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Everything posted by Wolf65

  1. Well, downloaded the Bronco to give it a try, didn't hit anything on the ground, but did down a Mig-21MF with a Sidewinder. I didn't even drop bombs, my wingman did that job while i was busy with the mig. Gotta say interesting little plane.
  2. I've only heard of fraps...but i guess there are probably all kinds on the net.
  3. The only way is to download a program for the job and record (fraps for instance), the game dosen't have anything for recording missions.
  4. Actually it's "Heavy Bombers and Multi Engined Aircraft", so i say it fits in the multi engine category.
  5. Sorry, i never tried multiplayer, so i can't help you there...
  6. I think the autopilot does that on Recon missions, atleast he does on my game...i don't know why he does it to be honest...
  7. Airbrakes or wheelbrakes? Either way you use the key for that command, under defult wheelbrakes are i think B, while airbrakes are S. You can check this in the options.
  8. Dude, DN Forever is a myth. Anyway, I think a trailer for it came out today...I'm not sure as I didn't look for it...
  9. How do you look in santa thread

    Hm...is there a Spartaaaa Santa?
  10. How do you look in santa thread

    Speaking of red noses
  11. Yes, we should put those thing somewhere where they don't iritate the skin... I like the UFO, USAAF2.
  12. Well WoI will arrive in two weeks.
  13. How do you look in santa thread

  14. Nevermind, i took care of it, put the loadout from the A-5A v1.2 from column5.us
  15. I have a problem, there are no weapons loaded on the aircraft and i have to manually load them. I have the weapons pack installed and the newest patch and I have a WoE/WoV merged install. Any ideas what could be wrong?
  16. I don't think that would happen. It would kill the game, becouse we wouldn't be able to use the planes and thing made before the patch. :yes:

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