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Everything posted by Fatman

  1. November 05, 2009 Is there a flying model for the following aircraft. SB2C and F4U-4 Thanks Fatman
  2. November 14, 2009 Wrench could make a skin for the following: Fritz Losigkeit Fw-190A-4. Thanks Fatman
  3. November 10, 2009 Thanks Wrench for the SecondaryEffect Fatman
  4. November 10, 2009 Too slow the sinking time down just add the the following to [GroundObjectdata]. [GroundObjectData] DamagedModel= DestroyedModel=Akagi-R3b.lod DestroyedEffect=LargeOilFire SecondEffect=AmmoDumpExplosion or ( VehicleFireEffect ) SecondChange=100 SinkTime=20.0 EmptyMass=37545454.45 Note the SecondEffect will give you a bigger explosion. Fatman
  5. November 04, 2009 Is there a time frame when Operation Downfall Invasion Of Japan will be completed. Thanks Fatman
  6. 09-30-09 When downloading a ( Zip-Application/ Zip ), can not open this file. How do you open this kind of file. Thanks Fatman
  7. August 22, 2009 Found this JPEG picture of Major Charles John Biddle of the 13th Aero Squadron ( US Signal Corps Aviation ). How do I convert this JPEG picture to Window"s picture so I can put it in the the PilotData and Pilot List. Thanks Fatman
  8. July 29, 2009 Maybe we could use this as the loading screen for WW 2: Invasion Of Japan OPERATION DOWNFALL INVASION OF JAPAN 1945 - 46 LOADING SCREEN 1 Fatman
  9. July 27, 2009 Below is the following of artillery ,vehicles, infantry and tanks that can be use in WW2: Invasion Of Japan. USA ARTILLERY 37mm-Antitank Gun Browning AAA INFANTRY US Army US Squad Early (USMC) TANKS Grant Tank Lee Tank M3 Halftrack M3GMC Halftrack Tank Destroyer M24 Chaffee Tank M36 Tank Destroyer M-16 AAA Halftrack Sherman4A3 Tank 75mm Sherman-E8 Tank 76mm Sherman-4A1 Sherman-4A2 VEHICLE M8 Armored Car Fuel Truck M38 Jeep JAPAN Type 95 Tank Type 96 AAA Type 97 Tank INFANTRY Japanese Army Please Note: All items in red can be downloaded from www.geos-aircaft.com   Fatman
  10. July 26, 2009 Below is the following of ships that can be use in WW 2: Invasion O f Japan. AIRCRAFT CARRIER USS Enterprise ( CV-6 ) USS Hornet ( CV-8 ) USS Essex ( CV-9 ) BATTLESHIP HMS Iron Duke DESTROYER USS Fletcher ( DD-445 ) LIGHT CRUISER USS Brooklyn (CL-40 ) CARGO SHIP USN Cargo Ship SUBMARINE USS Trutta GENERIC USS Bulwark ( Minesweeper AM-425 ) Destroyer Cruiser Tanker PT Boat Oiler Submarine Type 2 LANDING CRAFTS Cargo Barge Tank Barge Troop Barge JAPANESE SHIPS Japanese Battleship Japanese Cruiser Japanese Destroyer Fatman
  11. July 23, 2009 Below is the following aircraft which can be added to WW 2: Invasion Of Japan. USA A-26 Invader B-25 Mitchell B-26 Marauder F4F Wildcat F4U Corsair F6F Hellcat P-38 Lighting P-39 Aircobra P-40 Warhawk P-47N Thunderbolt P-51 Mustang P-61 Black Widow PB4Y-1 B-24D SBD Dauntless TBF Avenger RAF Avro Lancaster ( NO 83 Squadron RAF ) Hawker Hurricane Hawker Seafury Hawker Sea Hurricane Hawker Typhoon Fatman
  12. July 22, 2009 Found more information that might be helpful on WW2: Invasion Of Japan The following "special weapons" were established on southern Kyushu. Kamikazes -- 2,100 army planes and 2,700 navy planes. Yokosuka MXY-7 OKHA - suicide missile carried by a bomber. Mini-subs, each with 2 torpedoes, 500 were building. Fleet submarines -- arm the 57 remaining that had been dedicated to resupply of outposts. Kaiten - suicide torpedoes with a 20 mile range. Shinyo - suicide motorboats. The army had 1-man, 17 foot motorboats. The navy had 2-man, 22 foot boats. The largest surviving warships were destroyers that were prepared for suicidal attack on the invasion convoys. On the land, human mines in which soldiers had explosives strapped to their bodies and were to crawl under a tank. Other explosives were packed with a suction cup to be attached to the side of a tank. And shaped charges on a long pole were to be detonated on the side of a tank. Paratroopers were to attack Okinawa to disrupt flight operations during the invasion period. Fatman
  13. July 23, 2009 I hope this information is helpful for the WW2: Invasion of Japan OPERATION DOWNFALL United States was planning two invasions as follows: OLYMPIC on November 1, 1945 with 12 Divisions. The troop list was as follows Corps 25th Infantry Division, 33rd Infantry Division, 41st Infantry Division, 81st Infantry Division, and 98th Infantry Division. Amphibious Corps were 3rd Marine, Division, 4th Marine Division, and 5th Marine Division.. Preliminary OPNS were 40th Infantry Division, and 158th Infantry RCT Follow-Up Units were 11th Airborne Division, and 77th Infantry Division. The Navy was to have 42 Aircraft Carriers, 24 Battleships, 400 Destroyers, and Destroyer Escorts. CORONET on March 1, 1946 with 12 Divisions. The troop list was as follows Corps 7th Infantry Division, 27th Infantry Division, 96th Infantry Division, 6th Infantry Division, 32nd Infantry Division, and 38th Infantry Division. Amphibious Corps were 1st Marine Division, 2rd Marine Division, and 6th marine Division. Corps (Reserve Afloat) were 13th Armored Division, and 20th Armored Division. AFDAL Reserve was 97th Infantry Division Numbers of Japanese Aircraft available to defend their Homeland. By the northern summer of 1945, top American planners held the view that Japan had exhausted their Airforce, as US bomber and fighter aircraft were flying over Japan essentially unmolested. But, the Japanese were deliberately husbanding their aircraft, fuel and pilots, holding them in reserve against the day that their country would be invaded by US forces. Allied intelligence considered 2,500 Japanese aircraft were available, with perhaps an additional 300 available to be deployed in suicide attacks. In fact, how very wrong these estimates were, in August of 1945, the Japanese nation had 5, 651 Army and 7,074 Navy aircraft, IE 12,725 aircraft of all types available to defend the Homeland. In addition, a newer and more effective model of Okka, a rocket propelled bomb, like the German V-1, but flown by a suicide pilot, were being built and becoming available. Fatman
  14. Here is a F-22 breaking the Sound Barrier. A U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor aircraft participating in Northern Edge 2009 executes a supersonic flyby over the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) while the ship is underway in the Gulf of Alaska on June 22, 2009. The visual effect is created by moisture trapped between crests in a sound wave at or near the moment a jet goes supersonic. Credit: DoD/Petty Officer 1st Class Ronald Dejarnett, U.S. Navy Fatman
  15. 06-08-09 YES - you can shoot down the Yokosuka MXY-7 OKHA it is a rocket airplane that used a human pilot. Thanks Fatman YOKOSUKA MXY-7 OHKA KAMIKAZE ATTACK PLANE
  16. 06-08-09 On the Suicide Rocket Airplane ( Yokosuka MXY-7 OKHA ) started the idea back in October 2008 below in my letter. 10-25-08 Veltro2k: Would you please make a flying model of the Suicide Rocket Plane ( Yok0suka MXY-7 OKHA ). Make it so it would be attached to a Japanese Bomber ( G4M Betty ) and could be released near the target ( which would be a ship ). Would make a great mission to shoot down the Rocket Plane before it hit it's target. Ask Wolf257 to build the model, but he is too busy working over time and does not have any spare time to build models. He said the best solution would be, to find a current modeler who could build it for me. So I am asking you, please could you build the flying model As of date the model is done, but have to figure a way to lease it. Thanks Fatman
  17. 05-12-09 Have tried several times to download aircraft, cannot download. Is CombatACE having problems with its WebPage? Thanks Fatman
  18. 05-12-09 Thanks for the information, it looks like the downloads are working now. Thanks Fatman
  19. Beechcraft made a Twin Engine Heavy Fighter with a 75mm cannon mounted in the nose with 6 x.50 caliber Browning air cooled heavy machine guns in 1942. It was called Beechcraft XA-Grizzly/Destroyer (Model 28) Question: Has anybody been thinking about building a flying model, this would be good in a WW II game. Thanks Fatman
  20. OT Your top 3 aircraft of all time?

