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Everything posted by Wolf65

  1. Roundel: which is your favorite?

    I've always like the canadian roundel. :yes:
  2. And here we go...

    And on a more lighter note, science rap:
  3. Not funny but funny

  4. Rise of Flight Website

    Looks interesting
  5. COD 6 Confirmed! Exclusive Info

    I hear this new COD is set in the future (maybe just a rumor).
  6. WoV/WoE mostly Phantoms, WoI F-16 and Kfir.
  7. Just discovered a plane I didn't know

    It was an actuall aircraft (a desing actually), desing started in the '80, canceled do to financial problems in the '90. It was suppose to replace the aging mig-21. What you see here is a model of the aircraft that was used to show what it looked like. Unfortunatly do the problems described above, there was never a working prototype built. It was to be built with some french help (mainly around the more modern radars and other systems the Yugoslav enginers haven't had a chance to work with)
  8. Any more modern jet flight sim

    If I understood correctly all the "modules" would be stand alone, but compatable between eachother. I think.
  9. Aircraft, yes, aim7, no. Thanks, i'll do that.
  10. Yes, i used the newest one off the TW website.
  11. Has anyone tryed to add the Mirage Factory Tomcat to WOI. I don't seem to have the Sparrow avalible in the loadout. I guessed it was becouse they were assinged to Israel and not the US Navy. So i first tryed playing around with the attachment types in the F-14_DATA.ini, which didn't work, so i tryed changing in weaponsdata that the missle is also used by the USAF and USN (attachment type and nation lines), but i still can't get missles to be avalable to the US. Any ideas on what I should do?
  12. A Good Sim You Aren't Playing

    Is it just me or does the AI try to run into the clouds to loose me. If it's AI it's pretty smart.
  13. This thing doesen't like WOE, in WOI evertying works fine, in WOE it crashes to desktop when i go into the externel views.
  14. I can't see to find the viggen in the downloads, it's not in the "Saab Aircraft", I can't find it anywhere in the modern aircraft section. Where is it?
  15. ARe the missles it carries contained in the file or do I have to download them seperatly?
  16. Demotivational Posters

  17. A Good Sim You Aren't Playing

    I'll see first if the new patch has any effect. EDIT: the new patch fixed it.
  18. A Good Sim You Aren't Playing

    I got a problem: the game keeps turning off the radio chatter every time I enter a mission. Anyone have similar problems?
  19. A Good Sim You Aren't Playing

    It's like your getting a whole new game and not just a patch that fixes the bugs. Wish these guys would give Mig Alley a try. :)
  20. Happy Birthday to.....

    Happy Birthday

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