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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. When did they get those two? And what hanger was the open Viper pit in? When I was there last year in May, only an F-4 was open. And that was in the Vietnam hanger.
  2. BMP-1

    Tank you!!!!! I think a BMP of any type has been wanted for years!
  3. Falklands Islands Conflict

    Think they were on the Hermes.
  4. Falklands Islands Conflict

    Why were the FA.2s retired so early?
  5. Need an U.S Aircraft

  6. Need an U.S Aircraft

    F-14 and F/A-18A both exist and work in WOI.
  7. End of an Era

    Lol at Jarhead. What a shame.
  8. D-Day June 6th, 1944

  9. Air Force shakeup

    Return of McPeak? Could that have been worse?
  10. Uncontacted tribe discovered in Brazil

    One word> What was it? "Ugh?"
  11. Are You Serious?

    Linkage to this sick twisted, story?
  12. Are You Serious?

    Well aparently a gun regulation in MA, states that the posession of a bullet, part of a bullet, (used on not) is a felany (yeah spelt that wrong) with up to a year in jail. (you think that is harsh? I got suspended for 2 days from my school for not doing a homework sheet.) 5 days for bringing in a spent cartidge? Damn. This place is getting worse and worse.
  13. Where did you find a Nosferatu three view?!
  14. Still isn't working for me. Why not just upload here?
  15. Anyone Seen This?

    You play as a Mercenary IIRC. So the fact that an F-16 has that same tail code or that a Rafale B pilot has an F-35 helmet and his co pilot has the JHMCS is not surprising. The game takes place with the closing of GRAW and is the prelude to the Clancy book End War.
  16. UAE F-16. I think it uses TMF's F-16 pit.
  17. *Thoughts of the Iceland scenes in Red Storm Rising flow through Viggen's mind* Now I have ideas.
  18. I'd love to help in any way possible with that Delta Dagger. I'm sure a modded F-106 FM could be used. I guess I could play with a SEA skin
  19. An F-102? Man, your awesome.
  20. Well that's cool. Can't wait to see that.
  21. Craig...this...is....Beautiful :yes: All hail Craig!

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