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Everything posted by TX3RN0BILL

  1. Black Prophecy

    http://www.blackprophecy.com/ Friggin' awesome visuals, joystick control, free-to-play, lots of customization possible... dang, this sounds almost too good to be true!
  2. OT Is EVE Online any good...

    I'm waiting on Black Prophecy to come out, since Taikodom was seriously laggy... www.blackprophecy.com And I'm more fan of something to fly around with a joystick than with the mouse - as all the action is commands given previously, so not twitch-based at all, taking out any attempt at making a simulator-feel to it. I appreciate the fact that the smallest flyable craft is a fighter more than a frigate since it reminisces more to me the feeling I had when flying through space in Freespace - yeah, I missed out the X-Wing series unfortunately, but oh well... Taikodom is nice as well but laggy and the main community of it is brazilian, and the servers are somewhat laggy for a twitch-based game... was nice to try it out though... I opened a thread on the sci-fi simulator section on this forum, curiously there are no replies yet... Both are free to play, and Black Prophecy is still in open beta till end of the month... Hope the final version gets released soon!
  3. To the French

    Yeah, I've read about that. Guess things are starting to get bad already. I heard that spanish police officers in Venezuela responsible for the extraction of wanted criminals by spanish courts were confined to two barracks when they should've been on their way back to Spain on a military flight. Chavez said that things weren't going according to plan due to "technical issues"... Leaves me with no margin of doubt about the most corageous words proferred by a monarch in the very recent 21st century so far, an act protagonized by King Juan Carlos: "PORQUÉ NO TE CALLAS?!" Then again, what to expect from a guy that has admitted to chewing a coca leaf every morning...
  4. Well it hovers... The F-35 that is...

    No friggin way! The F/A-37 is way more sexier than the F-35... although of course Jessica Biel's looks beat all, hands down, no questions asked!
  5. J-10

    Actually, my question was rather one of armament practicality / combat strategy; if a fighter has expended the ammo, if it mainly consists of bvr fire-and-forget missiles, all that's left is the internal gun, and maybe two IR-guided short-range missiles. From what I've read in the past, for instance, the Mig-23's had orders to fire their long-range missiles and as soon as they had done that they were supposed to turn tails to rearm back at base and sortie again, if necessary. I guess it would depend on how many enemy planes would be left alive after the BVR's had their run, wether it would be sensible to get into the fight up close and personal just with your internal gun and a pair of IR short-range missiles, but I wasn't doubting the J-10's agility to hold its own in a dogfight...
  6. To the French

    Argentina is of no concern in this matter, Vengeur, it's Venezuela that's more worrisome...
  7. J-10

    If they're BVR fire-and-forget missiles he'll just have to fire the missiles... and then what, is the good question. Either turn tails to rearm or... hmm...
  8. To the French

    We're starting to deny them our side of the border, so we'll probably be the next after France and Spain to feel the pain... My condolences to those left behind...
  9. PSA

    One acronym sums this up... Back on topic, I thought this guy was dead and buried... guess all that remains is zombie T-virus intelligence...
  10. Finally

    Seems to be in the works...
  11. Over is Dunn.......

    Dang shame... RIP, Phelps, err, I mean Graves... a great actor, the likes of which they don't make anymore... Edit: This message will self-destruct in 5 seconds...
  12. Finally

    Are the C-5M's no good? Well, guess they could always order some russian An-124's, probably cheaper, since Russia is thinking of acquiring some more, and the change of times seems to be upon us, if Russia is planning on buying french ships...
  13. Finally

    But won't the cargo capacity of the Galaxy be missed?
  14. Flags of Our Fathers / Letter from Iwo Jima...

    I disagree, because there are (normally at least) 2 sides involved in a conflict, and it's the conflict which is hell, not the people who are fighting. If you're going to argue over that, I'd say it's a moot point because you can find rotten apples everywhere, and you don't need a war to make them come out of the closet. I refuse to believe in the fact that there are "good guys" versus "bad guys", as long as the conflict is being fought amongst humans. Those who call the shots are the ones responsible for starting wars, ask any grunt on the ground if he preferred to stay at a home deployment rather than dodging bullets and killing other people and I could bet that most of the time, he'd say he'd rather not fight a war. It is my profound belief that the grand majority of mankind is peaceful. But, as I said before, you can find bad apples everywhere, but never let some bad apples be representative of a majority, for any side in a conflict - at least amongst humans. (Edit: This applies to conventional wars only ofc - assymetrical wars involving terrorists are another matter entirely). Now, if you were talking about bugs, you kill anything that has more than two legs, you smash the entire area, and if you don't do your job, I'll shoot you myself, you get me?
  15. Flags of Our Fathers / Letter from Iwo Jima...

