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Everything posted by TX3RN0BILL

  1. Close Call

    I must say, as a car driver, I normally try to respect bikers, and those that are driving privately I try to give them most attention, but there are also some kamikaze bike drivers out there, especially pizza and express mail deliverers, which act as if the road was theirs - and they drive for a living, which makes me wonder why they are giving bad examples - since most private bikers drive more leisurely and relaxed. Here we don't get much of waves, more like when we inch over a bit at a stop light to let a bike pass between cars when there's no space, though once I really pulled over to let a female biker pass on a Harley, she gave me a nice salute and smile. Personally, I'd never drive a crotch rocket, though I guess I wouldn't mind trying out driving a chopper or something that cruises around slowly and noisily and still gets everybody's attention - though the only motorcycle I've driven was a quad near the Grand Canyon... which convinced me that I'd be better off with 4 wheels rather than just 2... but wouldn't mind getting a quad of my own some day, who knows...
  2. Find the Copperhead

    Chalk me up for a spider-hater as well - I had a furry one jump at me whilst I was in the shower, FFS!!! Anything that has more than four legs for me I can do without, but anything with 8 legs is definitely Kill-on-sight material!!! My favourite bug-cleaning critter that I love to have in my house - the more the better: Tarentola Mauritanica, commonly known as moorish gecko, is present in mediterranean countries and supposed to bring good luck to those who have it - and very bad luck if you accidentaly kill one. I don't know why, but I really like these geckos, they're cute, and they sure as hell don't bother me in any way - and they're free to eat all the bugs they can get in my place - preferably, including spiders!!!
  3. Which Time period do you fly?

    Given the fact that my first airsims were F-19(Microprose), A-10 (Sierra), Aces of the Pacific and then Aces over Europe... And I didn't count the hours I spent on each... It's definitely WW2 and 1980's plus for me... Edit: Since I somehow didn't like the way WOE modelled prop planes, I guess the 1980+ era is winning in terms of time spent...
  4. Beer....

    In Portugal, Beer pays taxes like other booze over their alcohol content. Recently, companies have reduced the alcohol content of beer so that they won't have to pay so much in taxes, but the end consumer price of beer has remained the same. Conclusion: You'll have to drink more to get the same "hit" you got before... more cash for the beer-selling companies!
  5. Holy crap! MiG-29M OVT

    Nice! But I do wonder- what's that square black thing resting on the pilot's right knee?
  6. Wikileak Apache video

    Me being in the media business and all, the natural thing for me to do would be to side with the Reuters reporters, but I'll go against the stream by saying only this: If you're going into a warzone, you better have your will filled out correctly and pray to your most almighty deity to make it out alive safe and sound - especially if you're a reporter aiming at covering the weaker side. If there's anything shocking it's probably the anxiety of the Apache pilots but the deaths of the reporters isn't shocking to me - after all, not everybody can be like Bruce Willis, being the wrong person at the wrong place and the wrong time - and always survive...
  7. take a C-17 flight in afghnistan

    All depends on the frequencies, but as I said, unless the HUD display frequency changes whilst the plane is in flight, the flickering should have appeared right at the start, not just some time later on, since camera capture frequency is a constant, not a variable. You don´t just change the capture rate in the middle of filming because that´ll throw the timecode right out of the window.
  8. take a C-17 flight in afghnistan

    I don't think so. If it were the case then the flickering (which I believe in was only noticeable once airborne, and sequential) is not related with the capture rate of the camera. Different parts are visible sequentially, whereas a camera has a regular vertical flickering, and that happens from beginning to end. I don't believe HUD display frequency changes inflight, but even if it did, the visual effect of flickering from capture rate would not be in parts but in vertical alignments. I know that because at the TV production company I work for I normally have to adjust settings when we capture something on digital display, so the flickering in that video is not due to a difference in capture rate of the camera... I'm at a loss as to what the cause is though since most of my piloting so far has been virtual...
  9. air forces of the world beware!

    Somehow I think they'd have more success with an ornythopter, though it's not a vertical-flight machine...
  10. OMG........It's

    Happy Birthday!!! Have a few good ones!!!
  11. USAAF vs VVS

    I was just rereading "The Blond Knight of Germany", the biography of Erich Hartmann, and I was wondering about two events that are stated in the book, close to the end - how Hartmann goaded the USAAF and VVS to have a go at each other, once whilst attacking a soviet bomber formation, which besides russian escorts also featured the presence of a squadron of Mustangs - where his attack wasn't attributed to him but rather ended up in a dogfight between the USAAF and the VVS, and Hartmann's last mission, where his last kill also prompted some unfriendly fire between the surviving Yaks and some Mustangs who ventured into the area... Are there any further records or incidents like these between the forces that were allies during the war yet would oppose each other during the Cold War?
  12. LHC under attack...

    LOL, as if anybody would send in SAS and GSG-9 to fight aliens, instead of Gordon Freeman...
  13. USAAF vs VVS

    Thanks for the corrective, Gepard... Still, strange that the U.S. would send fighters into an area which was naturally going to be occupied by the advancing soviet air force, without any sort of effective coordination... Whilst searching around the internet I came across this post in another forum, 12oclockhigh.net : http://forum.12oclockhigh.net/showthread.php?t=2670&highlight=Friendly+Fire+1945&page=7
  14. South Korea/North Korea

    That's why I was betting on something sub-surface, but all their subs are really old so I don't think they'd be good to sneak up on to anybody... unless they'd be very sneaky, being diesel boats and all...
  15. South Korea/North Korea

    Could it have been a torpedo-mine? Or an encapsulated-torpedo mine? Or something like that?
  16. The Pain of Watching Legal DVDs

    I don't have Bluray yet - but isn't there an option to select the part where you want to see? If they took that away... Well, talk about serious step backwards compared to normal DVDs!!!
  17. Holy s**t....

    Have a great one and many more to come, always airborne!
  18. Happy Birthday Paulopanz

  19. American girls > Israeli girls

    xclusiv8, that girl looks cute nonetheless, even with all her "make-up" on...
  20. Show off your Desktop!

    Was thinking of changing mine as well, but I think it'll feel at home with all the other 'cats... Edit: And before anybody asks, the OS is WinXP, classic style... yeah, I'm oldschool...
  21. American girls > Israeli girls

    If it's a false account then I want my money back!!!
  22. American girls > Israeli girls

    No, Vanessa = HotNess!!! The one and only!!! She's this forum's :yes:
  23. Wait a minute... "suicide bomber" and "non-piloted" in the same description?! Why does that sound so wrong? According to that, the Reichenberg I to III were also "suicide bombers", "non-piloted"... Why don't they call them really expensive remote-controlled missiles and be done with it? Or do they really want to make it sound as if the terrorists were tasting their own poison - whilst that totally not being the case? Suicide bombers are cheap (the jihadists keep finding enough for their purpouses), whereas these missiles are expensive...
  24. Falcon, is that Berkut WOE-compatible? If yes, WHERE CAN I LAY MY FANGS ONTO IT AND DRAG IT HOME?! Wantz!!!
  25. American girls > Israeli girls

    Dogzero1, you SO better hope Vanessa doesn't see that... And yeah, the swedes get my vote, too! Though I'm pretty happy with my portuguese tall blonde...

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