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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. Use the search function. Go here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=21870 And use the Sea Harrier FA.2 in the mean time
  2. Doesn't the F-22 use its rudders as airbrakes in a way? Or is that the Super Hornet.
  3. No Airbrake? WTF? And to answer this: The Su-35 that came out in the 1990s had canards and about 12 are in service. There is an Su-35BM which is pretty much the same as this Su-35-1.
  4. How Was Your Day....

    Ouch. Despite yesterday being my B-day I had a horrible day.
  5. I've been thinking about a campaign like this for a while. A campaign in which you play as a Kiwi A-4K Skyhawk pilot or Aussie Mirage IIIO pilot against Indonesia or Timor. We have somethings required: A-4K Kahus by Truc lo Mirage IIIO by Charles Modern Darwin/Timor by Wrench However we would need: TA-4K Kahu Indonesian or Timor aircraft and skins Targets Would anyone want to play a campaign like this?
  6. No...well one. I fired from maybe 100 meters behind a MiG-17.
  7. SR-71 and a YF-12 or A-12? Yes please!
  8. The JH-7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xian_JH-7
  9. But those came in 1980. I'd say, that Indonesia gets around: 12 MiG-19s 7 MiG-17s 19 MiG-21s 16 OV-10s 6 Tu-16s 4 C-130s 5 MiG-15UTIs 6 Hawk Mk. 53s 24 CAC Sabres Maybe we should have a modern one after as well.
  10. France uses the USN's T-45s. So I guess thats why they don't buy them. (Plus Dassault would likely interiene and offer a Naval Alpha Jet.) Doesn't the Russian Navy use an Su-33 with an Su-34 cockpit?
  11. Great! Does anyone know if we have any Kiwis here at Combatace?
  12. Why not? Only the Kiwis get their Kahus and the F-16s. Any one who wants to help send me a PM. Also Allen, what helos are the skins for?
  13. STOL

    The USAF, Marines, and Navy thats who. And I've seen tons of stuff even about just home decorating (don't ask ) flagged
  14. Your flying one of the best fighters in the world with only guns? Why is that? Also nice skin. Flew against these guys earlier and they killed my Kiwi!
  15. Rambler, make a USAF Phoenix and try that.
  16. Hey the YA-10B was offered around the world but no one took it
  17. Wings over...

    Can we have a First Eagles in which you fly an F-15ACTIVE or S/MTD in WWI?
  18. I found FRAPS (despite the fact that a coffee frap is good) to be a POS. Gamecam hasn't given me any problems.
  19. It's just me?

    Yeah similar message here to. Mr. Erik, could it be that there are to many guests and members on at once? I mean 365 guests is a lot.
  20. Is that my Arctic Gunship camo? Nice to see someone downloaded it.

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