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Monty CZ

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Everything posted by Monty CZ

  1. Avia B-35 fighter plane

    Version V 1.0


    Czechoslovak pre war fighter which came too late in 1938 Monty CZ
  2. Nieuport 11 add-on plane



    Nieuport N11 for ThirdWires First Eagles The Great Air War 1918 This package contains new flyable Nieuport 11 plane with cockpit and 2 texture sets. Flight model by TexMurphy 3D model and textures by Monty CZ
  3. When I saw this message I instaled SF2 again after 5years and ....ok it was nice but I think that it is time to move. There is too many "hotfixes" which cover some specific behavior and technology is already obsolete. Yes I am dreaming about something similar - "semi lite", but still simulator with dynamic campaign, from 1960-80s, not primarily multiplayer game, with terrain which feels good and moddable.
  4. Version public beta


    I hope I put everything where it is supposed to be. This file is for testing and terrain modders so dont expect self installer or something read the readme! Monty CZ
  5. Caproni Ca.3

  6. Aero L-29 Delfin

  7. Hello all prop fans. I was allways dreaming about one scenario which could be well modable in SF2. so let the dynamic campaign engine show what could happen back in the 1938. Here is the story: (and I apologize about my english, which is not my first language :-) ) September 1, 1938 Hitler said that he himself takes a solution of the Sudeten German question. September 12-13, 1938 in the Czech border areas erupted riots organized by militant members of the SDP September 15, 1938 Hitler asked the Czech border area connections to Germany and the destruction of the Czechoslovak-Soviet treaty September 19, 1938 Governments of Great Britain and France urged Czechoslovakia to withdraw its border areas with more than 50% of the German population of Germany. September 20, 1938 the Czechoslovak government refused to Anglo-French call for the resignation of the border territory of the German Reich. September 23, 1938 in Czechoslovakia was proclaimed a general mobilization. September 26, 1938 The Czechoslovak president was convinced by generals to fight with Germany September 27, 1938 All connections between Czechoslovakia and Germany have been interupted, including transit traffic and international connections. The generals gave Hitler a document evaluating the German army. According to them, german army is completely unprepared for war, most of the inhabitants of the Empire does not want a war and in the success of German arms against Czechoslovakia believe only 1 / 5 officers. Czechoslovakia by them can withstand up to three months. September 28, 1938 Czechoslovak ambassador to Britain announced the official decision of President Benes, not to accept the decision of any international conference on CSR, where a representative of the Czech side would not be present. September 29, 1938 The Soviet ambassador Alexandrovskyi announced that the USSR would provide military aid to Czechoslovakia, in the event that after the outbreak of war turn to the League of Nations. September 30, 1938 CSR has already complained with the League of Nations, because of the presence of SS troops on its territory (as part of the regular German army). ČSR feels to be attacked country. The CS army launched a tough approach against the forces of SS in ČS territory, which starts to have significant losses and reduces its activity. The German people collectively fleeing over the border. Romania late afternoon issued a permission to transport Soviet aircraft with civilian crews to Czechoslovakia through its territory. The Romanian government has acknowledged that Czechoslovakia is contested country. October 1, 1938 at 4:30 am the first wave of German paratroopers took of in the Ju-52. Because CSR is already considered to be attacked, CSAF launched attack against german airbases. After 5 o'clock this morning bomber squadrons attacked lit german airports from where were launched transport planes. German fighters could not intervene well, because in the dark they had problem to identify Czech and German bombers. It was an easy target, unfortunately the last one....
  8. Hello Soulfreak, this project is "on hold" and I am not able to continue on it due to real life. I can send all files you can see here to somebody.
  9. Aero L-39

    Ahoj, vždycky si říkám že už to neudělám a pak je chvíli ošklivé počasí a už jsem v tom zase :-) Plánované verze L-3C a L-39ZA MontyCZ
  10. Avia S-199 "Mezek / Sakin"

    U příležitosti nového SF2 israel exp. packu přiznávám další "československý" výtvor: uvidíme, co se bude dát namodelovat z jedinečných vlastností Mezka :-) MontyCZ
  11. Hello I still have the 3D file and templates if you want. Monty CZ
  12. Do you know this page? http://www.wwiiaircraftperformance.org/me109/me109e.html Might be useful Monty CZ
  13. I was thinking about my next RC model and then this idea came to me: What if we would build plane similar to XF5U-1 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vought_XF5U) with technologies we have now. And here it is: powered with 2 turbo-prop engines (on lower speed there is some thrust vectoring used) speed range 60-600kmph manned and unmanned version 2 bombbays, gyro stabilized cameras and laser under the belly what do you think? Monty CZ
  14. Last versions of Blender made conversion to 3DS even more complicated. I dont think its even possible to make complete model with UVW maps and hierarchy and export it into 3DS. I do mesh modeling in Blender because its faster and I was used to, then everything else I did in 3DS. Maybe somebody could make export from Blender available Monty CZ
  15. War Thunder - Any takers?

    Sometimes I play that but when He-51 is faster than lagg-3 I dont call it simulation :-)
  16. Playing with trees lately: one LOD is for 5 trees in sguare 40x40m Monty CZ
  17. I have only limited amount of time so I can "trade" plane modeling for map works :-) seriously some terrain guru would be helpful - I want to use stock germany CE map but modded with smaller towns and different TOD buildings (to eliminate skyscrappers) Monty CZ
  18. ups I did it again work slowed down due to RL but still in the process Monty CZ
  19. I use one sided material and if required simple copy the mesh invert faces inside and connect it in hierarchy to the original one
  20. I would vote for import option since I lost a lot of source files of released planes and objects :-( Even payware PRO version is option for me. Monty CZ
  21. hello its DAT with permission to include into the mod. Monty CZ
  22. Still slowly working on the subject airfield german side - Monty CZ
  23. Did you tried the same "smooth group" as fuselage? Monty CZ
  24. it was written here: http://combatace.com/topic/60610-how-to-create-an-airfield-from-scratch/ Monty CZ
  25. Opel Blitz pack



    something for WWII era - trucks to populate areas read the readme! Monty CZ

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