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Everything posted by Muesli

  1. Most of the times I am not paying too much attention to the flying opponents... but I wonder if this is something I can change to a more acceptable formation... Do I need to change values somewhere, do I need to erase/change a file somewhere? Cheers!
  2. Thanks Wilches! But the problem still prevails. After this fix it happend with a flight of Yak-25's... I guess I have to get used to it and ignore it.
  3. Hi, It is not tied to the airfields, as I see it happen with aircraft formations which are in flight for some time. I notice it ONLY happening with RED aircraft, both fighter types and bombers. So not with BLUE types... The pic I took was from the Archipelago map, and as I said earlier I use a vanilla Formations.ini.
  4. Hahahahaha, you guys! Thank you for the silly answers, and thank you for the insights! I use a bone stock Formations.ini, and I have the issue with different maps. Next thing to do (now) is to fly a few missions in the stock map areas to see if the problem is there as well. If not, it might be in the map itself??? If so, where to look and what to edit? I have no clue! Thanks, crazy people! (It takes one to know one!)
  5. Damn, those are handsome F**kers!
  6. And... and... and... Damn those Fokkers! ;-)
  7. Could you be a bit more specific? And most clear answers to your question are already posted here. Good luck!
  8. What Caliber Weapon Is Needed To Kill These Things?

    Can't we use Political Correctness? Maybe talk to them in a safe and friendly environment? Maybe cuddle and pet? Maybe all they need is some love and friendliness??? ;-)
  9. I think you should contact Thirdwire then. It is not mod related but game related. And since you bought it at TW, he can provide you the service you require and deserve. Good luck!
  10. Download your install files at Thirdwire again, uninstall what Strike Fighters 'broken' install you have and start with a clean slate! That would be the easiest solution. Good luck!
  11. Hi, If you could use English as a main board language, more people would understand what you meant and more people would be able to help. (And please don't start with "use G**gle Translate") Cheers
  12. Those aerodynamic form, damn!!! I love the shape of 1920s and 1930s planes!

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