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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. I remember seeing a Tu-95 in the works too. It also was going to be out in 2 weeks.
  2. Infidel of the week

    Hmmm. Well I guess at supersonic speeds a MiG-25 or MiG-29 will look like an F/A-18.
  3. So your flying along laughing at how you'll kill the freigther and all of a sudden the RWR goes off and before you know it BLAMO! And I approve of that Avatar.
  4. ROTFLOLLMFAO! And I don't think that the L-29 was armed. It was after all a trainer.
  5. Infidel of the week

    Hell yeah Fubar!
  6. Infidel of the week

    Then what did he see flying over Baghdad in 2003?
  7. Yeah I know but I'm bored and I've wanted to toy with this idea for some time now.
  8. Like I said cheesy and bad looking. Now that I know it is possiblw what will I need to change?
  9. But would this require any sort of editing or new FMs (what the heck is an FM anyway?)
  10. Infidel of the week

    A fixer of Hornets is a man who fixes the US Navy's F/A-18 Hornets. Hornets make dead people. Hornets have made 2 dead Iraqi MiG-21s in the air during the 1991 Gulf War. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Su...und_barrier.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm...N-3488C-028.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/22/F--18.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm...els_Diamond.jpg
  11. Hell I don't care if it takes until 2011 when I graduate high school! Take as much time as you need as I think we might have already said.
  12. Testing my new avatar

    But your a moderator. I've only seen moderators and....wait Sag has an animated ava.
  13. Hah I remember asking about this! But I have a question regarding misplaced MiG-21MF and PMF things: decals. Half to 3/4ths of the roundel do not show.
  14. When you say that you crash, do you mean your plane or the sim?
  15. I apologize to anyone that I may have acted like this too. You are right. Looking back I can find an example of how modders can get so upset by RCs and perfectionists. Those who fly FS9 will most likely know. A modder by the name of Mike Stone made many aircraft for FS8 and FS9. Now some teeneage brats who NEEDED a VC and such must of harrased the hell out of him. Infact here is a whole topic about it on Simviation! http://www.simviation.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/Ya...?num=1180373592 Now the guy on there that disagreed with him "heathhaze" who complained about the F-111 seemed to have forgot that it was he ONLY F-111 for FS9. Also on there I am JA 37 Viggen. Once again I am sorry.
  16. Ok now I'm slightly confused. Is this Typhoon going to be the original Air Superiority idea or the "Multi"role? I'm asking since so far this amazing model has had the ASRAAM and AMRAAM. Sorry if I sounded like a "rivet counting prick" there. I'm just curios becuase with so many pylons I wanted to be able to rain hell on some commies!
  17. SuperHornets/Four Corners Story

    Except Iran. Curios but do Aussie F-111s still use TF30s?
  18. They never do! Any chance you can tease us to some Eurofighter kills? And possibly some Eurofighters that became Eurokilled.
  19. Ohh the white papers... At least the Lightning and Vulcan never had them. Then again it has been said that if development wasn't so complete it would have been canceled too!
  20. Your..I uh....Yes please. Oh Craig how is the Typhoon behaving in the sim?
  21. Here is what I was told by a guy from Japan on another forum: "The second largest military aviation accident in Japan.....I was gonna post this in the "Aviation Current Events Thread", but school called...Luckily, the two test pilots lived out the ordeal. I don't think most of the aircraft would be in decent use.As a resonable cause, the said F-2B was one of the second or fourth upgraded prototypes that failed to fly back in '92. After a series of repairs, the J.A.S.D.F issued it as a tester for new features. Thus, leading to this accident."
  22. Next Project? What did you ask him for?

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