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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. Does Update 1.0 mean we will be getting a Bison?
  2. For Mig-21F-13 FANS!

    Nice formation. That is quite the different footage than you tippicaly get of the MiG-21!
  3. Slightly off topic yes, but I want to add a HUD to the F-4E for a mod I am working on. What would I do for that?
  4. I would like to see this gal fly as well. What would they name her though? Glacier Girl got her name via the rescue, maybe Beech Bailer?
  5. Had a chance to pick up WOV in 2005. I went with LOMAC instead on account of the Flankers. Then I found WOE around September/October of 2006. First site I found was C5's after reading about the NATO Fighters mod on Wikipedia. Then I found this place called Combatass...er...Ace (yeah thats it). At first I was pissed about how I needed an account to download planes here. Then I made one and here I am today, with nearly 17 gigs of mods on my PC. I guess that I would like to thank the people who are responsible for NATO Fighters for getting me into an amazing communtity with some great people and modders. Another thing that drove me in was this picture of Marc's Su-27
  6. Here is a small cross-section of the 100+ projects (Some unfinished, some requiring minor tweaks, all requiring textures) residing in development hell on my hard-drive. Is there anything in particular you are interested in finding? P.1154 seems nice. As does the TSR.2. Alphasim made one, so did did Kaz Ito.
  7. What other things have you made for FS? The Aerolastics will be tough but I'm sure you'll make it. Now that you mentioned it I can see the very outline of the canopy.
  8. You've been busy Gepard. I think we need a campaign for this now.
  9. IT LIVES!...again! Very nice. I guess that if can take off of a carrier in FS then it won't be the typical flying rock you can find. Since it is still WIP I presume that the canopy is next? And I presume that you got gear up and flaps up as well?
  10. USAFMTL loosing his sense of humor? The day that happens is the day an F-22A is killed by an old lady flying a C172 with a peashooter.
  11. I'll PM you some screen shot when I get the chance.
  12. Yeah I wish! Make Red Storm Rising happen then!
  13. They aren't all that good. Uber AI mod or not. I mean one flanker becam AIM-9B meat! And another became a Starfighter Suicide Snack But killing them in Crusaders is the best.
  14. Closest at all to that would be the Israeli F/A-18 skin. Oh and Falcon161, while your making fictional skin, is there any chance you could make the camo used on Yuketobanian F-16XLs in AC5?
  15. Yeah I was hoping it was a new problem with the bug. EDIT: Now that I think about it I never had this problem with the bug.
  16. Nice. Just be aware Buick 11 that you have bogies nearby.
  17. Или мы можем говорить внутри 多種語言... ΑΥΤΟ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΔΙΑΣΚΕΔΑΣΗ! 私は実際に好む 통역 Lets stick to English now
  18. So now we are talking in German Τα ελληνικά είναι τόσο πολύ καλύτερα!
  19. -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / ... ..- -.-. -.- ... .- .-.. .-.. / .... .- .. .-.. / - .... . / ... -.-. --- --- - . .-. - .-- --- / .-- . . -.- ... / .-.. --- .-..
  20. No new Weapons Pack. But did you install the pack first or install planes first?
  21. Perhaps you are flying the wrong varient.
  22. Really great campaign. Intruder missions can get interesting at times.
  23. Did you ever get the Patch for it?
  24. Veteran's Day

    We had a moment of silence followed by a presentation of arms at my Civil Air Patrol meeting.

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