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Posts posted by Aintry

  1. Gday,

    Great work with this step by step guide, its great. I followed all the steps, including changing the TGA's to BMP, but I cant get any WATER tiles to show. It all comes up as a grass/road texture. I have checked and the height data is good etc. Any suggestions??


    Many thanks


    Scott Merrick


    When I made motile water textures, water tiles, and tiles with a mix of water and land, had to be saved as .tga files for the water effects to show up in the game. Because of transparency issues, .bmp files were used only for terrain files with no water textures in them.

  2. Looks like I'm on my own for this one....


    The problem also happens to the "cloud layer bottom" textures (or whatever they're called) when you get close to the bottom of the cloud layer in overcast weather...


    Yikes. I've never had anything that looked that bad. For me there has always been just a flash of triangular stuff at the edge of the screen, then nothing after settling into forward view.


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