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Everything posted by mytai01

  1. I found an old, but interesting video on the F-4 Phantom's Flight Controls showing and telling how they really work. It has a whole bunch of technical detail about it. AWESOME!!! I know it says F-5, but their are no F-5's anywhere in this video.
  2. Eagle Dynamics DCS Series Summer Sale

    This is so funny! I was looking at the site on June 30th and didn't know it was just a temporary sale. I thought it was a price reduction and I was going to buy some of them today on July 1st, but now I realize what just happened. Too bad! I missed the sale and will have to wait till it happens again. I'm not happy with the security features of the downloadable games and am very hesitant to purchase them. I'd buy the DVD version except I already own the downloadable versions of those titles. Too much hassle and what if they go out of business? Then we might all be screwed! Too risky for the money. Also, checkout my website at: http://mytai01.com Mytai01's download center for Strike Fighters F-4B/N/J skins.
  3. Below are download links to all of Mytai01's F-4 skins. (These links will work even when my website is locked due to bandwidth excesses). I will add new skins to this list as they come out. Enjoy! F-4B's of the Atlantic Fleet VF-11 67' VF-11 68' VF-11 73' VF-14 66' VF-14 73' VF-31 67' VF-32 66' VF-32 69' VF-33 67' VF-41 62' VF-41 65' VF-74 61' VF-74 67' VF-84 64'/65' VF-84 65'/66' VF-101 63' VF-102 64' VF-102 67' VF-103 67' F-4B's of the Pacific Fleet VF-21 66' VF-51 71' VF-51 73' VF-92 68' VF-96 64' VF-96 68' VF-111 71' VF-111 73' VF-114 65' VF-114 67' VF-121 67' VF-142 68' VF-143 63' VF-143 68' VF-151 69' VF-151 71' VF-154 66' VF-161 69' VF-161 72' VF-213 65' VF-213 66' F-4B's of the Naval Reserve & others VF-22L1 69' VF-301 74' VF-302 74' VAQ-33 VX-4 VX-5 VC-7 F-4B's of the United States Marine Corp VMFA-115 66' VMFA-115 71' VMFA-115 75' VMFA-122 69' VMFA-251 VMFA-312 71' VMFA-314 VMFA-323 66' VMFA-513 VMFA-531 64' VMFA-531 68' VMFA-531 71' VMFA-531 72' VMFA-531 73' HMS Ark Royal VMFA-531 73' VMFA-542 65' VMFA-542 68' VMFAT-101 68' VMFAT-201 68' F-4B's of the United States Marine Corp Reserve VMFA-321 74' VMFA-321 76' VMFA-351 75' F-4N's of the Pacific Fleet VF-51 74' F-4J's of the Atlantic Fleet VF-33 75' VF-102 75'
  4. As many of you probably already know, it's very hard to find information about aircraft that goes to the depth of detail that us flight simmers want and need to make our planes behave more like the real ones. I've spend years just trying to find out what the actual position deflection angles were on all the F-4 Phantom's flight surfaces. Well, between the video I posted a couple of days ago and the NAVAIR F-4B/N manual I just purchased I finally know the exact angles (and some of the movement rates also). I'm now busy trying to mod the F-4 data.ini to match. I'll post my work on my website at: mytai01.com when it's done.
  5. After years of absence, I've finally come back with my own website: mytai01.com. It has all the former F-4B/N/J skins that I made at Hi-Res plus I'll be putting out a sound pack for Flaming Cliffs 2 that gives a much better and realistic sound in the cockpit.
  6. Are there any real pilots who fly or have flown the F-4?
  7. It's always nice to hear from the real flyers about how sims behave. I wish someone would make a true hard-core sim (ala DCS style) of the F-4 family. Now that would really be cool!
  8. I'm still modding the data.ini. I already added some newtons to military power to get them to 10,900 lbs thrust per the NATOPS. I'm concerned that the game programming may not be accurate enough though. I flew some patterns with no external load and tried to follow the procedures that were stated in the NATOPS about the landing technique. It stated that upon touch down the pilot is to retract the speed brake, chop the throttles and then deploy the chute and PULL THE STICK FULL AFT! It says the nose wheel drops at touch down because of the CG, etc. Does this sound right to you?
  9. I was hoping to find a real F-4 pilot who still remembers the feel of the plane that would be willing to flight test the game's F-4's and give input about how he thinks they compare to the real plane. Particularly during approach and landing and high alpha flight and hard maneuvering.
  10. I modified the data.ini for the F-4B to make the ailerons droop, but now they don't move as ailerons they just droop with the flaps. Does anyone know how to make them work properly or is it a model problem that can't be fixed with an .ini entry?
  11. The F-4J ailerons already work the way I'm trying to get the other Phantom ailerons to work. I think I did a straight copy of the F-4J_DATA.INI and renamed it F-4B_DATA.INI, but that didn't work either. It's hard to be a stickler for realism when the world won't cooperate.
  12. I remember a few years back seeing a good description of the fight model coefficients that control how player aircraft behave. Does anyone know if a good description of such things as these: CLa=0.7907 CD0=0.0013 CDL=0.0022 Cmq=-0.1853 Cmad=-0.0161 Cyb=-0.0236 Clb=-0.0752 Clp=-0.0786 Clr=0.0242 Cnb=-0.0797 Cnp=0.0022 Cnr=-0.0048 Is anywhere to be found?
  13. The easiest way to get around the install problem is to boot your computer into "Safe Mode," then install the program as normal. You shouldn't need to use compatibility settings. Once it's installed, boot back to normal mode and run the program. It should work normally. I've done this in Windows 7 x64bit.
  14. F-4B's of VF-96 and VF-92 onboard USS Constellation 1968

