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Posts posted by Aintry

  1. In which case he's giving contradicting advice:

    "After upgrading with this Service Pack, the game will require the latest version of DirectX to run correctly. To download and install the latest DirectX, please visit Microsoft website at

    Web-based DirectX installer or Full DirectX installer download (52.3 MB)."

    Latest version is June.


    From TK on the Thirdwire forum:


    "And finally, please note that you might need to upgrade your DirectX version (again). If you get missing d3dx9_**.dll error, you need to click on one of the following Microsoft link to download the latest version (June 2006 version is the most current, but the game will require only the April 2006 version)..."


    I'm running DX9 April 2006 and haven't gotten the missing d3x9_**.dll error, so I assume that means DX9 April 2006, which is what I have installed, is OK.

  2. Well, if I may play devil's advocate here, one-stop shopping has a lot of potential appeal to casual simmers. A lot of people would probably like to play 'WOV' in its full glory without having to customize it first using dozens of separate -- albeit free -- downloads.


    A number of modders have, apparently, given the 'yap' guys permission to use their work.

  3. I totally understand how difficult it is to release a new build model from scratch, even augmenting an existing model can turn into a bastard when trying to complete it around work, schooling, love lives etc. But this is just discussion to see what has actually been created so we can search in the right direction (like finding out where to grab the Fiddler, sweet mod btw)

    There are many like me who, if not for time and skills etc, would actually make these models ourselves and release them but in the meantime, we do our best, despite being freeloaders ( :p) by helping however we can. Besides, it can't hurt to find out what people are looking for when it comes to addons. F-4s, F-14s, F-16, F-15s are good, don't get me wrong, but Russian aircraft don't quite have the exposure that the western types have had in flight sims. That being said, those russian models that have been released have been excellent! I was effing stoked to find a Romanian Mig 21 LanceR, had to call in a sicky just to test that mofo out! :D


    That's fine, SayWhat, but I hope people can believe me when I say that flame wars have started over these seemingly innocuous-sounding topics. I wouldn't have said anything in the first place had I not feared the ritual charbroiling of the unsuspecting.

  4. The 'Weapons Pack' uses a national classification system that differs somewhat from that of the stock game. This means that, in order for planes to "read" weapons from the 'Weapons Pack', the data and loadout files of the individual planes need to be modified.


    Bunyap's latest WP contains data and loadout files for a lot of the stock aircraft of the SF/WOV/WOE series. They are contained in an 'Objects' folder within the WP package. Copy these files into your game to get stock (and I mean stock, not modded) aircraft to read the weapons in the latest WP.


    If you are using *modded* aircraft, including modded F4s, you have two choices regarding data and loadout file updates:


    1.) Update the data and loadout files of the individual aircraft yourself, using the instructions that come with Bunyap's WP.


    2.) Get the updated data and loadout files from the guys who produced the modded aircraft. Bunyap has set up a centralized database so modders can provide users with updated information. One of the other guys here should be able to supply you with a link (I can't remember what it is, off hand).


    You can also edit weapons availability using the weapons editor included with Bunyap's WP, if you don't feel like pursuing any of the options above. I've never done this myself, so I can't offer any input on weps editing. Other people have done this; perhaps they could provide you with some editing shortcuts if you want to go that route.

  5. Come on modders, what're ya waitin' for?


    Guys -- if wishes were horses....


    It takes a looong time to model a *single* aircraft accurately. I wouldn't make a long list of suggestions without being prepared to do the lion's share of the modding work as well. Gathering information is the easy part; getting a team together to build your dream plane is another matter entirely.

  6. Hi again, Cpt. Scarlet.


    There's one thing I should have included in my original post, but didn't.


    I run Visual Targeting and HUD Display in 'Normal' mode. I like the icons and flight info, but I don't like the on-screen radar map, so I use a huddata.ini edit to get rid of it.


