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Posts posted by ShrikeHawk

  1. And waste a glass of an excellent scotch on a guy who also believes ISIS was created by the Mossad ? You're being blasphemous.  To quote Inglorious Basterds "There's a special place in hell for those who waste a good scotch"


    :rofl: So true.

    • Like 1

  2. I'm not inclined to believe that this religion is good and the other bad, nor that one culture is good and the other bad. Most of humanity (90%?) sits in a gray area. There are folks dedicated to peace to a point of irrationality (monks who wouldn't kill a mosquito), and those dedicated to violence to a point of irrationality (ISIS). I've been in personal contact with primitive cultures and I see no indication that primitivism begets violence. Violent tendencies and peaceful tendencies exist in all societies regardless of technological or societal development. The one wildcard, the one unstable element, in all human organizations is...human beings. 


    Societal pressures, such as poverty or poor education can accelerate aberrant behaviors. As you rightly point out, much of the middle-east was backward and no one would've cared if it wasn't for oil. The revenues from oil benefit a privileged few with fantastic riches while others remain in poverty. This disparity can push a moderate straight into extremism. But someone must be on the verge of psychological instability for this to happen.


    The thing is, it's not that most of us haven't thought of killing someone. Most of us have. The difference between a normal mind and an abnormal one is the normal person will not carry out such extreme thoughts. Culture or religion provide an excuse for the abnormal mind to rationalize violent behavior. The normal mind might nod solemnly at a preacher's "fire & brimstone - kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out" sermon, but then go home to make chili dogs and watch the Bears game as usual. The normal mind is unaffected and unmoved to irrational behavior. 


    We can also thank the internet for a lot of what we're seeing. If it's true (I haven't looked this up) that 1% of any society tends towards insanity, then that means possible 1 in 100 harbor dark thoughts. In a village of 100 with no phone or internet, the one crazy guy can find no one to share his beliefs with. He doesn't fell supported or encouraged so he keeps his ideas to himself. But now with much of the world connected, the world's lunatics can find each other and encounter support. If their economic/societal position slips just a bit, and mind that such people ride the razor's edge of sanity/insanity, they might just find themselves driving a truck into a crowd. The internet truly is a double-edged sword. 


    For these reasons, I don't see religion, or society, or guns as the problem. Faulty human mental wiring is the problem. We need to detect it and act on it better than we ever have before.

    • Like 1

  3. Bah! These idiots who claim this religion or that are still psychopathic idiots. Religion is not a factor in the slightest. Humanity has always produced psychopaths who claim they "did it" because of this religion or that one, because of racial purity (Hitler), or uniting the tribes (Ghengis Khan), or retrieving religious aritfacts (Crusades). Psychopaths always have an excuse for killing. Lets not focus on their lame excuses  and acknowledge that some people are just wired wrong and they kill because they like to, not because of anything remotely related to religion or anything they claim.

    • Like 2

  4. Thanks Fellas. Gawd, I remember Aces over the Pacific. That was awesome. I think I have a few more unused clips, maybe including more high-altitude interceptions. ;) And yeah, I would love to have an F2G SuperCorsair for this install. I might add on an AD Skyraider. There's a Helldiver in this install too.


    Anyway, if there's interest, I might post this entire install just like the Finland one.


    Maybe we can have a "Whole Install" category?

    • Like 2

  5. Sounds very cool to me. What frustrates me is the 3,600 metric tons of carbon saved per plane. I'm thinking yeah per plane per what? Per flight? Per day? Per year? They were vague on that point so the advertising guys can put up some cool numbers. Still carbon emissions reduced is always good.

    • Like 1

  6. I keep these two pages as reference material. They are very useful. Look for the posts by Fubar512:





    For me, understanding how CD0, CDL, CLA, and CMQ work are very important. Changes to CDL in the outer wing produce a more noticeable effect than they do in the inner wing.


    Incremental changes to these parameters (critical: only one at a time), then several test flights, can teach how these parameters affect flight.

    • Like 1

  7. Awesome. These are the kinds of stories I love. The weirdest stories come from war time.


    Imagine explaining this at a dinner party...


    Partygoer: How did you two meet?

    Mrs. Curdes: Oh, I was in an airplane and my husband shot it down.



  8. I love the way the Top Gear guys talk about Lamborghinis. They love the insanity of the cars. When trying out the Aventador, Richard Hammond was a little disappointed. He said, "The sound it makes is spirited rather than deafening. The air conditioning works. It's a proper car, not a machine that's trying to kill you."


    Here's the vid. The part above begins at 6:10


  9. Skyfly had the right idea. You can also extract HUDDATA.ini from the cat files.


    You can edit things like this:


    //Width=0.125 <--- slashes comment this parameter out
    //Height=0.16666667 <--- slashes comment this parameter out


    Doing the above will "permanently" remove the radar from display. There are many other items in this file you can turn off by changing the setting from TRUE to FALSE. Take a look at this file and try things out to see what you can turn off. When done editing, place your edited file in the "Flight" folder. If no such folder is present, just create one in the mod folder main directory.

  10. Well I hope the "cleaning" metaphor is understood to be just that, a metaphor. Certainly, England will be free to manage their own affairs. Another big question is how well will they do that? National economies can be run into the ground just like any business, or they can be managed very well and grow very fast. Time will tell. At least England now has the freedom to sink or swim based on their own merits, not someone else who isn't accountable to England. As it was standing recently in the EU, the UK paid out 13 Billion per year in membership, but the EU spent a mere 4.5 Billion on the UK. Apparently, membership has benefits that make up the difference, but no one is unable to tally these exact figures. How convenient. Sounds very much like a Ponzi scheme.


    And yes, even when Free Trade Agreements are present, nations (like Norway) must sometimes pay a tariff. FTAs do not guarantee a complete removal of tariffs, just a reduction of them. Free Trade Agreements do not necessarily mean "completely free" and they usually don't. 


    The jittery over-caffeinated folk in the financial sectors aren't a good indicator to me. A large number typically overreact screaming, "Sell! Sell!" even if something minor happens like the wind suddenly changes direction outside. Cooler heads are usually what balances things out. As we saw on referendum day the market nose-dived, then climbed sharply again. Nothing mechanical or concrete had changed. On that day, the UK was still in the EU. No buildings had fallen, no cities were destroyed. Farms kept working, and the lights remained on. Physically, nothing had changed at all! Looking at the financial markets over just a few hours or even days period and believing it is an indicator of life for decades to come, is a gross error.


    We'll simply have to wait and see.

  11. Hopefully this video plays okay. It's a documentary called, "The Green Prince."


    It's about the son of a militant Palestinian cleric. The son eventually becomes a spy for the Israeli Intelligence. Interestingly, it wasn't the Israelis who really convinced him to do this work, but the horrific behavior of the Hamas...towards other Palestinians. It says a lot about Israelis and Palestinians to see how close the Palestinian got to his Israeli handler. They became as close as brothers. Hopefully, folks will find this illuminating.





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  12. Has anyone noticed that when cleaning a room - I mean really cleaning it - during the process the room is far messier than before you began. This is worth it because, in the end, the room is very nice and neat with everything in it's proper place. I think exited the EU will be much like that. I predict that the UK will experience a certain amount of economic downturn for one to two years. I think it's unavoidable, but after this clean up period, England will be far stronger and better organized than it ever could've been under EU Rule. While watching a talk show on BBC America, one of the pro-Brexit panelists predicted a recession lasting up to two years. I think some certain people will panic upon witnessing this, and certainly pro-EU pundits will say "I told you so." Not to worry, when the UK has finished reorganizing, the UK economy will blossom.


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