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Everything posted by Bravo2009

  1. The Comm Pack was created using Bunyap's pack as the basis, and then other packs and addons added on top of it, and replacing stuff in Bunyaps
  2. So what's the answer? Doesn't appear that anyone has gotten it 100% correct.
  3. An absolutely beautiful skin, I LOVE IT!!!
  4. @Brian32 - Holy Schnike, what terrain is that??? It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!
  5. Awesome, this community is out-freakin-standing.
  6. Which weapons pack are you using? If it is Bunyap's then do as Viper6 says. If you have the Community Weapons Pack then just drop in the WeaponData file that does not have INERT in the name.....
  7. It shouldn't be like that, you just have to make sure that the proper effect is installed in the EFFECTS folder.....
  8. That's a very crappy April Fools joke, I know, I had it happen for real......
  9. I declare Jihad on Silverbolt.......
  10. There are no "ex-Marines" KillerBee, you should know this :biggrin:
  11. Do ships actually have rivets on the exterior of the hull? Or is it just welds? If so would this be a case of weld counting?
  12. So....how many Harpoons will it take to sink? How many icebergs to rip through the hull?
  13. Yes, it can be updated by the end user, and I am currently working on an update. It has been slow because I didn't have access to my computer for a month. I have my daughter every other week, work, etc etc. And I've decided to really go in there and remove any models and textures that aren't being used. Then I'm going through all the different entries to make sure they are using the most up to date lod's and then I'm making sure that the effects problem (as in them not showing up) is solved.
  14. Wow, love the new editor, and how it categorizes weapons.
  15. That Yak-130 is one beautiful little trainer.......
  16. Taking Chance

    Jug, I am going to have to disagree with you on one point.....it is a tough movie to watch, whether or not you have family members that are casualties. None of my family members have been casualties, having been in the Marine Corps, and my brother also formerly in the Marine Corps, and a lot of my friends still in the Marine Corps, it is very difficult to watch. I am watching it right now, it is very hard fighting back the tears. A lot has been going through my mind as I watch the movie, a lot of my friends are going through their 3rd hump right now, I did zero. I am proud of my service, but somtimes I wish they had never discovered my medical condition and I could have stayed in. Higher powers had something else to say in the matter. I would recommend this incredible chronicle to anyone, but I warn you, it is going to be difficult to watch.
  17. NATO code names are: F for Fighters (MiG-29 Fulcrum) B for Bombers (Tu-95 Bear) C for Cargo (An-72 Coaler) H for Helo's (ex Mi-17 Hip) etc.
  18. Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag

    Speed & Angels over this anytime. It is outstanding on Blu Ray. The cheese factor is almost non-existent compared to this movie/documentary.
  19. Topgun II in the works

    Goose, even you could get laid in a place like this.
  20. Funny, cuz I use the Community Pack and added the lastest TMF pack to the Community Pack for the next release. Lots of great stuff in the TMF packs

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