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Posts posted by Viggen

  1. The Republic of Korea Air Force will be retiring its remaining 19 F-4E Phantom IIs on June 7th, 2024, bringing an end to 55 years of service. South Korea operated around 200 F-4s, including F-4Ds, F-4Es, and RF-4Cs. After it was announced that the F-4s would be retired, they were seen at several exercises in the months and weeks leading to retirement firing off AIM-7 Sparrows and AGM-142 Popeyes. A flight of four aircraft took to the skies on a farewell tour around South Korea, flying over locations key to the F-4's ROKAF history and were escorted by the new KAI KF-21 Boramae. Much like when the USAF retired the QF-4E and Luftwaffe retired the F-4F ICE, South Korea took the time to paint two aircraft in historic liveries, including the SEA camo they were first delivered in and an overall light grey scheme. Sad times for us Phantom Phanatics as South Korea retires its F-4s and Greece not far behind.















    • Like 4
    • Sad 1

  2. On 5/5/2024 at 11:11 AM, daddyairplanes said:

    bigger still,  do we have new folks willing to cut teeth on modding skills, and established modders willing to mentor them?

    all with the interest in topic as well of course

    It's been years since I've messed with this game, I'd certainly be interested in taking this time and opportunity to relearn, learn, and finally give back. Enjoyed digging through data inis as a teenager and I'm willing to do that again.

  3. On 4/26/2024 at 3:12 PM, daddyairplanes said:

    its not the stuff commonly available here but the uncommon stuff (F-100F most immedieatly comes to mind)

    if it is freely available, and enough interest in it takes off, im sure folks will get to tinkering and improving it (like we do everything else!)

    I bet the F-100F was a primary point of interest for many people who downloaded YAP-RW when it was available. Certainly was for me!

    Reading through the three active threads on the subject does clear up some confusion and questions I had about YAP-RW too.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1

  4. I saw a copy of Wings Over Europe on the shelf at Best Buy in the summer of 2006. Up to that point my flying games were Ace Combat or MSFS 2004. I tried LOMAC but my 13 year old dumbass didn't know what computer specs were so it barely worked on my home PC. I played it bone stock for about a year and then discovered that there were indeed mods for it when I found Column 5's old website and CombatAce soon after.

    • Like 7

  5. Twenty missions in and the SAM threat around Hanoi grows. Scored the squadron's first MiG kill by dumb luck. Caught a MiG-17 that was flying slowly after I'd just completed my dive on a target. A couple bridges here and there but still a lot of sheds, bunkers, and suspected ammo and POL sites. The lack of secondaries makes me doubt we hit anything. NMC finally let us hit an airfield, just the POL storage though. Those MiG-17s were just sitting pretty on the tarmac. NMC also scrubbed a mission as we were preparing to step. Bridge strikes still have frequent misses, so we're trying to hit them with AGM-12 Bullpups now. Took out a smaller road bridge so I think they might be put to use on some of the others we strike. img00016.thumb.JPG.08aaa6a1a77f98c852275f578f12ac88.JPG



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  6. Seventh mission was my first in RP6. Target was a railroad bridge, a proper target. We carried 3000 pound bombs but both my wingman and I missed the target. Flak was intense. On the way out I encountered my first SAM. Dove towards the ground and as I leveled out I saw it pass off to my eleven o'clock high. Took some minor damage from flak shells but nothing the maintainers can't patch up. 740 is starting to have patch work every few missions. I'm on ten missions now and since I've arrived at Korat we've lost two pilots. I've seen jets in other flights fireball and heard the radio calls. I don't know how the hell any of us are going to get out of Indochina alive.




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  7. Second mission was in very low visibility. We managed to hit the target but I can't say the same for the B-57s hitting a different one. NVA hit my bird on the third mission. Tore the flap off the right wing and peppered the fuselage with holes. Republic builds them tough! (I didn't have any damage tgas show up). Fourth and fifth missions were uneventful. Seen a couple MiGs but otherwise missions in RP1 and RP3 have been routine. Not sure what sort of effect these strikes are having but I don't think hitting sheds and trucks are enough.


    • Like 6

  8. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, followed by Wings Over Europe.

    I apologize for making any of you feel old. Truth be told it definitely seems like I missed the golden age of flight sim options.

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