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Everything posted by Zurawski

  1. One down and a tough one next.

    Well, the Giants are not the same team they slaughtered early in the season (35 to 13)... Your right in that they will have no room for stupid mistakes. I however predict the Packers squeek by the Giants next week by a score of 24 to 20 ... Long term prediction is a Pats -vs- Packers Superbowl rematch!
  2. One down and a tough one next.

    I figured the Pack would have Seattle for lunch (Sorry Whitenight)... And even though I picked them for an upset... I'm quite suprised the Cowboys went down the way they did.
  3. I've got it roughed in... been "slowly" detailing it... (It's going to be my best pit yet... better than the Sabre). I should be posting some update pics within the next week... Final pit release will depend on how busy my home life is and how far the Packers get into the play-offs.
  4. LOL! Funny you mention this... I was just thinking about that the other night when I playing with adding paratroopers to the loadoout. I came in a little fast and at a high off-angle... touched and bounced around a bit(okay... a lot) . I thought to myself that 24 soldiers in back would be ready to roast my ass for a landing like that!
  5. With friends and family, the hardest part for them is NOT man-handling the controls... Because the input reaction is delayed, they tend to slam the joystick and throttle around, over compensating when it gets a bit squirrelly... ... Once you folks get a functional cocpkit with guages to cue off of, it will make things a little easier.
  6. One down and a tough one next.

    Well... to be honest? I think the Giants have a substantive opportunity to knock off Dallas. With out TO the Cowboys become far more defencable as they can man up on the wides and the tight end.
  7. Movie Lines that make great signatures...

    ..." One time... at band camp"... If you don't know the line or the movie... it's a lost cause.
  8. One down and a tough one next.

    I think... it was "all of them". http://www.packers.com/history/record_book...ds/favre_watch/ Looks like he's only missing the Consecutive Games Started record...
  9. One down and a tough one next.

    sacrilege! How dare your speak ill of our most reveared QB... A thousand curses upon thee!
  10. One down and a tough one next.

    Oh my poor...poor delusional friend. Your paper-tiger Seahawks are in for a rude awakening in Greenbay.
  11. Many-a-year ago I wrote an article for Combatsim.com regarding the fidelity of flight models of up coming combat sims. Long story short, what I ultimately determined was that a flight sim needn't be 100% accurate, so long as it "felt right". IMHO there is way too much time spent pontificating over whether or not this sim is more accurate or that sim is. Reality is since we are not taxed with the physical demands of flight and we have no real fear of the repercussion of flying beyond our airframes limits (read: dying in a fiery death)... what good is a simulation that is dead nuts-on in the flight fidelity if we don't honor it? Yes...yes... I know there are some dyed in the wool gronards who have the discipline to fly like this... but really, for most of us, what fun is this? By in large most of us just fly by the seat of our pants, focus on nothing more that getting a viable weapons solution, toggling the pickle on some hard target and keeping the bad guys off our ass... From a fun stand point, isn't this all we really want to do?
  12. Capun.. wrench... All you .ini gurus look the same to me. My apologies for my mis-identification. I'll make it up by sending you the mother of pearl collectors case with your chip.
  13. You guys are flipping brilliant... I spent days futzing with paras and finally just gave up. Wrench I owe you a one-of-a-kind blue wooden nickle in a hermetically sealed case to keep that freshly painted smell...
  14. It’s all over for another year

    Me? Hell, I got the obligatory socks and underwear... A new briefcase as my old one was toast... oh and a new coffee maker. HOWEVER... I have been given free reign to go buy a new video card... now I'm torn between snarfing up something now or wait till the dust settles for early 08'. ... Oh and the wife and kids got spoiled rotten as usual.
  15. ...Oh, now your showing off. LOL! I'll take any color.... and.... oh, say 24 paras?
  16. I messed with the para with my Osprey... No matter what I didn I could not get them to show... I've got a wooden nickel for the first person to get paratroopers to work with the Osprey! (and let me know what I've been doing wrong)
  17. Alright... I admit it I'm bias. My fav is the F-86 Sabre pit. (Which will be soon suplanted by the Osprey pit)
  18. If You Could Be an Animal........

    [singing] ... I don't wanna be a lion, because lions play to rough. I don't wanna be a tiger, because a tiger aint the kind you love enough... ...I just wanna be your teddy bear. [/singing]
  19. I want my XP Back

    You can have my XP when you rip it from my corpse... Vista is a perfect example of trying to do "too much with too little". The fact that MS shoved it down our throat doesn't make it any more endearing... I've aways wondered why MS didn't go the other way and make a gaming OS? You know... remove everything that gets in the way of gaming... make the link between OS and hardware as pure and simple as possible... an absolute speed OS. I mean looking at the amount of money a typical gamer will shell out for hardware... and the cornucopia of shareware/freeware programs promising gaming nervana... I think a dedicated gaming OS would be snatched like gold pieces! (Sorry... didn't mean to hijack this thread)
  20. Christmas presents

    Your first mistake was assuming your smarter/craftier than your wife... Reality is we men/husbands are so predictable, she knew what you were going to buy before even thought to buy it. (I'm serious... they are omnipresent that way) Second mistake was to assume since you bought jewelry last year, it should not be bought this year. Reality is, even when they say don't buy my jewelry... they really mean buy me jewelry. "Diamonds, that'll shut her up"- Ron White <- No truer words have ever been spoken. Good luck my friend and keep that gift receipt handy... chances are your going to need it. I'm in on the post Christmas poll... I've learned my lesson already. I now just ask her point blank what she wants. While doing this, I also remind her what kind of presents she got when she made me guess... That usually puts the fear of God in her.
  21. For me it's: WoE WoV SF I dunno... I realize all three are built from the same code and are essentially the same post patch... But for some reason WoE runs the smoothest and gives me the least problems (knocks on wood) ... I can only rationalize some errant bit of code etc. Meh?
  22. F-86 Sabre (Like you could not have guessed?) To me the Sabre is the automotive equivalent of the Boss Mustang... Sleek, low slung, it just has that appearance of being coiled and ready to sink its teeth on your ass... Aesthetics aside... to me it's the first... and some would argue the last of the pure dog fighters.
  23. .... and I still have a really massive EEL.
  24. Knowing how this bird UV unwraps (especially around the intake)... I'd try doing it with decals. It could be done with textures, but it would surely be an act of fustration...

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