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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. The impression I got of SAC, thanks to the History Channel (when they used to show interesting things), made me scared of them. Not of SAC's mission or capabilities...but, of them. Dave, did SAC ever have a problem with eels? Nice B-ONE BTW!
  2. Good to see this one is still around!
  3. File Name: Yugoslav MiGs File Submitter: JA 37 Viggen File Submitted: 11 Jan 2009 File Updated: 2 Feb 2009 File Category: Soviet Aircraft and Variants This is a mod I've had on my HD for a while now. It's been waiting for a home to fly over (Brain32's Balkans Terrain) ...but there is always that Kosovo terrain to... Anyway, this includes a SFR Yugoslav Air Force MiG-29A and MiG-21MF. Going by their owner's designations of L-18 and L-15M respectivly. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SFR_Yugoslav_...ignation_System This uses the stock MiG-21MF, and the MiG-29A(MIG29Readme) availible on CombatACE, which I've included.It also includes "MiG-29A Cockpit"(Readme) built off the F-4Es, originally by Fubar512.Also included are a MiG-29A and MiG-21MF skin by jagl04 and a MiG-21MF skin by Wolf65. Note that I have included Wolf65's read me, named "read me" The first two skins did not come with one. I have also used lindr2's MiG-29 FM. Notes: I recommend using 76.IAP-Blackbird's MiG-29 Cockpit if you are going to fly this often. Here's the link: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6182 I also reccomend you use Paladrian's MiG-21MF Cockpit, as right now, it's without one. Here's the link: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1745 Once again: THE L-15M DOES NOT INCLUDE A COCKPIT YOU MUST GET ONE! Credits: MiG-29A:WPNSSGT,Dave, C5 -Modified FM: lindr2 -Skin: jagl04 -Cockpit Mod: Fubar512 MiG-21MF: TK, Third Wire -Skins: jagl04, Wolf65 Any problems are mine, not theirs. Click here to download this file
  4. FAIL pics(many pics)

    THERE WE GO! lol I knew C5 would post that.
  5. Cool! You guys have quite the list. Good luck. I'm more partial to the Su-27M (original Su-35) than the Su-35BM, but it's cool non the less. BTW: cool Flanker vid here.
  6. FAIL pics(many pics)

    Quite a few fails there. Nothing along the lines of an EPIC PHAIL though.
  7. Could someone copy and paste the Start, Win, Lose, and Stall texts for the 1979 WOE Campaign? I don't have WOE right now (long story) and I'm working on a campaign based on that same campaign.
  8. You'll need to extract it from the Mission Text .CAT, they should be named just like this. woe2Win.txt, woe2Lose.txt. Oh and I need the start txt for this campaign to...not sure what that one is named.
  9. Oh come on people, are none of you willing to help me?
  10. Blackbird, does you Su-30 mod represent an early Su-30? Perhaps that can be used to build an Su-27UB off of.
  11. That is somewhat helpful, since it has the dates, but I mean what the* .txt files actually say. All I remember is from the start file, something about Watergate, Vietnam, Brehznev, and Western Culture in decline... Some help really would be appreciated * These files: woe2Win.txt, woe2Lose.txt
  12. A while (about a year ago) ago I remember Fubar posted some screenies of a Scandinavia or Finland terrain, (it was snowy and had Finnish MiG-21F-13s) and teasing Dave in the process. Did that terrain ever get anywhere?
  13. I have the Norway terrains. I'm interested in this one here. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=23480&hl
  14. The Person Below Me

    False, it was a cupcake. The person below me never failed a class in school.
  15. Same here. First and only flight stick I've had. Not failed me once.
  16. That's the Hungarians if I remember correctly...other wise, there was an Eel or two mentioned...after USAFBLT...
  17. I noticed that I have a couple of mistakes in here. I'm going to fix them tommorrow and update this.
  18. Default key to fire guns it the spacebar I think.
  19. Version


    This is a mod I've had on my HD for a while now. It's been waiting for a home to fly over (Brain32's Balkans Terrain) ...but there is always that Kosovo terrain to... Anyway, this includes a SFR Yugoslav Air Force MiG-29A and MiG-21MF. Going by their owner's designations of L-18 and L-15M respectivly. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SFR_Yugoslav_...ignation_System This uses the stock MiG-21MF, and the MiG-29A(MIG29Readme) availible on CombatACE, which I've included.It also includes "MiG-29A Cockpit"(Readme) built off the F-4Es, originally by Fubar512.Also included are a MiG-29A and MiG-21MF skin by jagl04 and a MiG-21MF skin by Wolf65. Note that I have included Wolf65's read me, named "read me" The first two skins did not come with one. I have also used lindr2's MiG-29 FM. Notes: I recommend using 76.IAP-Blackbird's MiG-29 Cockpit if you are going to fly this often. Here's the link: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6182 I also reccomend you use Paladrian's MiG-21MF Cockpit, as right now, it's without one. Here's the link: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1745 Once again: THE L-15M DOES NOT INCLUDE A COCKPIT YOU MUST GET ONE! Credits: MiG-29A:WPNSSGT,Dave, C5 -Modified FM: lindr2 -Skin: jagl04 -Cockpit Mod: Fubar512 MiG-21MF: TK, Third Wire -Skins: jagl04, Wolf65 Any problems are mine, not theirs.
  20. Why not just stick with Ye-152? I know that it signifies prototype status, but it still works.

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