights???
  6. 2009 seems to be an important year when it comes to TW simulations....... How far this community has come since the Wal-Mart fiasco.......
  7. Yes, as long as they were of the same high quality, and they would have to be in packs as some suggested.....
  8. AWESOME!!! So I just installed it and started up the game, but I could not find it in my list of aircraft I can select, did I do something wrong??? I kid I KID!!!!! Awesome work guys.
  9. What does it feel like to be shot?

    I have been fortunate in that I have never been shot, either in the Marines or as a cop, but I would imagine it would hurt like a mother f-er. We are talking about muscle being torn, nerves being cut up, and possibly bone shattering. That's not even including internal organs being hit..... Not to mention you are being hit by a solid object traveling at hundreds of feet per second......
  10. What does it feel like to be shot?

    Pffft, mine owes me over 5 grand, and also about 2 years.......
  11. The new Bacardi commericial....

    If you've seen this commercial, where a party goer goes through different eras to get to the bar, well there is a really catchy tune on it. Well I decided to get off my butt and find out what it was. The songs name is Daylight by an indie band called Matt & Kim, the players are, you guessed it, Matt and Kim...... Anyhow I decided to check out their other songs, and wow, I love it. Hooked on these guys. Kim isn't even close to the type of girl I am normally attracted to her, but there is a sexiness to her, I guess it's from the drum play...... Anyhow check out some of their songs...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz6WE3BcLMU It's A Fact Yea Yeah Daylight <--- The song from the Bacardi Commercial

    Looks like someone's wet dream.....
  13. What Is Everyone Doing Over the Weekend?

    Have the little one until tomorrow evening. Went and saw THE HANGOVER last night (8.5/10). Then tomorrow night, after dropping off the little one, I will be going out drinking with the co-workers. Hopefully I won't type up another jacked up thread like I did last Sunday night/Monday morning...... My weekend doesn't end until Wednesday at 1700 hours, then I only work 2 days, then off for another 5 haha......
  15. Holy Moly who else is Messed UP RIGHT NOW?

    Sheesh, not my finest moment. HAHA. I left the computer on when I went out last night, get home, see that combatace is still loaded so I posted. Wow, my liver took one hell of a beating. Pics may follow, met a pretty cute Army nurse so it was a good night.
  16. Whats your favorite Saw movie?

    Only watched the first one, it was great. Never really cared to see the sequels.
  17. Star Trek XI

    Well if everyone wants to get technical the whole time line was altered in Star Trek First Contact.
  18. I am working on it.... slowly but surely, replacing models, deleting unnecessary models, etc etc.
  19. It should be in Bunyap's pack, because I just looked in my updated 3.00 Community Pack and it's in there......
  20. Check this place out..... http://uscockpits.com/ hope this helps
  21. Words cannot express what I think of that picture ChrisBV, even if I tried it would not do your picture service......

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