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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. He didn't say if it was the September or October Patch though.
  2. baffmeister, do the stock campaigns still work after adding this or your other SFG/SFP1 mod?
  3. Nice one Wrench! Is that going to be in the released version?
  4. very interesting news

    Looks like they have been snooping through the Screenshot Thread, I would think it'd be an honor to have your screenies posted in a different forum for a different sim, especially by people who seem to have done much for that community. Although there is that thing about paypal they mentioned...not true. >.>
  5. You ever come on here trying to decide what to download? And in the end, you can't decide what to get? Well I'm in one of those situations. I just want to make a little SFG install to play around in, mud moving. So, I got SoCal and the Super Bug. But I don't know what else to put! So, I want you, the community to help me make the ultimate playground for mud moving, mentioning objects, terrains and so on. Also, if this is succesful, perhaps it can be used as a guide to users who have encountered the problem I am, or for new users who don't read the KB.
  6. Yup. At 60,000 feet over the Gulf of Tonkin.
  7. Could today be any more boring?

    February Vacation sucks. Weather sucks, everything's wet or salty, people are pissed off. Yup, boring here to. And the weather report: Holden, MA: ~25 F, wind and snow.
  8. You using the correct weapons editor?
  9. Me too. I'm trying to make any future ones I write, I'm going to attempt to follow Wrench's read me format.
  10. Nice one. Did Whirlwinds serve in the Battle of Britain?
  11. I like Mud Moving. Super Hornet made it fun, but the B-1 will make it more fun. Dogfighting is fun, but Charlie and Ivan always use the same tactics on me. I once flew through a flight of F-4Cs in a MiG-21PF. Literally, through them. I took out two in the collision, lost both my wings, ejected. Then I went to personally see Ho Chi Mihn.
  12. Operation Pit Viper is about to recieve a facelift. No longer will it be in the 1980s. I'm looking at 2010. I felt like going modern. Paran just became Russia's best friend and is going to recieve the best weapons Russia has to offer. With a new regime, and new sense of purpose, Paran, assisted by Dohar, invades Dhimar, looking for a final victory. Dhimar is struggling to recover from a period of arms reduction. The USS Harry S. Truman happened to be in the area, and was quick to respond, following a plea for help from the Dhimari Prime Minister. On the flightdeck of the Truman are Super Hornets, and a new toy, the F/A-24 Shadowcat. The President of the United States, authorizes the forward deployment of an MEU, two Armored Divisions, and numerous squadrons from the Air Force. The United Kingdom and France also offer support. So, Order of Battle for Operation Pit Viper: Dhimar: Mirage 2000-5 Mirage 2000D F-4E+ Phantom II (An F-4E equipt with CFTs on the fuseluage and upgraded avionics, new engines and countermeasures) Paran: MiG-29C MiG-29M2 MiG-29SMT MiG-29K Su-27SK Su-30MK Su-35BM Su-39 MiG-31 Dohar: Su-30 MiG-29A Su-17M5 J-10 MiG-27K USN: F/A-18E (WIP by FC, EricJ) F/A-18F (WIP by FC, EricJ) EA-18G (WIP by FC, EricJ) F/A-24 USAF: F-15C F-15E A-10 F-16C F-22A (?) B-1B (?) [WIP] USMC: F/A-18C/D (Still WIP by Mirage Factory, F/A-18A will be used as stand in until they are released) AV-8B + RAF: Typhoon Harrier Gr.9 (WIP? Released?) France: Rafale B Mirage 2000N
  13. H.A.W.X.

    That just about describes it perfectly.
  14. H.A.W.X.

    I am going to say this as loosly as possible, but one of the older Ace Combats, 04 Shattered Skies (Distant Thunder in EU), perhaps had better physics than HAWX. Atleast in Ace Combat I can't do a Cobra or Kulbit in an F-16.
  15. My unpatched WOE let me fly a MiG-27. Not in a campaign of course, but it was still interesting, think it used the Zipper's pit.
  16. Could of been a contender

    So then, is the TBM Avenger famous becuase Former President George H. W. Bush flew them one and got shot down? Kind of an ignorant statement if you ask me.
  17. I just put WOV on my PC again and want to get back into it. But, what are the best and well, most important mods for WOV? I'd like to keep it as historical as possible too, also freeware.
  18. Happy birthday guys !

    Happy Birthday guys!
  19. Ok, Green Hell 2 is flickering....what did I do wrong?
  20. The funny looking Westland powered by Peregrines, with the sharp teeth....what's it called?
  21. Happy Birthday Jug

    Happy Birthday Jug!
  22. I see so many possibilites forming right now!
  23. Are there any WOV campaigns or missions that involve SPADs? Or Combat Lancers? Perhaps Misty?

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