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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. RAF F-35 Helmet...

    The helmet kind of looks like the one from Firefox.
  2. Eh no problem. I think an Apache would be cooler anyways for now. I also presume it was really for the DS Mod?
  3. The Osprey is a troop transport/cargo hauler replacing the CH-46 Seaknight. I read that the Royal Navy FAA is looking into it to replace the Sea King.

    So you got the Aerolastics to work. Cool!
  5. Very cool. Any chance we could see the Jolly Rodgers' CAG?
  6. Although these skins were originally going to be part of a What-if modern Phantom I have been asked to cease developlment of, here are the skins that I planned to put in and are all that is left of the F-4E+. I may or may not post the skins depending on what I get for comments and such. They were made useing Microsoft Paint version 5.1 so they won't be the best. They are being tested on the default TW F-4E from SFG now. Arctic I Gunship Camo: Nice weapons loadout 'eh? Sahara I Gunship The Canucks can paint false canopies all they want but this is a good illusion! Obviously still WIP, S1G still needs a Six-Pattern Camo nose and I need to fix the top of A1G's left wing among other problems
  7. Lucky. I might be getting them for Christmas.
  8. Well if your Donut, then I'm Church. Yeah I was my Airsoft team's "Team Killing F***tard" It is amazing how you guys are doing this all with 60s and 70s avionics.
  9. For the Flanker fans

    Ra'am, Sufa, Raptor...total air superiority over all of the Middle East
  10. Air Force Honor Guard Drill Team
  11. For the Flanker fans

    People who want F-22s are Australia and Japan IIRC. Australia was most likely going to get F-35s (but with the Labour Party working that won't happen ) Japan is looking at the Eurofighter. Of course even with the F-35 some countries most trusted by the USA may not get them.
  12. IIRC there were drop tanks in the package. Did you add them in the weapons folder (do you have the old and new weapons packs at that?) and add the apprpopriat tanks to the Weapon Data INI?
  13. No just any F-5M but AMRAAM capable F-5M And if your complaining over Block 52+ F-16s then you don't relize how good those are (plus makes it easier for Poland to get F-35s ). And it is on the FM bench now 'eh? Nice. If this was released on Chistmas Eve or Chistmas day I would laugh! But as always take as much time as you need to make this Swedish super fighter
  14. I have seen the Silent Drill Team before but this...wow. The Navy Team was cool too. I just hate some of the comments left by people. Some of who are Americans! (ie. The guy saying the Navy team had a MJ touch)
  15. Some in development. Two Weeks I think YAP has one. Payware though.
  16. The MARPAT seems very effective. ACUs seem better for an Urban environment. I don't know what the Navy is trying to do with its digi uniform and ABUs are also cool.
  17. I think you should sticky this. That way morons such as myself will remember.
  18. Yeah it was ment as a joke. All I was doing was to lighten the mood after the whole Rant On topic. The only person who I would say was taking it seriously was MrCraig41. HrntFixr's response was self explanatory since he (at least I think you are) a Navy guy and I don't think is very happy with me as I feel the Rant On topic was really pointed at me. But since people can't takes jokes I guess they won't be able to enjoy removed movies. And Fast Cargo, was that you in the Lt. Napoleon movie from 4:02 to 7:04 at the podium? Looks like you from the pictures you've posted.
  19. Well I know that you guys did some funny (an interesting) stuff on cruises but nothing...this random.
  20. Nice skins. Vey shiny Never knew that the Mirage III was used until 1985.
  21. Aussie Vigilantes?

    *looks at title* Yeah I wish! But they wanted the RA-5 over A-5. What if the RAN bought them as well for the HMS Melbourne?
  22. 1983...well maybe we will be able to destroy the Osirak reactor then. Man I need to spend more time in the weapons pack.
  23. Oh so that is why. Okay now I get it. And Soviet weapons too? Mirage Factory really wants to make the TW series as detailed and pretty as possible don't ya?

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