    04-23-09 My top aircraft of all times are as follows: 1. North American P-51 Mustang, needed this plane to help win the war, a hard choice between the A6M2 Zero. 2. Messerschmitt Bf-109, one of the best aircraft of its time, a hard choice between the Me-262 first turbojet. 3. F-86E-10 Sabre, needed this to stop the MiG-15 Fatman
  21. 04-18-09 I was right in the middle of downloading aircraft, effects, sound, and ground objects for the Korean War, when I receive this following message. We're sorry but your last request produced the following error: You have exceeded the maximum amount of downloads allotted to you by the administrator for the day. Question: How many downloads are you allow for one day. Thanks Fatman
  22. 04-19-09 I subscribe yesterday and became a Premier Member. Thank you for all your advise and help. Thanks Fatman
  23. 03-24-09 Found this mission about bombing Hitler's Train on CFS. Question: Is there anyway you can convert CFS (Combat Flight Simulator) WW II Mission about bombing Hitler's Train into WOE (Wings Over Europe) WW II Mission. Thanks Fatman
  24. 03-24-09 Question: Is there anyway you can convert any CFS WW II Mission in WOE WW II Mission? Thanks Fatman
  25. 03/21/09 This is the first time today I try to download anything. Every time I try to download an aircraft, ship, or mod I get the followin message. You have exceeded the maximum amount of downloads allotted to you by the administrator for the day. Thanks Fatman

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