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Posts posted by Aintry

  1. The relevant files are *probably* posted somewhere. Just Google around a bit.


    Be forewarned, though--the last guy I read about who tried to do what you're contemplating spent the next three weeks trying to get his computer to work right again; it made for pretty grim forum reading.


    With that in mind, are you getting any error messages when you try go upgrade to DirectX 9c? Maybe somebody here could walk you through the problem non-destructively.


    Aside: Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.

  2. I'll give this a shot:


    1.) You can't change the distance at which plane models first appear to your eyes. You can, however, change the distance at which the little red and blue boxes appear. I believe the horizon-distance setting will affect the distance at which ground objects appear.


    2.) The only way to change the volume of individual sounds is with a sound editor.


    3.) Don't know. I know that it's possible to make on-screen elements disappear entirely with text edits.


    4.) The Su-27 'Flanker' and the latest 'Weapons Pack'.


    5.) Definitely up the AI to 'Hard" mode.


    That's about all I can think of at the moment.




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