    I still have to see these but I do believe they're also very superior to SPR. Maybe it's just me but I prefer "A Bridge Too Far" alot over SPR. Another favourite movie of mine covering that time is "Tora Tora Tora!" which I like because of the "sticking-to-the-facts"-nature of the movie and good display of both sides of the conflict, something I felt that was seriously out of balance in SPR - even "Battle of Britain" wasn't overly unfair towards the german side. "Das Boot" also ranks as a favourite of mine, still gotta get that one on DVD though...
  16. "Emperor of Madeira" is out...

    Ahem... as a portuguese and taking into account the recent tragedy in Madeira - a metereological disaster which cost the lives of around 40 people and, personally, a 3rd degree cousin of mine lost her home and all that was in it - I really must admit I'm a bit at odds about the release of this book now... And although I don't live in Madeira (but have visited it many times because my uncles also live there - thankfully they're all ok) I know that in terms of portuguese politicians, Alberto João Jardim is one of the figures which I respect most because he has the balls to say what he wants, political correctness be damned - he already "pointed the finger" verbally to journalists and you know, he gets away with being reelected because he really cares for the land he rules. There ARE elections there, it's not a dictatorship. Even before the disaster, cuts from the national government made a slash in Madeira's budget which is heavily dependent on funds from the mainland and since he saw that he wasn't able to deliver on his promises with the reduced budget, he resigned, and new elections were held, with him campaigning on a reduced number of issues adequate to the funding that was going to be available. Guess what - he got reelected. Good politicians are hard to find these days, and one may not always concurr with him, but he doesn't promise more than he can deliver, and his brutal honesty towards everyone and everything is something worthy of praise in my view. I wouldn't mind reading something about a CIA plot in the Azores, since the U.S. already has a base there, and it's common knowledge that the Azoreans wouldn't mind becoming the 51st state of the U.S., taking into account the many azorean immigrants that live there...
  17. my run by -D-

    This is double-plus ungood... Darrin has definitely brought out the Eels... Someone call the Lazercats to the rescue!!!
  18. Now THAT'S what you call 'Spin Doctoring'

    Well, in the case of Francis Drake, he was as privateer, meaning, a state-sponsored pirate. Nowadays, there's state-sponsored terrorism - some call them terrorists, others call them rebels or freedom fighters, and then there are some that call them suicidal nutcakes...
  19. Killer Whale drowns Trainer

    Hmmm... *Tries to imagine fight between a mad Fishercat and a raging Pitbull*
  20. BBC News: Final Skynet satellite launched

    According to T3, after he's killed his wife is in charge of the human resistance and the war is still going on with no end in sight (taking into account that nothing matters which is affected by the travellings back in time of the successive terminators)...
  21. RAWR !

    What, no loopings? Booo... j/k Rather responsive I'd say, but I'm betting that thing ain't so agile fully-loaded...
  22. BBC News: Final Skynet satellite launched

    Well, at least we already know now what we'll be up against - and according to canon, John Connor will not lead the humans to victory, since the war isn't over after he's dead...
  23. 2010 Oscar Results.

    Sandra Bullock didn't pick up the Oscar and the Razzie for the same role either. The Oscar was for her role in "The Blind Side" whereas the Razzie was for her role in "All About Steve"...
  24. 2010 Oscar Results.

    Well, at least Ben Stiller presented the Oscar for Best Makeup in an Avatar outfit and fake interpretation, although Avatar wasn't even nominated for that category... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFcJNLDCXxI For me the best Oscar of the evening went to Christoph Waltz, he totally deserved it and was still in character in his speech... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGbxsvQ6grQ Also kudos for Sandra Bullock, nice of her to have picked up a Razzie and an Oscar in the same year!

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