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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. Irans new Fighter - Qaher 313

    Oh I'm sure it's just another F-5 underneath, knowing the Iranians.
  2. Upgrades and Such to CombatACE

    I'll donate when I get payed on Friday.
  3. Women in Combat Units

    There were a couple of badass females in my platoon in basic. They were able to shoot, run, push, lead, and ruck march as well as us males.
  4. USS Enterprise to return

    Excellent move by the Navy.
  5. So I've been at AIT for a couple weeks now and I've seen what looks like a Hunter fly over post twice. It looked like it had external fuel tanks. Do any of the contractors like ATAC have Hunters?
  6. . It looked like a Hunter from the wings and basic fuselage shape. And no, I'm Army
  7. Back from BCT

    So after 10 short weeks, I've completed my basic combat training for the US Army. But I'm now at the Fitness Training Company because I didn't pass the End of Cycle PT Test. I was close enough though that I'll be out and off to AIT soon. Apart from that, I actually had a rather good time, even in the gas chamber. Grenade training was probably my least favorite part. Anyway, just checking in. Still have no idea what's been going on over the past 10 weeks in the world and I'm sure I've missed out on a lot in the SF2 and DCS mods.
  8. Derpy landings are all I can manage, so that's my callsign!
  9. Caption This 3

    But I'm afraid of heights!
  10. I set up a mission just to watch the AI for fun. I had a flight of Tornados launch Sea Eagles at a small convoy of Abkhazian ships. The missiles launched, made it to the convoy, skimming the surface along the way and then climbed and went into a dive towards their targets. The missiles simply traveled through the ships. All of them. Then the missiles would sit in the water for about half a second, twitch a little, and fly around the ship making multiple attempts to hit the ships, but every time passed through them. Some of the missiles then started traveling away from the convoy backwards would slow down and head back towards the convoy. Some got shot down at this point. The rest did the fly the fly through the ship into the water, twitch, and fly around and make passes at the ships again. Is this a known bug? I'm running only DCS World, if it helps.
  11. What helo is this?

    I think that's a prototype CH-148 Cyclone.
  12. Caption This 2

    It's by the headlight fluid!
  13. Caption This 2

    Collecting exhaust samples is he?
  14. Wow, Dave. Great shots. Training flight over Sochi. Have the basics down. Now to not overstress the wings! Also some images from another training flight. I like to include AI traffic so the Crimean doesn't feel so lonely.
  15. So DCS World is free and includes the Su-25T? I'm down with that. Before I got into Third Wire stuff I had LOMAC/FC2 installed, and other than 20+ minute loading times and constant CTDs, I had fun flying the Su-25 around the Crimean on joyrides. Learned how to fire the gun that way! The fact that there were 102nd FW F-15C skins included stock sure helped too! I've got A-10 and Blackshark on Steam but not installed. EDIT: Question, is there a Legacy Hornet module in the works? If so, I'm sold (once I PCS, that is)
  16. TK just posted on Facebook that a DLC Mirage IIIEL has been released. So, if you want a Lebanese Mirage III, go buy it! It includes one skin and costs $2.99 Serious question though: wasn't this already an AI aircraft in WOI/SF2I?
  17. Definitely. Sure, the DLC has been relevant to the theaters of war in the games*, but this variant seems a little, unnecessary as an official DLC, considering its service history. *That does raise the question of why bother making the RAAF/RNZAF DLC, other than to please that market region.
  18. Skyfall...

    Looks good, but one thing is bugging me. Where is Mr. Bond's Aston Martin?
  19. Just because you CAN do something...

    This is a joke right? No this isn't a joke is it... Red Dawn is one of my favorite movies! Really, North Korea? If Homefront was anything to go by, this will be just as terrible. And yet I'll probably still watch it anyway. As for the poster, I understand the desire to teach actors trigger discipline and everything, but for the sake of realism couldn't they have just had their fingers on the triggers? BTW, is Red Dawn on Netflix?
  20. You do in the US. Interesting to note that both in Libya and Syria it's been a MiG-23BN going down that's made the spotlight.
  21. Although it is sad to see another modder go, I respect your decision, Daniel. And like whiteknight said, thank you for the honesty. I think everyone in the community, be it modders, simple ini editors, or just general players, have taken a break from Strike Fighters at some point.

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