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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. wich is the Best ACE COMBAT ?

    It's the same as any other F-14 in game. Plaus in AC5, Nagase wouldn't STFU! The AI sucked and after buying it a week after release and playing it a lot, I still don't get it. EDIT: No. Aquila has been around a long time.
  2. wich is the Best ACE COMBAT ?

    Meh, it is still the favorite of the Aquilas.
  3. wich is the Best ACE COMBAT ?

    Oi guys check my sig!
  4. wich is the Best ACE COMBAT ?

    Why I like Ace Combat 04. 1. Yellow Squadron 2. Yellow Squadron
  5. wich is the Best ACE COMBAT ?

    No it was called Ace Combat. Us silly westerners renamed it Air Combat. But yeah AC04 is my favorite by a long shot.
  6. Skins

    AC04 was the best.
  7. More then they already have with the Chinese?
  8. Updated Score: This place is horrible Why? Well the Search Button doesn't work. 1000000000% Great Place to be a member of.
  9. Only in the Navy. Did you use an animation key?
  10. In RSR, it took a while for renforcements to arrive becuase, Soviet subs and Tu-22M Backfires, supported by Tu-16s and Tu-95 Bear-Ds were beating the sh** out on convoys headed for Europe. And when you have an Iceland under control by Russian paratroopers it would be hard for a C-5 or C-130 loaded with supplies to not get bounced by MiG-29s on CAP. Also C-5s were the only aircraft under NATO that could carry an MBT to Europe at that time.
  11. Hey Gerald we finish that Serb MiG-29 then see what happens! EDIT: I've been thinking about Italy in this and what was posted about the 6th fleet brings up a point. It is likely that AMI Tonkas would have been busy aiding the USN and Hellenic Air Force in shutting the Black Sea Fleet down. I would however use the Italian Starfighters for NATO support.
  12. After playing the default WOE 1979 campaign, I noticed that the Catagory A and B already exist. Also you could include Yugoslav fighters flying against everyone!
  13. Okay now I've got a PC that I ran LOMAC on. It worked for most of the time apart from the occasional Backfire or Seaking that wold go missing or messups regarding Mil helos. Then I got the Blue Screen of death! Now it is obvious then that my rig can't handel LOMAC. But will my rig support WOE? My other PC does. Oh and on the PC that runs the TW series when I ran LOMAC on it all the aircraft and carriers ended up with haveing black textures and no camo or anything. Whats up with that?
  14. Like I said this is stuff availible at this very second.
  15. Minha primeira skin :D

  16. All the following is with what is availble for WOE as of NOW. I'll help you with the Soviet Armor units if needed. While Red Storm Rising takes place in 1987, the likely hood of units changing is low. Just some pointers for the Commies on the ground; Catagory A units: Experienced, better trained and equipt, mostly Guards Divisions armed with T-72s. Catagory B: Older weapons, no experiance, similar training to Catagory A, some Guards Divisions, armed with T-62s. Catagory C: Outdated weapons, training, old men and recruits, no Guards Divisions, armed with T-55s. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Soviet Air Power for invasion of west: Mostly using MiG-23s as for air superiority. After those start to fail, MiG-29s and Su-27s become more and more common along with reserve units. MiG-21Rs are used for foward recon. Close air support is given by Su-17s, Su-22s, MiG-27s, and Mi-24s. Possibly reserve air divisions are armed with MiG-21Bis and Su-7s. Tu-16s are used for Anti-Shipping. Tu-22 Blinders are used for SEAD.
  17. Can I see a picture of this...this...
  18. Highest scoring Phantom? What happened? QF-4?
  19. Entire destroyed cities 'eh? So say a nuke went of in a city during campaign and killed it. So then for the rest of campaign the city would be pile of rubble?
  20. Really? I saw Snoopy fire of the Zunis before. Maybe another flight was of Broncos useing Zunis.
  21. Happy new year.

    Albeit 4 hours away...happy new year.
  22. I made an interesting Hunter for my self of the F.6 that used even an Afterburner!
  23. When ever I am flying Soviet and the whole second flight does nothing I shoot down the flight lead deaming him a Traitor to the Party. The rest are sent to the Gulag.

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