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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. Happy Birthday 331Killerbee

    Happy Birthday!
  2. That is one amazing looking Eagle. F-15M?
  3. Those are great Baltika! Great help. I noticed that Luftflotte 2 in Italy doesn't have specified bases, though. @ Wrench: Are there any updates to that map in the works? If not, I guess it's time for me to learn how to start placing targets!
  4. But if we get Dave a pony, we'll have to get Sparko a pony. And where are we going to find two ponies?!
  5. Avsim is back up. I was just there for some MSFS stuff today.
  6. As a member of the generation that has been the target of this topic, I will agree, that my generation is what you say it is. There are organizations which have and do teach us youths, to a degree, what "Freedom isn't Free" means. Those being Civil Air Patrol, JROTC, Young Marines, etc.* Last year, my Civil Air Patrol squadron took a trip down to Washington D.C. We went to Arlington National Cemetery in our Blues. We went to the CAP Memorial, The Tomb of the Unknowns, and several others. As we left, I could see in the eyes of my fellow Cadets that each and everyone of them carried out a different opinion on what "Freedom" meant. I know that if we went in civilian clothes they would not have felt the same. I could continue on with other similar cases too, at encampment (CAP's equivilent to boot camp) and most recently at my course down at Columbus AFB. So, in a way, I do agree with some of you that military or civil service should be required. But, my service in Civil Air Patrol, training to provide Search and Rescue missing people and aircraft in the US, shouldn't count. *Notice I didn't say Boyscouts? Before I joined CAP, I was in Boyscouts. The average scout understands what "Freedom isn't Free" as much as a typical member of my generation: not much at all. No offense to any current or former members, it's just what I saw. Just the $0.02 from a member of the careless, lazy generation.
  7. Thanks Wrench. Are there any other WWII era ETO maps other than the one made by Edward? Guess I'll have to save up for a 16GB flash drive!
  8. S! Hope the Russian Knights are able to recover from their loss.
  9. Birthday's Galore

    Happy birthday guys!
  10. That was awesome! Good use of the Stealth dialouge. Never would have expected that.
  11. Those Eagles look stunning! There isn't any Massachusetts Air Guard love in that package, is there?
  12. The Formosa terrain may be helpful for an Ace Combat 04 mod. You've got friendly, ISAF controlled, North Point (Taiwan) and mainland, Erusean occupied, Usea (China) in it. Maybe the Danger Bearing Straits terrain could do for an Ace Combat 5 mod? I think Major Lee had a version that was mostly grass on his site before it went down. Maybe it's here? One of those islands has to work as Sand Island.
  13. Abandoned Military complex

    Those shots of Chernobyl and Pripyat continue to remain creepy.
  14. Well... I need updates!

    There are tons of B-52 mods now Nice to have you back, by the way!
  15. Car on the fritz

    What kind of Hyundai you looking for? My mom's got a 2003 Santa Fe that just broke the 100,000 marker. Only recently has had some problems. Minor and cheap repairs though. Although, I presume you're looking for a mid size sedan? Aren't Minis outrageously expensive?
  16. Horrible sights...

    Those poor Phantoms! I'm going to have nightmares becuase of these pictures I know it!
  17. Ok, since I've been back from SUPTFC and had a great time, I've been obsessed with the T-38. Are there any 1:72 models of T-38s? Maybe some good books on the Talon? Patches? Ever since I've last Tuesday, I've been obsessed with the T-38 like no other aircraft, I ever have been with before. I've got a Squadron Print of a T-38 from the 50th FTS, but I'm wanting more. Any help would be appreciated.
  18. You don't intend on hurting anyone with those planes, do you Dave?
  19. Finally Found

  20. Happy Birthday Soulfreak

    Happy birthday Soulfreak!
  21. I suddenly have an urge to go glass Paran in a B-52. I doubt it has nothing to do with the awesome B-52 screenies on this page.
  22. Couldn't you just modify the A-50 for those roles?
  23. Pictures from my course

    As promised, here are the pictures from Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training Familiarization Course. I'll start with some aircraft. And last for now, the Hero Shot.

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