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Monty CZ

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Everything posted by Monty CZ

  1. TrackIR 4

    So I tested that Facetracknoir and can say that its nice software I can look around with my build in webcam in SF2 with no problem If you dont wantr to spend 100 or so bucks it is an option. Monty CZ
  2. you can try skids, because there is specification of the "touch" point added via inis (you can see it in FE2 models or my avia B-534) monty CZ
  3. there has to be real mesh part in gear "role" otherways the game dont know where the gear is
  4. TrackIR 4

    Hello all, I found this http://facetracknoir.sourceforge.net/information_links/download.htm could anybody try it and compare with TrackIR? Or anybody even tried it? Is it worth of try? I can check it in two days, just now I dont have laptop with webcam. Monty CZ (link was deleted, dont know why)
  5. Funny thing is that it is the default jet engine sound ;-) Ok this time I tested DDS textures, wow the file size looks great (49MB vs 8MB for texture) But for bumpmaps it is not the best solution Monty CZ
  6. Soulfreak pls be patient I need to add another layer to original PSD file (i will send it to you at the end of the week) Thank you Monty CZ
  7. So I think that after today I am 98% finished here :-) need to focus on the ini work now Monty CZ
  8. I am no physicist but by my experience with RC models the ruder cause Roll moment and Yaw moment. The Roll moment I can eliminate with ailerons so there could be still the missing Yaw moment so by my opinion the path of plane flying under those condition should be curved not straight. Monty CZ I can check it only in SF2
  9. Interesting question... As I understand it, If I change exhaust emmiter to something similar to smoke (which will stay in the air for long time) and then apply rudder and eliminate roll with ailerons to have plane in horizon the emmiter (visible path) would be straight (which is probably not right) Did I understand what do you want to say? Monty CZ
  10. Jas 39 Gripen Instalace

    Hurá další spokojený uživatel :-) Lítáš to jako simulátor nebo jako gamesu? tj patříš k těm který mají všechno na easy sednou do F-18 a jdou killit migy, nebo máš všechno na hard a chybí ti že před startem nemůžeš strávit 20 minut zahříváním motoru a oživováním systémů? Monty CZ
  11. Another small upgrade: (new picture) How is the inlet temp limit working? Monty CZ
  12. File Name: Avia CS-199 File Submitter: Monty CZ File Submitted: 17 September 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft Trainer version of S-199 Mezek build in Czechoslovakia Enjoy Monty CZ Click here to download this file
  13. Jas 39 Gripen Instalace

    Tak mě napadlo že si můžeš stáhnout nějakej poslední weapons pack, kterej obsahuje všechno možné, tam jsou i ini a dat soubory. Monty CZ
  14. Jas 39 Gripen Instalace

    Možná to je tím editorem spouštěným z raru když ho dáš do složky, klikneš na to pravým a nastavíš spouštět s kompatibilitou pro Win98 (myslím) tak by měl fungovat. Sice to nepíšeš ale předpokládám že poté co v editoru otevřeš weaponslist.ini a máš tam ty svoje zbraně přidané tak dáš "save". (podívej se na datum souboru weapons?nevím?.dat jestli se ti změnil. Monty CZ
  15. Jas 39 Gripen Instalace

    máš 1 nebo druhou verzi hry? je potřeba mít i weapon editor odpovídající verzi hry. nemám grippena ale můžu to zkusit Monty CZ
  16. Brain32 Thank you buddy! I tried something similar but not exactly this. Problems solved, more ahead :-) Monty CZ
  17. Ok from today I can even land in low visibility conditions (or maybe die trying it but knowing what I did wrong :-) ) I did some ini cockpit work today for anybody who want to ask when it would be finnished here si my to do list: todo list.txt need to solve this: it is possible to make one light for gear up and one for gear down? it is possible to have azimuth to previous waypoint on any instrument? how to do range counter? how to do separate lights for flap up, take of, landing? how to overheat the engine in 20mins on full throttle? etc etc :-) Monty CZ
  18. AND YOU SAYING THAT after so many hours ?!?!?! thanks for the link Craig
  19. Problem s laserem naváděnou bombou GBU

    I tested it on stock A-10 (78) the earlier one has no ability to carry GBUs. There is no stock lantirn POD and it is possible to drob GBU on target like runway etc, not on AAA just like yarag said. Monty CZ
  20. xclisiv8 after two or three evenings I spent by painting this, I hate even to look at clock on my wall :-) On some simpler gauges lets say clocks you can make lines for 10mins (60degrees) and then rotate them all around on gauges with logaritmic scale you have to paint each line by hand. Numbers are usualy vertical so each number is placed separately on my gauges. The ones rotating around the center are placed in another graphic program called Inkscape which allows to connect text to spline (circle) Maybe some vector graphic programs (like Corel, Illustrator) are better for it. I hope it helps Monty CZ
  21. Problem s laserem naváděnou bombou GBU

    Člověče teď nevím jaká verze A-10ky je v SF2E, ale myslím, že Ačko nemělo integrovanej laser. já teda na tohle nejsem největší odborník protože jsem zkusil warthoga tak všehovšudy 5x a protože mi taky nešly odhodit GBUčka a nevěděl jsem co je laser, tak jsem tam podvěsil Mk-82ky protože s těma se to dá trefit skoro stejně :-) Můžu to doma vyzkoušet. Obecně mám s laserem nebo TV naváděnejma bombama problém jak nepřeletět cíl dřív než dopadne bomba, protože se pak zruší zaměření. U A-10ky to teda nehrozí protože se sotva plazí. Zkus se na to zeptat v anglický sekci, nebo se podívej do knowledge base. Monty CZ

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