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Everything posted by Zurawski

  1. Alright... Someone better tell me how the frick the slimers are made... or I'm liable to do something rash... like delete this fricking MV-22 right off my harddrive! I mean it... I've searched four different forums for this info and apparently it's a secret no one has shared to this point!
  2. Not to defend those who pilfer without appreciation... but when there's a proverbial epiphany when it comes to making something work in game that was not there before... the appreciation seems to go out the door with the mad-scramble to utilize it. FWIW... albeit quite late in the game..."thank-you". (And thanks for the slimer tip)
  3. Thanks for the info and the pointers guys! Your all life savers... Settled on the self-illuminating nodes... worked like a charm! ... I think I hear a Beta release coming soon!
  4. Thanks for the info guys! (Zur removes his finger from the delete key)... You just saved me a bunch of fustration. Now... do I want to have slimers I can't turn off or do I want to spend the next six months positioing tiny lights?
  5. (Zur cautiously backs away from the delete key) Alright I'll PM him... but if your wrong, the community can thank you for the loss of the Osprey! You sir will rue the day you offered up this helping hand!
  6. Any History about CA?

    DAMNIT!... ...You know it's frick'n difficult to covertly read the forums while at work, when you guys insist on typing stuff that makes me laugh out loud...
  7. The Transition

    We can't manage to have a morning commute without some bimbo or yahoo yakking on the cell phone while applying make-up or shaving, causing some horrific pile-up... ... What bizzaro world logic says putting these nit-wits in a flying car is going to be better? Flying cars don't get rid of traffic congestion... it just creates a new location for it.
  8. Boo Boo of The Day

    Misspelling?... I think not. That my friend is a Freudian slip if I ever saw one!
  9. Okay boys and girls... I need assistance with something. Working of the correct location and color of the formation and avoidance lights for the Osprey... I'm having difficulty determining with what goes where and what color they should be (and if they strobe)... Anyone have info/data on this? Your assistance is greatly appreciated on this...
  10. "Yes"... I always do a beta release with a placeholder cockpit. This way I can get community feedback (both postive and negative) while working on the cockpit. Ths way, when I release the final product most if not all the issues have been adressed. Stay tuned... Visit My Website: Zur-TECH.com
  11. Yeah... sadly I read it. We beat the hell out of it over here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=18722
  12. DAMN YOU!!!!!! ... Now I got that frick'n song stuck in my head.
  13. Yes, rotating the nacelles to 90 and chopping throttle does fairly quickly slow you down. You then "dirty up" by dropping the landing gear and throwing a bank or two in to further slow down. Once below 100 knots your in good shape to figure out your vertical landing approach... gotta watch your sink rate though... flaring and jamming the throttle will only slow you down so much before you smack into the ground. And I agree with what gabilon said in regards to flying the Yak too ... slow / small inputs work best. Because there are two thrust points on the Osprey, if you man-handle it, you'll be wrestling with oscillation all the time... be gentle and it's fairly tame and predictable.
  14. LOL! Show Off... Key with making transition from VTOL or STOL to aircraft mode is to get at least 100 knots under the wings, nose at or above the horizon and "slowly" rotate the nacelles to zero. If you rotate the nacelles to fast (as I'm sure you've found out) it'll force you to nose over. Practice makes perfect... I'm to a point now where I can hold hovers indefinitely, maneuver around at will and drop the plane anywhere. If I can figure our fraps, maybe I'll post a movie of me planting a perfect landing on the back of a small carrier.
  15. LOL! You guys amaze me... I've googled and web crawled and haven't stumbled upon these pics! Thanks for the assistance! "Think" I have most placed now...
  16. Thanks Dave... Those are some sweet arse clean pics there! (Got'm booked now)
  17. Osprey to deploy to Iraq

    Wow... was it just me or did that first link read like it was penned by a PR person for the competing CH manufacture? Middle two links were well written and expressed concern about areas without climbing on a soap box and outright condemning the V-22... The TIME article was written exactly as I expected...
  18. OH! The "Humpty Dumpty Hump back F-4"... One of my favs.
  19. I'm sorry... this whole thing is just sick. Sticking a hump on a Beautiful F-4 is like adding a a third tit on a woman. (Yeah... it'd fun to play with for a while but it just looks so wrong!)
  20. Osprey to deploy to Iraq

    Typically hybrid vehicles suffer a deficit on one side or the other... In this case The Osprey gives up load capacity for higher speed and altitude. In a nutshell the Osprey is a case of "right tool for the right job"... In particular the Marines want to ingress and egress troop and cargo in a speedy fashion with as little loiter time in transition. The Osprey is intended to get them in fast and get back up and at a safe altitude and speed as quickly as possible... You just can't do that with the present CHs. I don't see the CH-46 or a CH-53 going anywere... they still have their roll in the military.
  21. Osprey to deploy to Iraq

    Agreed and understandable concern... But ponder this ... when was the last time your heard of a CH-46 or a CH-53 autorotating to a survivable crash landing? Granted... I know they've happened but the reality is if your in hover and you loss power your SOL regardless of what your flying and it's in gods hands if you make it out alive.
  22. Osprey to deploy to Iraq

    This kind of "extreme" sensationalism really pisses me off... "20 billion and 30 lives"... Apparently they were not privvy to the expensive and dangerous teething process every fricking one of our millitary planes and helicopters has seen? Granted 30 lost lives is high, but lets remember that this is a transport vehical and the majority of these losses were troops who wee unlucky enough to go down with the bird. But to read the caption it would lead you to believe at least a dozen birds have gone down... when in reality it something like what four or five? "It can't shoot straight".... Well no s**t Sherlock... It's a freaking transport, not a gunship. So much for factual references eh? I've had a couple email corespondences going with a couple Osprey pilots and and engeneer... and they are absolutely in love with the Osprey. I tend to believe these guys over a handful of buracrats in the back pockets of a few helicopter companies and a POS rag like TIME anyday. But hey... I'm weird like that.
  23. Got her in and flying reasonably well (What without any fly-by-wire and all...) Must confess it's fun as hell mastering the art of flying this bird. Taking-off is a piece of cake... Hover is like balancing on the head of a needle... Landing is a test of patience and dexterity... yet fun as hell. Can't wait the share the final product! That said... enjoy the pics! Powering-up for VTOL take-off... Holding zero-speed hover... Pitching forward to gain some airflow over the wings and rotating the nacelles... Full transition into airplane mode and climbing to cruise alt... Heading for waypoint two...
  24. The answer to your question in short is "yes" Up to this point it all conceptual... I've played with a few ideas of how to make the Osprey more "toothy" and have tried a few things to see if they would in deed work (which they have)... The AV-22 is still a ways off. I still have to finish the MV-22 and I've commited to a conversion project after that. The AV-22 will likely happen somewhere within this mix...
  25. Sorry... I'm not spilling the beans "yet". Let's just say the attack version of the Osprey will give the A-10 a run for it's money... (FWIW, I've only toyed with a few configs and trialed a few ideas and it's a frick'n blast)

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