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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. I read somewhere that the Rafale B (or was it D?) is supposed to be able to use the ASMP. That was back in 2004 though.
  2. This is going to be hard. 1. F-4 2. Tornado 3. F-14
  3. CZ-SK Projects

    Whoa. That is one cool MiG-23!
  4. Wasn't Taiwan going to buy it until Jimmy said no?
  5. Lansen was a Hunter wanna-be.
  6. K...

    A "Jew killing bunny"? What? Jeez they must be running out of ideas.
  7. That'd be cool. Just slap a skin on the hump and it'd look fine.
  8. Wing of the Lavi is also a lot more of a swept wing-Delta than just a Delta.
  9. Your right it would be! The YF-12 could be fun though. High, fast, turning like a glacier but firing AA missiles to.
  10. Personnally I would want to see the "Advanced" possibility. People who are on a slower conection or have a weaker PC could have problems with the "Extreme".
  11. I'd say that 2008 will be the Year of the Super Fighter. F-22, Typhoon, J-10, Gripen! Oh my! Nice looking bird there. Has NATO givin it a name?
  12. Its Only the Beginning......

    Least it wasn't eels.
  13. Thats interesting. I knew that SA-6 got me. What about the SA-2.
  14. Thanks. I'll remember that incase we get a new Cold War that goes Hot.
  15. Guess those Bear pilots are quite popular. But why are the Tu-95s (and maybe Tu-142s and Blackjacks) doing all this again?
  16. America! F$%@#& yeah!

    Thats awsome! Dual Auto-Shotguns on a RC helo...I want one!
  17. Roy Scheider, Actor in ‘Jaws,’ Dies at 75

    RIP- "That's some bad hat Harry."
  18. Finnaly i got my 1st thousand !

    Spam Spam Spam Spam SPAMITY SPAM SPAMITY SPAM! Shut up!

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