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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. Eel drones

    Shall I rally the laser cats for defense?
  2. Sworn in

  3. I quoted Red Storm Rising when I first played. But more often than not I end up playing as the 57th FIS.
  4. Very cool. Eric, thank you for the continued updates to this and many other campaigns so long after their initial release.
  5. Beautiful shot there, Dave. What terrain is that? I think it is.
  6. Cool ship. I don't play WWII SF, but I can think up some post-war what if stuff!
  7. Recent Intercept Photos (RNoAF)

    Anyone else find issue with the commies flying that close to other countries airspace with live weapons?
  8. He's got a sub named after him instead. But he actually was a submariner, so it makes sense.
  9. Snow time in Scotland

    A Disco 1? A running Disco 1? Wow.
  10. Snow time in Scotland

  11. Pretty awesome if you ask me. Wish I was around when Rhinos were flying everywhere.
  12. Any Americans and Canadians on this site?

    Well this is an American based website. And yes, I proudly declare I am an American.
  13. Bought my first rifle yesterday

    Figured it was about time. I was set on a rifle used during either World War. A Lee Enfield would have been my first choice. Ended up with a 1944 Mosin-Nagant M44 carbine. No pictures yet because I forgot to take one.
  14. Bought my first rifle yesterday

    Good to know! That was my next question.
  15. Bought my first rifle yesterday

    What year is yours, Matt?
  16. Bought my first rifle yesterday

    Hopefully when I come home after I PCS, Mass won't throw a fit about the bayonet. Maggie used one?
  17. Star Wars 7 : The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer

    The trailer, if Lucas had made it:
  18. Star Wars 7 : The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer

    A gif of the scene we all keep watching.
  19. If SF2 was that detailed, I think it would be awesome if we could scramble some Kiowas as Miranda said "Rocket Attack. Rocket Attack," and commence gun runs on the guys shooting rockets at Mustang Ramp from those villages to the north. RAF set off the alarm a couple times when their Tornados would do low and fast passes.
  20. And I feel as though that's something that has been missing from my life. Glad I saw it. Great film. Of course you already knew that, didn't you?
  21. 5th Gen photo bonanza

    I saw the future and it's very....Lockheedish

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