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Posts posted by Aintry

  1. I just got the game sunday and trying to fly or put planes in the game


    There are two different ways to put flyable planes in the game:


    1.) Download a complete package -- airframe, cockpit, and all -- and install it. This is what you'll be dealing with most of the time, complete packages.


    2.) Download a custom cockpit which will make a plane that is installed in WOV, but not flyable by you -- such as a Russian Mig -- flyable.


    In either of these two cases, it will just be a matter of dumping folders into your WOV directory. Every plane should be recognized immediately by WOV, and should fly without a hitch, unless the modder has seriously messed up somewhere.

  2. I'm having similar problems with the F-14. The plane itself and skins are fine, but the only weapons available are the sidewinder, and I get no engine sound at all. I can hear the pilot breathing and radar and lockon sounds.


    It sounds like there are some mods at cross-purposes here. Something deleted the engine sound file during an installation process, so you'll probably have to load that sound again into the Sounds folder to get the engine sounds back. Check the files that came with your F-14.


    As for weapons -- weapons are classified differently in the add-on Weapons Pack from the way they are in the stock game. This is causing loadout problems in a lot of third-party aircraft. You're going to have to do what's know as a "data.ini edit" for your F-14 in order to get a full loadout with the Weapons Pack.


    Inside your F-14 folder you'll see a file called 'F-14_data'. If you open that up and scroll down to the [Weapons] section, you'll see entries called 'AttachmentTypes'. These are hardpoints, and there will be a classification entered next to each one: WP, NATO... something along these lines. Sometimes you'll see multiple entries next to a single 'AttachmentType.'


    Whatever the case may be, some of the entries at these 'AttachmentTypes' make the F-14 "blind" to a lot of the weapons in the new Weapons Pack, so you're going to have to do some editing. If you open up Bunyap's Weapons Pack manual, you'll see a table entitled 'Nation Name and Attachment Type Table.' This tells you what entries need to be made next to the 'AttachmentTypes' to allow your plane to "read" the new Weapons Pack files.


    I see an entry for 'United States Navy' -- USN. Assuming that the loadout scheme for the F-14 is USN, that is the *only* entry you should have at the F-14's ATs. Anything *other* than USN, such as WP or NATO, will have to be deleted to get the F-14 to read the Weapons Pack USN weapons. Multiple entries are no longer supported when using the Weapons Pack.


    You might have to go through this process with every third-party plane in your stable, unfortunately

  3. Hi, Allen.


    It sounds like what you are trying to do is use the Weapons *Editor*, which is in the main WOV directory. You don't have to use the Weapons Editor to load the planes.


    The weapons themselves are installed in their own sub-folder within the Objects folder. In order to use the weapons, you'll have to load them through the loadout GUI of the plane you want to fly.


    Give me an example of a problem you're trying to solve.



  4. Most admirable pits I have ever seen for a MiG-21. I love this aircraft, because of its legendary history in the aviation history. And these 3D pits revive the aircraft in the game. Also look at the clouds, 3D clouds.


    So, where do I begin. I have the vanilla version now, I suppose I have to install some patch or add-on in order to get one of these pits working ?


    I can fly the MiG-21, it is in Single Mission. Wow! :clapping: But there is no pit. I think I have mis-installed the pits into the worng folders.


    There is no turbulance simulated apparently. Inside the cockpit, I feel everything is so 'still' too 'stable', doesn't give me a feeling that I am ... you know flying a jet.


    The vanilla version doesn't come with a mission editor? Do I need to patch it up to get one? Or there is a 3rd party add-on?


    You don't need to install a patch for pit upgrades, unless by "patch" you mean an official game patch. There should be read-mes that come with the pit files; the installation instructions are usually pretty simple.


    BTW, how did you manage to get inside the cockpit of your simulated jet? Is this a Tron thing going on here or something? :huh:


    If you want to find out where to download things like mission editors, you'll have to do a little homework. Start by perusing the community links section on this site.

  5. Thanks Fubar512. Would you be kind enough to point me to some urls so that I can have a glance of those add-ons. Hopefully, I will be offered some screenshots of the MiG-21 pits. And by the way again, do ground units move in WoV? I know for a fact that they don't in SFP1.


    I fly the MiG-21MF in 'Strike Fighters'. Unlike the stock pits for all of the other aircraft, Mago & Co.'s MiG-21MF pit has moveable stick and pedals. It also has functional RWR. You can download that pit right from this site.


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