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Posts posted by Aintry

  1. Sorry for the late reply gentleman ( work and all, yuk! ).

    I've been downloading some skins from this sight and something strange is happening. I don't see the config. files when I open it. Some file's I've downloaded even has a strange one with all jiberish lettering in capitol letters. Is the zip file ( using windows zip ) I'm using the correct one? I know of some websites you have to download a RAR program to download there files. Thankyou for taking the time Tristan and Capun, I apreciate your patience and understanding here. If I understand this right, theres an SP4 program? Where have I been ( duh? ). @ Tristan- it's perfectly ok for me to learn your way too. Any help here is so greatly apreciated truly. Thanks again. Sora :haha:


    I get the jibberish letters sometimes when I left-click on a file to download. I solve that by right-clicking and choosing the download command from the list, then things download just fine (at least for me).


    I don't know what to say about missing configuration files; there has to be at least a TextureSet.ini file in the package or the skin won't load. Might be a download thing, or a decompression thing; it's hard to tell from this end. Perhaps we need a talk-through to solve this problem.


    SP4 is the latest service pack for the SF-series games; WoE already has SP4 incorporated into it out-of-the-box. The place to check for the latest upgrades/patches is either here in the downloads section, or at:




    Make sure you download *all* the updates from Thirdwire, not just the SP4. And get the June 2006 build of Direct X 9.0 from Microsoft if you haven't already installed it or the April 2006 build.


    As for a decompression program, the one I recommend is a program called 7-zip. It's freeware, and you can probably download it from a number of different places. I downloaded my copy from:




    Sorry about giving you all of that jazz about manual configuration file editing. It's good that capun stepped up with his info. Modding should not be made more complicated than necessary. I know I already have enough to do with weps and flight model editing.


    Incidentally, I've been setting skin defaults by labeling my favorite skin [TextureSet001] and literally erasing the other [TextureSet] entries in the aircraft configuration file. The entries for the other skins will eventually reappear in the configuration file automatically, but with the favorite [TextureSet] at the top of the list. Wonderful. :good:

  2. Thanks for taking the time to advise me on this Tristan, here we go........

    I'm gonna use the A-4B aircraft.

    I see three files that looks like a note pad with a gear next to it.

    1st file: A-4B

    2nd file: A-4B_DATA

    3rd file: A-4B_LOADOUT

    I'm thinking it's the first file. Cause when I look inside it, there is a listing and came across the [TextureSet]

    So far so good,lol. :ok:


    Good. File no. 1 is the configuration file. You can forget about the other files.


    Now, the [TextureSet]s listed in the configuration file correspond to the aircraft skins that are already inside your airplane folder. [TextureSet]s also have sequential numbers associated with them: 001, 002, etc.


    Now, here's the clincher. Every skin folder that you download for your airplane will have a [TextureSet] "ini" file inside of it. So here's how you get your plane to recognize the new skin:


    1.) Put the new skin folder inside the aircraft folder, right alongside the other skin folders.


    2.) Copy the data from the new skin's [TextureSet] file and paste it into the plane's configuration file, making sure that you assign the correct sequential number to the new skin (if, for example, this is your third skin, it should be listed as [TextureSet003]).


    Believe it or not, that's it. This is literally a copy-and-paste text job. When you open the loadout screen before a mission, the new skin should be listed as an option.

  3. Adding pre made skins to current aircraft.


    OK, I'm going to be a little meanie and give you an assignment, heh-heh. I want you to open the folder of one of your installed aircraft and locate the configuration file for me.


    You'll know it's the configuration file when, after you've scrolled to the bottom of it, you see a list of [TextureSet]s. Hint: this is a text file with a gear attached to it, a/k/a an "ini" file.


    Post back when you're done.

  4. Greetings all,


    I have been reading the instructions on changing the paint job on an aircraft.

    But I'm afraid that topic just flew right over my head,lol. ( pardon the pun )

    Maybe I have missed a few topics on this but it seems that the one's I've read are a little too, you could say complicated ( I have a very simple mind, or computer illiterate ). Files like ini,exe,CAT look foriegn to me. Is there a topic on skinning that is really easy to understand? Please excuse my ignorance. I knew I should have paid attention in school way back when,lol. Thankyou.


    Are you talking about simply adding pre-made skins to your aircraft or are you talking about making skins from scratch yourself?

  5. That's simple! So if I dwnld some MiG pits, I can just make them flyable easily?


    No, if you download MiG pits, you won't need to use the A-4 pit to make the MiGs flyable. The A-4 option is for when you *don't* have custom pits to download.




    I think I should add something here, just to be on the safe side. These are the options for realizing flyable aircraft in SF-series games:


    1.) The "A-4 pit" option. For stock non-flyables.


    2.) The downloadable-custom-pit option. For stock non-flyables.


    3.) The whole-aircraft option. This applies to aircraft that aren't part of the stock lineup but which will appear in your game and fly after they are installed. Pits are part of the download package. The MiG-21F-13 is one such example of a "whole aircraft".


