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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. Gripen yay! Its awsome. You guys think the 1 star guy could be someone who wants to get rid of the Lite-Sims?
  2. Isn't there only combat aircraft the P-3?
  3. Hmm he's playing the intel game tonight... [THICK SOVIET ACCENT] There are no aircraft of espionage at the combatace *U-2 flies over*[/THICK SOVIET ACCENT]
  4. You know there are a U-2A and Yak-25 Mandrake availible right? By the way the Aurora has 156 downloads.
  5. Can't wait to have a Nesher with about 1000 Egyptian or Syrian AF roundels on the side.
  6. Oz Defence reviews...

    What about Airbus...wait no one wants those fat whales either.
  7. So now if I'm flying a Kurnas I might have a chance against MiG-17s?
  8. Kosovo

    He's dealing with snakes on his plane to Belgrade.
  9. Kosovo

    Isn't half of NATO still there along with KFOR?
  10. Kosovo

    Had a girlfriend in sixth grade whose parents moved to the US from Croatia. Nice girl.
  11. Kosovo

    Maybe this old song could help? http://youtube.com/watch?v=YD5RAVRFS1M
  12. Been there done that...well atleast I've made them for my enjoyment.
  13. Errant Satellite

    Probobly saying that just becuase it hit a satallite doesn't mean it will hit a re-entry vehicle. Should be interesting though.
  14. Today's Cartoon

  15. Kosovo

    Found it strange that Spain isn't recognizing Kosovo. Well neither am I.
  16. Damn! For maybe the next 7 days can we not have anything bad about F-15s please BUFF?
  17. could be missing DX9 or whatever it is. I had that happen after I installed a patch and NATO Fighters.
  18. Perhaps then Boeing will make some F-15Ds for the USAF.
  19. Tell me about the radio chatter. Do they call out who the missiles being fired at? Is it still southern accents? Is Red Crown gone? Do the flights have new names than Rambler or Tiger or Bison?
  20. No no it is us that should be thanking you for bringing this to us!

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