    If, unlike me, you plan to run everything in 'Hard' mode, then a huddata edit is 'not' necessary, as Crusader has pointed out. I'm sorry for any confusion my oversight may have caused.



  7. How do we get rid of all the icons and markers on the cockpit screen display or external view display ?? I can't get rid of the left lower corner data and the direction markers and the radar map when radar is on ... I like to fly with nothing else than cockpit panel ! I see on some screen shots that these icons are not there !


    At least some of the things you want can be done via the game GUI, in the 'Gameplay' section. Set Visual Targeting and HUD Display to 'Hard' and that should clear up a lot of the screen clutter.


    If that doesn't do everything you want, you might have to consider doing some custom file editing.

  8. I noticed a bit of a performance drop in SFP1, post SP4. But I discovered that the new 3d clouds had nothing to do with it; clear, inclement -- all else being equal, the clouds didn't change performance levels.


    I'm not surprised, though, that post-SP4 game refinements have, overall, slowed the SFP1 down some. Avionics, smarter AI -- there are a bunch of things that could be affecting post-SP4 game performance.

  9. downloaded some aircraft,and exstracted them. I put the folder in the wov/objects/aircraft file.I read I should be able to find them in the loadout menu. ITS NOT THERE. I looked in the wov/objects/aircraft folder and did find them.Could someone tell me what went wrong.Also where can I find complete aircraft. thanks


    Hi, Allen


    Thanks for hanging in there, and ditto what Fubar said. I'm assuming that what we're discussing here is a problem with an entire airplane, and not just a mod like a cockpit.


    It's possible that you now have a sub-folder in the Aircraft folder that the game can't read. The only sub-folders that should be in the Aircraft folder are things with aircraft designations -- 'F-4e', 'MiG-17'... things like that.


    Look for the sub-folder that you installed to the game's Aircraft folder; my guess is that it doesn't have the designation of the aircraft you are trying to run, but instead says something like 'Objects' or 'Aircraft'. Keep clicking on that folder until you get to the folder which has the designation of your plane on it -- 'F-8d', or whatever.


    Drag and drop *that* folder, the one with the plane designation, into the game's Aircraft folder, where all the other plane subfolders are. Your aircraft should now show up in the game.


    From now on, you need to make certain that any folders you put in the Aircraft folder have plane designations on them. If it doesn't say something like 'MiG-23', or 'F-14', the game won't be able to "see" the plane. It's the same deal when installing custom cockpits -- all of the pit information has to be installed to the folder of a specific airplane. Otherwise, the game won't 'see' the custom cockpit.


    As for sources of plane downloads, all I can really say is check the CombatAce download section, and then the community links section. Everybody has his own favorite download site, I think.

  10. Tristan, I added some data to the AllowedWeaponClass line in the data ini file. All weapons are now available. Previously all those lines for each station were empty. The line now looks like this:


    Still no sound, though.


    Hey, that's good news about the weps!


    I guess I should add one thing here, in case you don't know already. The way things are set up for the stock weps and for the Bunyap's Weapons Pack, loadouts are now time-dependent.


    So if you run into another situation where you only seem to have limited options regarding weaponry, constraints imposed by historical realism are probably the reason. I just don't want you to experience this sort of thing again and think that your game isn't running properly. Loadouts are being limited deliberately by the developers as part of gameplay.


    As for sound...


    Open the F-14 data.ini file again and scroll down to [sound]. Check out the EngineSoundName entry. If it is anything other than 'JetEngine', delete the entry and insert 'JetEngine' and see what happens (uppercase J, uppercase E, no quotes).


    If that doesn't work, we'll see if we can try something else.

  11. OK, I'm in the process of replacing AGRS with USN within the file....a txt file named NATIONS.TXT is included with the other F14 files. Here are its contents and do you have any idea what I'm supposed to do with it



























    This looks like a file you would use if you wanted to install your F-14 into a campaign. I don't think this has anything to do with weapons loadout. I'd leave this alone.


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