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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. Though I'd be lying if I said I won't try this campaign from the Danish perspective too and attempt to disassemble the IKEA Empire's fleet.
  2. This sounds fun! Am go make fun of Dansk and his Lego.
  3. Truxton's got a huge mast and radar array! Why don't we have any nuclear powered surface warfare ships today?
  4. I figured you had included them, I was just curious about what changes you made from the regular -29s. It's been years but I'm finally getting back into studying WWII; starting with reading up on Superforts and the Manhattan Project yesterday. I thought we had a Fat Man model. Or maybe it was a Mark 4?
  5. Do we have any insurgent infantry objects? I know we've got technicals and Taliban AAA, but my OEF install is missing Taliban foot soldiers. EDIT: Disregard. Found them in the SF1 Afghanistan terrain pack.
  6. Will Silverplate aircraft be included? I'd go with the second option if I were you. Much easier for you and simple enough for the end user too.
  7. Is there anyway to guarantee that aircraft will show up on the flightline in an edited mission? For instance, say I wanted to replicate a mission from Desert Storm/Southern Watch/OIF where Iraqi aircraft parked in hardened shelters were hit with precision weapons. Or am I better off just using a hangar as the target and hoping some aircraft will show up on that base's flightline when I or the end user fly the mission?
  8. That's a shame. I guess I'll have to have the end user use their imagination to pretend the aircraft are in the hangar. Unless I could set up the aircraft as a ground object like parked aircraft in SF1 were? Those were able to be targeted right?
  9. Happy Birthday Derk

    Happy birthday!
  10. Yeah, aside from being mediocre, there's a reason I don't skin and it's MS Paint.
  11. An hour and MS Paint and I'llt be able to crudely pull this off, with a map key too.
  12. Wow I forgot I had planned to do a campaign for this. I'll have to see if I still have those files...
  13. I forgot about SATW! Always funny. AReally looking forward to the expansion.
  14. The Chinooks in my unit are Mafia. Nose art would be cool. Most Chinooks get a unit crest on the nose, and sometimes on the aft pylon work platform. The latter is pretty much exclusively Guard though. I've also seen Black Hawks with division patches on the engine cowling. It's pretty boring though. Almost forgot to mention that Chinooks also get a less than stellar name given to them on the ramp. EDIT: Aussie -47s have nose art!
  15. It's called Polandball. It's a um....geopolitical satire comic that at times is funny and at other times is less than acceptable.
  16. So what they say about Swedes and Danes is true...
  17. Thanks WBS. Keep up the awesome work!
  18. X-47B Aerial refueling test

    I think it's safe to say the X-47B has rewritten the rulebook. In just a few years it's done more to advance the concept of a UCAS than the 60-70 years of unmanned flying it followed. I'm actually kind of sad the two aircraft are being retired.
  19. Awesome work WBS! I'm going to end up using the Kanimba in a small Aussie campaign I'm working on. I'm using the Oliver Hazard Perry '82 to stand in for the Adelaide class. It isn't perfect, since the MK41 and .50 cals are all just ini edits. There's an Anzac FFG floating around Combatace somewhere.
  20. Wasn't there one available? Think it used the ODS Iraq.
  21. Ok as mentioned, my Kamchatka campaign is on hold. However, as also mentioned, I have a COIN campaign for pfunk's awesome little Archipelago in the works. October 2014. The Tuatanu People's Communist Party for Solidarity and Strength has staged a rebellion throughout the archipelago and quickly seized control of the northern islands thanks to stockpiles of weapons hidden following the war in 1992 and alleged North Korean assistance. Following an official request from the Prime Minister of Tuatanu, elements of the Australian Defense Force are deployed to the archipelago to assist in COIN operations. Yeah, I know pfunk has the map set up for the 1940s-1962. But it looks well set up for COIN. I'll do some minor fidgeting with the targets to get some SAMs, bunkers and commie hidey-holes. So far I only have one squadron set up. RAAF 1 Squadron flying F/A-18Fs. Don't what what else to add apart from RAAF transports and tankers. We do have an RAAF Airbus somewhere right? May add some North Korean MiGs just for fun. Would also like to add civil aviation some how. Neutral country perhaps? Wrench, you had that figured that out right? Once I get it running, I'm going to need someone with more time available than me to test it.
  22. I've changed up that. I meant more in regard to targets and layout.

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