    These aren't F-4B's, they're F-4J's! Look at the nose of #107. No IR bulb and 5753 is an F-4J buno.
  15. Obviously I've been doing other things for the last few years, but on the sim front I've been mostly trying to mod the sound files to the Lock-On series with some luck. But,I'm not a big time modder or programer so the results aren't as satisfactory as I'd like. But I have good F-15 and Su-27, A-10, and several others sounds at idle power. It seems all fast jets pretty much sound the same at power though. Anyway, it's an on going battle...
  16. Holy crap! I can't believe there's still a following out there. I didn't even remember that I used to log on this site. I just Googled my handle for the hell of it and BOOM! Here I am. What a surprise.
  17. This should be the mother load for all the Marine Gray Ghost fans out there! You can pick them up at my website at: http://phantom.htohananet.com/blog/_WebPag...insSFP1WOV.html The Gray Ghosts in 64' The Gray Ghosts in 68' The Gray Ghosts in 71' The Gray Ghosts during their 72'-73' deployment on USS Forrestal The Gray Ghosts buno 151477 during it's short Jan 73' visit aboard HMS Ark Royal during VMFA-531's 72'-73' deployment aboard USS Forrestal The Gray Ghosts last days in the F-4B before going to the F-4N
  18. With these skins completes nearly two years of work (and enjoyment)! I have tried to offer most every example of every squadron that flew the F-4B with few exceptions. If I've missed anything (F-4B wise) someone wants to see, let me know and I'll make it happen (if it really existed, [proof of existance is required]). My next challenge is to complete the F-4J's! VMFA-542 Bengals, 1965 VMFA-542 Bengals, 1968 VMFAT-101 Sharpshooters, 1968 VMFAT-201 Hawks, 1968 VMFA-321 Black Baron's, 1974 (The identity crisis years started with the F-8K) VMFA-321 Hell's Angels, 1976 VMFA-351 (code MC), 1975 I hope everyone enjoys these offerings as much as I enjoyed making them.
  19. You can have all these skins (and more) at: http://phantom.htohananet.com/blog/_WebPag...insSFP1WOV.html
  20. You can now download VMFA-122 for you crusading pleasure at: http://phantom.htohananet.com/blog/_WebPag...insSFP1WOV.html
  21. Get the 1975 VMFA-115 F-4B here: http://phantom.htohananet.com/blog/_WebPag...insSFP1WOV.html
  22. You can find this skin at: http://phantom.htohananet.com/blog/_WebPag...insSFP1WOV.html
  23. You can download all my files from my site at: http://phantom.htohananet.com/blog/_WebPag...insSFP1WOV.html

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