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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. This looks great Gepard. Hans Topp: I'd imagine it's for SF1, since most if not all of Gepards mods are for SF1.But that doesn't mean it can't be put in SF2.
  2. I'd assume the F-106 would be a pretty capable dogfighter too, after the Project Six Shooter upgrades.
  3. This photo put things into perspective

    Got any pictures of it or any other aircraft waiting for restoration, Dave?
  4. Looking to add some F-101s to Operation Tainted Cigar, after watching Thirteen Days. I know that RF-101s were flown over Cuba during the Missile Crisis, but were any F-101A/B/Cs deployed to Cuba in response to the massive build up in the South East?
  5. These have crews on the deck http://combatace.com/files/file/11108-uss-nimitzrar/ http://combatace.com/files/file/10647-r91-charles-de-gaulle-ver-20/
  6. I'd certainly play with this. I'll lose count of how many times I crash trying to execute their extremely low (couple feet off the deck) passes though
  7. Didn't the Indian Air Force's Su-30MKIs engage RAF Typhoons in exercises in 2008 or 2009? Or, was it just 25 Squadron Tornado F3s?
  8. So why are the Russians developing a new SLBM right after signing the New START?
  9. These aircraft paint schemes were (are?) down loadable content for Ace Combat 6, and were painted by the game developers at Namco Bandai's Ace Combat team; Project Aces. Needless to say, they were popular in Japan, where iDOLM@STER, which is what these are painted up for, is a hit.
  10. This day in 2001.

    I was eight years old at the time and in third grade. I didn't find out about the attacks until my dad picked me up from the bus stop. I'll never forget the look on his face when he told me "Two passenger planes hit the World Trade Center in New York." When I walked into the living room, the TV still on, the first thing I saw was a clip of the South Tower collapsing. A seemingly normal day had turned upside down, even for a eight year old in a quiet New England town. I knew what was going to happen next.
  11. Over G Fighters... worth it?

    It is possible to remove the arcade like features. However, the controls are sluggish on all the aircraft. Even F-16s and the F-22. The AI seems to have God Missiles that never miss. But the cockpits are nice and carrier landings are fun.
  12. I know that, like the Air Force, the Navy used QF-4s (in this case F-4Bs, F-4Ns, and F-4Ss). What I don't know is did the Navy use them in the same manner? All the pictures I've seen of the NAVAIR QF-4s have ejection seats but they have bright day-glo orange, so did they expend them as targets or did they just launch smaller target drones? And what has become of these aircraft since the Navy ended their QF-4 program?
  13. Kazakhstan AF pictures

    Those are some great pictures. Thanks for posting them!
  14. Westfield,MA airshow

    Just read an article that said 150,000 showed up today.
  15. Westfield,MA airshow

    I got stuck in traffic for five hours en route to the airshow right by the runway.. Made it in time for the 102nd's (104th's) F-15C demonstration. I really just went to see the Super Sabre. I'll upload the pictures tomorrow.
  16. After the Cuban Missile Crisis and countless Bear intercepts, I don't think an exercise would be as startling for Americans as they are for the Chinese.
  17. Tragedy in Romanians skies

    May the crew rest in peace
  18. Duxford........tanks?

    Very nice shots. Is that a Marksman AAA? What is it mounted on?
  19. I do want it. A lot. I also want the Bucc forward fuselage on there
  20. V-1 Beta

    Hanna Reitsch. Same lady who flew a Storch into Berlin during the Soviet assault.
  21. In Memory of 'The Few'


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