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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. Missing fuel tank and no AIM-54s?
  2. The Terrain Editor Thread

    Ok, according to Gepard's instructions, in part 3, it says a window will pop up when I enter the coordinates of the map. What map?
  3. Nice map! Shame Cape Cod is outside of the map and Boston is on the wall, though.
  4. Memorial Day

  5. Who here has been the victim of an attack on forum on the internet? Most of us probably have. How'd you deal with it? Reply back and get yourself banned? Reply back with a sarcastic, however intelligent reply which got them banned? Laugh it off? I was attacked earlier today and since then, I haven't been able to stop laughing. Each time I see that post I nearly fall out of my chair at the stupidity of it. Sorry, just had to get this off my chest. But yeah, anyone have any stories?
  6. Average Frames for me in WOV with '08 patch was 20FPS. In SF2V it's 30+. I'm sticking with the new generation. Although, like Lt. James Cater said, large bomb strikes are a killer.
  7. Ah, you've got to love the internet....NOT

    After trying to win arguements against dumbasses about the F-15, coming out on top, but still being yelled at after, I stopped reading the comments. Jeez man, shut up, watch the clip, and learn how to key English and not this AIM ZOMG TEH UBERHAXX0RZ 1337 Sp33K stuff. The worst thing is just how stupid and BS of a comment people can make. On one forum I've been on, a guy thought he was cool by saying he was in the Air Force shot down two Russian Su-47s over Baghdad in an F-22A in 2003.
  8. A Thank You To Erik

    Thank you for all your hard work Erik
  9. Call of Duty 7: vietnam?

    I'd love a new Vietnam game. WWII is becoming repetetive.
  10. PS3 vs XBOX 360

    Mine was! So, I got a new 360 Elite. Had a RROD for 12 seconds couple weeks ago. Still works! 360 is better for online than the PS3 too. That's the good thing about paying for Xbox Live
  11. Awesome. There used to be a Pakistani F-16 skin at Avsim. I should have got it when I had the chance but now..... .....ah well, it will be worth waiting for this one . The PAF F-16 camo is one of my favorite F-16 schemes.
  12. Any Pakistani F-16s in the works as part of this?
  13. RIP Major Donald Thompson

  14. Well, I got an email yesterday from my Civil Air Patrol National Activity I'll be taking in July at Columbus AFB that includes some .pdfs. Among them are the Boldface and Ops limits for the Texan II. Don't suppose any of you guys could help me out with what some of these numbers and abbreviations mean could you?
  15. Private Flankers in the US

    I wonder if they need any younger, teenage, canidates for their next generation of pilots...
  16. Alright, I'm in school right now, but I'm done with my work and can be on here. Any way, what does this mean? Maximum Icing Band/Icing Type light rime PUBS Storage Glare Shield Storage Bag
  17. Sir...........

  18. One more question for now. What's an OBOGS?
  19. Sir...........

    I did sir! He's my cousin.
  20. C5 said he had to fix some of the Russian AA missiles for NATO Fighters IV becuase they were better than they really are. Perhaps you guys are encountering the same problems?

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