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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. Dave, perhaps a skin or decals pack for ANG F-15s or A-10s?
  2. Viper at 40

    Hard to believe the F-16 is that old.
  3. The Horrifying Realty of This....

    DISREGARD POST. Pakistan blocked Youtube and all Youtube videos posted displayed a censor. Thought the censor was the reason for the post. Can't find post delete button. (Mods, a little help please?)
  4. Awesome! I've got an ASMP for each evildamncommbuilding!
  5. An odd question, actually. Do any tile sets exist to change the desert terrain to a different type of environment?
  6. You bet! Especially the awesome Danish F-35/RF-35 You and me both. At the very least I wish DAT would give us an SF 37 as well.
  7. I like! Even if I have to fly my stupid little sibling Gripen!
  8. Update of my treatment

    That's just the attitude you want Falcon! Good luck!
  9. A true legend. Chesty Puller, Patton, and Mattis would all claim that Chuck Norris is a pussy.
  10. They suck. Mine's about ready to replace now too after only seven months. Oh and they aren't issued either. 1ID does have the right idea though. Yellow for lower enlisted, green for NCOs, and blue for officers.
  11. B-57s still in combat

    So that explains its presence here. Cool!
  12. Aviation doesn't understand the concept of standing outside for the weekend brief. We have hangars.
  13. As soon as I'm back stateside I'll gladly donate.
  14. I've been a fan of the Third Wire series for a while now, and First Eagles is the only one I've never played, because I was never too interested in World War I. But, as it is the hundredth anniversary of the start of the Great War, I figure I should start to take an interest and think First Eagles would be a good starting point. I've looked around at the mods and they've got my interest. Do First Eagles/First Eagles Gold mods have any conflicting issues working in FE2? Now as I understand it, FE2 is no longer supported by TK. Is that true?
  15. Should I get First Eagles 2?

    Well I bought it. And I like it! Is there a list of recommended campaigns, terrains, etc laying around?
  16. F-4S. Snoopy and the O-1. I miss the Bird Dog.
  17. I'll sleep better after having seen the Smurfs nuked.
  18. Damn its Cold!

    It's been hovering at or below freezing here in Afghanistan too. At least on nights, which is when I work. Sucks when the Chinook's heater doesn't want to work!
  19. Think the map has a year limit of 1982 and 1983 as well.
  20. Hey all, does anyone know of any websites that provide order of battles for USN carrier battle groups? CVWs I can find easily, but escort ships are more difficult to find lists for.
  21. Merry Christmas..........

    Merry Christmas everyone!
  22. http://www.armytimes.com/article/20131219/NEWS/312190019/DoD-identifies-6-soldiers-killed-helo-crash

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