    Hope this helps.



  6. Okay people, I'm new to this here sim.

    Just picked it up last week actually.

    But I have to say that after flyin' around in these vintage jets I am hooked !!!

    So now that I am here for the duration , I have a couple of questions.

    The only version that I have is WoE.


    #1 How do I apply custom skins to my aircraft ?


    #2 Can I download other aircraft and if so how do I apply them?


    I would like to eventually get WoV but at the moment I can learn the basics on WoE.

    I think for sheer fun and flyability this sim is awesome!!

    P.S. I come from the Il-2/FB camp , so my modding experience is obviously limited. :wink:




    #1 There is a Configuration "ini" file inside the directory of each aircraft. To get a skin to show up on an aircraft, you need a skin folder with the skin set inside of it, and the name and configuration of the skin set, aka "TextureSet", in the Configuration ini file.


    Example: You download a skin set for a MiG-29 and load the skin folder inside your MiG-29 aircraft directory. Then, you look inside the MiG-29 skin folder for the TextureSet file. You copy the text data from the TextureSet file and paste it into the the aircraft's Configuration file (minding the TextureSet number sequence).


    The skin should then show up as an option in the airplane loadout screen when you start a mission.


    #2 Yes, you can download other aircraft, and it should be, for the most part, simply a drag-and-drop op to install the aircraft into WoE.

  7. Are there any files that just add a cockpit and make the Soviet aircraft that come with WoE flyable? I noticed the MiG 27 has an A-4 cockpit :P .


    You'll have to hunt around for flyable MiGs or cockpits that will make MiGs flyable. Check the downloads section here first, then go to the link index for a list of other download sites. Cockpits almost always come with a set of installation instructions.


    Just to let you know, once you patch your game, the A-4 cockpit for the MiG-27 will disappear and the MiG-27 will no longer be flyable in single-player mode.

  8. I'm sure I didn't totally dream this. But when I first installed WOE I could fly the Mig 29 (I think) in the Single missions, but since patching WOE it doesn't seem to be available anymore. Couldn't see any threads about this problem.


    Am I going mad, or is there a reason it's no longer in the list of available planes?






    Hi Rob:


    I think you might be mistaking the MiG-27 for the MiG-29. Yes, the unpatched WoE had the MiG-27 as flyable in single missions, but the first patch made it unflyable in single missions. You aren't going mad. I don't know why the change was made.



  9. I added mirage factory's F-5E V.1 in my Sf Pr 1 but I got some problems as below


    1. I can't see the plane's out views when I push the F5 key. I can see only the weapons and fueltanks the plane disapeared.


    2. There's no after burner sound and Gun sound. I can't hear these sounds when I fly with mirage's F-5


    I just installed as mirage's instruction. Just click his .exe file.


    Is there any additional process to complete installation? or Mirage's Lod files have some trouble with Radeon Card? My card is Radeon 800.


    Is there anybody to know the solution? Please let me know.


    This is just a guess here, but, Problem 1) sounds like the result of patching your game without backing up the F-5E files. In which case the solution, as Sky Captain says, is to reinstall the plane.


    As for Problem 2), I'm guessing that the afterburner and gun sounds are included with another F-5 package. If that's the case, you will have to download and decompress that package to get the files you want and install them. There is probably a readme posted somewhere to that effect.


    BTW, I'm using an Radeon X800XL, and I'm having no problem with Mirage's LOD files.

  10. Take a look and you be the judge:


    Real F-15 in flight:



    Stock WOE F-15A:



    Mirage Factory F-15A mod:



    LOMAC F-15C:



    All of them have their flaws, but my eyes prefer the stock WOE F-15 to any other combat flight sim I have ever flown.





    I've been looking at your photograph of an F-15 in flight and, I've gotta tell ya, it's not what I would call the best picture to use as the basis for a detail comparison. Not only is the picture blurry, but the shot angle and the lighting conditions differ from those of the 3d model shots and, in the case of lighting, the differences are very significant. I don't know how I'm supposed to determine the shape of an F-15 canopy when I can't see all the way around it.


    Don't you think a schematic drawing of an F-15 would have been a more effective starting point for a discussion of modeling details?



  11. Hi,


    in every mission i have problems with my graphic settings. In the first five minutes of flight everything seems normal. But then I get a black screen and one minute later my graphic settings are changed and I get an error report of my ATI Radeon 9800 SE graphic card. How can i solve that problem? I have the newest drivers for the card and the main board...

    Also I tried to install the Germany V.07 Terrain to WOV. The Terrain works, but I don´t have any airfields there. Starting on the runway is not possible because my plane explodes. In the air i have huge light blue triangles near the horizon.


    Does anybody have answers to my problem?




    Problem 1: Roll back to a 5-series ATI driver and see what happens. I get graphics anomalies in SFP1 if I use any 6-series driver.


    Problem 2: Since it appears the Deutschland terrain was designed for use in SF and not in WOV, you'll probably need a copy of the desert.cat file from SF if you want the Deutschland terrain to function correctly in WOV.


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