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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. Apart from when I first bought WOE 2 years ago at Best Buy, I buy all my TW stuff of the site. It supports TK you know!
  2. Version


    This is a mod of the Israeli Air Force F-16B Netz Block 10 released by Team Viper a loooong time ago. It is meant for WOI. I have made INI edits so it now uses the stock F-16A Netz pit and avionics, gave is chaff and flare, and have edited the loadouts. There is no need for a weapons pack for this aircraft. The original aircraft was uploaded by Madjeff but its done by Wpnssgt, Tiwaz and USAFMTL. I ask that all thanks go to them. Have fun. And Read the Read Me. And good luck defending the Israeli skies!
  3. ETA: 2 Weeks Yes, they will also be compatible with IRIS-T and most likely Meteor as well.
  4. Happy Birthday......

    Happy Birthday!
  5. Thats interesting. I have to ask though, what the hell is up with all the "Joint" stuff from the US military recently?
  6. IR Bombs?

    Have you ever seen an LGB or say a Mav on a Mitsubishi F-2 or F-1? Didn't the Israelis make an IR bomb years back and it has been used on the AMX?
  7. Snoopy

  8. Just wanted to see what people have tested. I myself have been somewhat reluctant to put 3rd party aircraft in WOI as of yet other than the MF Kurnass, Saabs, and F-11. Anyway I did test the old USAF F-16B by wpnssgt and it works well. The cockpit it came with worked as well. Only thing I saw was that when I pulled the stick back it wanted to do a Cobra. I made some INI edits (so now it uses the stock Netz pit and fuel tanks) and was wondering if I could post them.
  9. Is this what you are talking about Jug? http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:No...F-1234S-069.jpg Also, I hope you don't mind me asking but, what was it like Flying the F-5?
  10. Aren't F-15Cs and F-15Ds known as Akefs?
  11. Happy Birthday......

    Happy Birthday!
  12. Jug, where you qualified for landing the U-2 on carriers?
  13. What kind of satallite? Man this makes me want to read Red Strorm Rising.
  14. File Name: F-16B Block 10 for WOI File Submitter: Viggen File Submitted: 15 Mar 2008 File Updated: 30 Jun 2009 File Category: F-16 Fighting Falcon / F-2A This is a mod of the F-16B Block 10 released by Team Viper, nearly four years ago! It is ment for WOI. I have made INI edits so it now uses the stock F-16A Netz pit and avionics, gave is chaff and flare, and have edited the loadouts. There is no need for a weapons pack for this aircraft. The original aircraft was uploaded by Madjeff but its done by Wpnssgt, Tiwaz and USAFMTL. I ask that all thanks go to them. Have fun. And Read the Read Me. Update: 1/24/09: Added correct number of chaff and flares. Also now have compressed file to reduce bandwidth. Click here to download this file
  15. Alright thanks. Just making sure as I haven't looked at the F-16B read me in half a year. I'll make some more quick edits first.
  16. Looks good! You made that from the Scooter Pit? That's impressive. mindbender: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5238
  17. OMG USS Enterprise CVN-65 by Gabriel Suranyi

    Look at the deatil in those Prowlers!
  18. The end of Night Hawk

    Then how much longer is the Beagle (Bomber Eagle [old time nickname]) going to be in service for?
  19. UCAV EDI

  20. Post away

    Beat me to it will you? Congrats BTW to Brainless.
  21. Nice! I've already got plans for this little bird

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