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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. 1-800-EF-2000? Hello? Is this Craig Speaking? Uh yes I recently downloaded this EF-2000 and I would like to say that it IS THE MOST AWSOMENESS DOWNLOAD EVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Craig, have got any sleep at all since the release?
  2. I had a problem on Christmas Eve! I was trying to upload an advanced A-4 and it said that there was a problem with the file type. And it was a .ZIP file.
  3. Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday to three of you and Happy Barfday to Bob.
  4. Its no trouble or expense. I just need to find the directions to my scanner
  5. Infidel of the week

    Hey hey! He's back.
  6. Would it be possible for a ground based jammer to work? I've been flying around the South California (nice work by the way guys ) map and thought that with all those Nike Radars and Missile launcher there could be ground based jammers near by to make it harder for SEAD missions. Also another idea is this: Say someone made a Blimp or Airship. Could it be possible to mount a jammer on there, have it over a target area (such as a city or warehouse) and have it stay there like the Balloons in the Battle of Britain map?
  7. Ahem, I heard that. Navigation: I leave that to flight simulator 2004 and the Cessna 172. Doing lots of VOR and IFR recently. Geography: Same as above. History: The fact that I am the only kid in my World History II class that knew anything about WWII may say something. Geometry: Well, I'm in Algebra Hanoi? Capital of North Vietnam. Current Capital of Vietnam. War in Georgia? No. Although they did have a peaceful revolution and have been dealing with a false nation in the north of the state. I will admit though, I am rather pissed off at my generation.
  8. If you want me to give you the section on the Berkut in that book let me know. Be glad to help.
  9. Are you saying that meaning, that it would help you? Or you want proof? Soviet X-Planes by Yefin Gordon and Bill Gunston. Midland Publishing. Copyright 2000. http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/row/mfi.htm Also remember, the MFI program was cancelled and replaced by the current PAK-FA program.
  10. Thats cool! Actually Spark, the MiG-1.44 (or 1.42) was "canned" before the S-37 was. Back in the 1990s because Mikoyan was loosing money. I think the Su-47 (okay I'm not very consistent) had ended its career of testing forward sweep, "stealth", and giving Anti-Raptor Fanboys something to cheer over when their pressious Su-37 was ended. I guess the PAK-FA is now on Sukhoi's drawing boards. Once again very nice.
  11. No I found that Netz B and the USAF B here. I may. I was really just thinking of doing those two. I could always update some of the non-Mirage Factory F-16s.
  12. Women in uniform...

    Oh my god. Is she really a Harrier pilot? *falls in love*
  13. What?! Oh, I was looking forward to this. I love the Vark!
  14. Oh! I forgot to mention this! http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6236 Sorry!
  15. Well, hello Mr. Bear. Pleasure to shoot you down. Great work!
  16. What airplane are you?

    F-15 on my first. Prowler on my second.

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