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About gabilon

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    Computers, SFP1 series, beer.


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  1. Hi, Nice looking aircraft. To make nozzle animation, you have to apply vertex scaling to the nozzle, no mesh scaling. Use PositionXYZ, Rotation Euler XYZ and Bezier Scale as controllers (no TCB!!). Dont rotate or move the mesh within the animation. If you need an example, PM and I can send you a sample mesh.
  2. Somewhen in 2008. Still a lot of work to do.
  3. I didnt found any information out there on gun and weapons bay, so I improvise them after a couple of whiskys. Moving/animating nozzles is quite easy. Problem is to link thrust vector to pitch control. I suppose its possible to enable independent TVC like in Harrier or Yak-41. I´m afraid pitch TVC is not a priority on TK next patch.
  4. I´m afraid TVC limitation (¿or bug?) of SFP1 engine can´t be solved with 3D or INI modding. Anyway, please report any progress with this issues, as I´m interested in adding thrust vector control (pitch) to my current project. WIP
  5. Is that thrust vector linked to the pitch control?
  6. Thanks for the information. Unfortunately, I dont understand japanese. I read at combatsim that MIG 1.42 was supposed to have 3D vectored thrust. (http://www.combatsim.com/htm/jan99/mig-mapo.htm#cont) My model is on an early stage and I havent started to work with the FM, but I hope to enable thrust vectoring controls. Nevertheless, it seems there are some unsolved issues with the TVC on SFP1 engine (maybe next patch fix them). GABILON
  7. Hi all, I´m now working on a MIG-1.42 Model for SFP1. I´ve found many drawings and some pictures, but I dont have information about details on: weapon stations, gun location, internal bay (¿?) and airbrakes. If anyone can provide me with any information, I´ll be very grateful. Thanks, GABILON
  8. Hi Shin kazama, I'm afraid there is not enough pictures/information out there to make the pit (at least, I was not capable of finding it...)
  9. Nice aircarft. Many thanks.
  10. Nice video. Fubar, your new Yak-41 flight model works great. At last, afterburner!
  11. AFAIK due to the game limitations, its not possible to enable both afterburners and thrust vectoring control at the same time. If you want an "afterburning" Yak-41, you have two options: a) Disable thrust vectoring control. This may be a good option when AI controlled aircraft, as AI dont use VTOL. b) Link thrust vectoring to pitch control, like in scrapper's MIG-29OVT both two options only require little INI file editing. Long life to SFP1!
  12. File Name: YAK-41 FREESTYLE File Submitter: gabilon File Submitted: 2 Mar 2007 File Updated: 10 Sep 2007 File Category: Modern Soviet Aircraft and Variants Yak-41 Freestyle add-on for WOE. See Readme file for details. Click here to download this file



    Yak-41 Freestyle add-on for WOE. See Readme file for details.

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